We were expecting Diablo 4 and we got Diablo 2.5

i wonder if this person even plays d2r

the game has no endgame, none.

there are many faults with d4, but being like d2 isnt one of them.

It sounds like you finally realized after 20 years that you don’t like ARPGs. Better now than later when D5 also comes out and you forget that you dislike ARPGs.

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U know we are days after the release, and I guess as any wow fanatic, people rush to get to the end game, and then, they come here to complain “THERE IS NO CONTENT, GIVE US MORE CLASSES” and so on. What is wrong with people these days? Can’t you just take your time and get to discover everything this huge game has to offer? Not to mention, this is just the core of the game, the real content and what is to be added to the core game, starts with the seasons. And I guess u never read their posts, or watched any of their videos, in which they stated that each season comes with new content, new classes, new mechanics, new items, new builds, new stuff every single time. Plus the first expansion is already finished and ready to ship, they already work on the second one and so on. So, I think u just came here with no real topic, your title being a meme for some time now, if only you would come with something new :slight_smile: And yeah, I took the time to write this, cause why not. People are just unreasonable and impatient these days, and that is upsetting, cause my personal opinion, this is by far the best game they’ve released in years, and the numbers and reviews, says it all. So, be my guest and refund and let the people enjoy the game for what it is. :slight_smile: Be safe and take care.

that’s interesting, i barely played D2 and found it to be one of the most boring experiences in a game

however D3 had amazing combat and played that a ton

I’m finding all the D2 design decisions in D4 to be really unenjoyable

the combat is slower and, depending on class, constantly resource starved

the d4 loot is also needlessly complicated which was obviously done to dilute ‘good’ loot

everything in D4 feels like a slog, where D3 was fast and steady progress at all times

D4 feels like it was designed around metrics instead of fun when it comes to these grinds

Didn’t even know they made a Diablo 2.5… would have tried it, but Diablo 4 has been fun.

This game has the mechanics of diablo 3 and diablo 2.

The tree of whispers = bounties
Normal dungeons = rifts
Nightmare dungeons = greater rifts
World bosses = ubers
Helltide = terror zones

They just gave them other names

nah cuz ubers always have specific drops in ARPG. World bosses is worlds bosses from wow.

actually this is kinda true.

This game has way more d3 influence. Lmao. D2? No. Maybe a spot here and there.

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there are some extremly rare uniques also

Am I losing my mind but wasn’t d3 on release so the campaign 4 times at increasing difficulty?

The only thing D4 took from D2 was the level grind, which some people are upset about.
Be happy you dont finish the game in 2 days like D3.

And dont say helltides was inspired by terrorzones when it was first announced as a feature in D4 THEN implemented in D2R.

D3 was much harder on launch and item drops were absolutely horrendous/random stat was garbage.

I kind of agree with OP; played D4 from early start and played it on and off to level 30 (or something), but have not played it ever more. Seems to me that D3 is better, more fun. I am missing the thread (that is boring after doing it 500x in D3, but i am kind of lost on the story of D4, missing the point apparently. Knows it has something to do with Lilith who is planning something bad (so it seems), but have no clue what i am doing (except waiting for a horse somewhere over the rainbow)

Can’t see the resemblance beyond just being more powerful.

I actually figured that someone would bring this when making my thread about similarities (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/diablo4-diablo25), however I think it’s not fair saying that’s a point in common with D2:

  • Helltide is about collecting a coin to open chests. It’s played through searching for events and open those corpse-like chests. Terror zones are mostly an elite hunt.
  • Terror zones are a 2021 D2R feature and not a D2/D2LoD feature, so something added in D3 times. I mean, it’s like if they added GRifts to D2R today and say that Tree of Whispers is a D2 feature.

The only thing they have in common is the raised monster level, that it’s a specific closer to D3 than D2.

I think that the 3 things you mentioned about D3 are very similar between D3 and D4 (nearly a carbon copy), while the 2 ones between D2 and D4 have a very vague resemblance.

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