We were expecting Diablo 4 and we got Diablo 2.5

All Arpgs have repetitions in them some more some less due to limited budget given to these games.
If you take WoW, which has a much higher budget for example, it also has repetition build in (M+ and raids).
You say Diablo 2.5? I don’t see anything from D2… maybe +Skills and some names from D2 Uniques thats it rofl. Almost all systems are from D3 with some elements from other games.

So you quit D2, you quit D3, you quit POE because of repetition, but then you call todays D3 a gem, with seasons that last a week and tons of repetition. 200 iq game design I guess.
I bet you couldn’t design an endgame you deem worthy, rofl. No repetition involved? Good luck man.


D3 doesn’t have a skill tree at all.

Currently legendary items don’t have the high impact feeling of legendaries in D3, functionally they are more powerful rares.

Paragon boards share a name but are not meaningfully similar to D3’s paragon(which was admittedly inferior in that D3 paragon is pretty much just an unlimited leveling stat bonus system).

Glyphs are not really D3 legendary gems. They only similarity is that they level up by completing a dungeon, although there’s no RNG component here.

The gearing and itemization isn’t really D3-like. Design philosophy here is very different, lots of stats that were trash in D3 are good in D4. Area damage doesn’t even exist anymore.

yeah sure now try late game w/o any aspects. You literally can’t do sh*t w/o them same as it was in D3. Borrowed powers are still borrowed powers. Just not 100000%.

they changed it a bit. Same system still.

it is completly D3 like. Just numbers are a bit lower. if you call something differently, it will not change

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Diablo 3 is not a gem. It’s terrible even now. Diablo II is one of the greatest to ever do it. This is a sequel to Diablo II and is uniformly lauded as great as evidenced by the amount of people playing it, and it’s sales data, and it’s review scores.

You’re not “repeating” the game, you’re min-maxing to grow strength to flex highest tier dungeon completions and show who’s the strongest in the fields of Hatred.

The Echo of Lilith is the real boss of the game, the game content is blowing up mobs.

  • D4 events, cursed chests = D3 events and cursed chests. Same “kill X waves”, same “escort X guy”, etc.
  • D4 Tree of whispers = D3 bounties.
  • D4 Keystone dungeons = D3 GRifts.
  • D4 Glyphs = D3 Legendary gems.
  • D4 Jeweler NPC for upgrading gems = D3 Jeweler NPC for upgrading gems.
  • D4 Occultist NPC for rerolling 1 item affix = D3 Mystic NPC for rerolling 1 item affix.
  • D4 Legendary powers = D3 legendary powers.
  • The compilation of those: D4 Codex of power = D3 Kanai’s cube.
  • All uniques streamlined to standard 4 rolls + legendary power + [implicit roll] (slot depending) as an evolution of D3’s Loot2.0’s “4/2”. Oh, yeah, all but Razorplate.
  • Item numbers scaling with level like D3.
  • Latter item tiers always making previous item tiers obsolete like D3. No chance of some low level items being useful, they’ll always be replaced.
  • “+ to X defensive skill on helm” “+ to Y spender skill on gloves”, “+ to Z utility skill on pants”, …
  • D4 item caches = D3 item caches.
  • D4 mob level scaling = D3 mob level scaling.
  • D4 cooldowns = D3 cooldowns.
  • D4 generators + spenders = D3 generators + spenders.
  • D4 town portal without item and castbar = D3 town portal without item and castbar.
  • D4 items dropping already identified = D3 items dropping already identified.
  • D4 6-skill bar = D3 6-skill bar.
  • D4 Boring optional secondary quests with standard “gold+items” rewards = D3 Boring optional secondary quests with standard “gold+items” rewards.
  • D4 inventory with same-sized items = D3 inventory with same-sized items.
  • D4 item icon (shape, colored background) = D3 item icon (shape, colored background).

And those are the only ones they’ve come to my mind straight up. If putting time, the list could grow way more.

Denying that D4 was built over D3 and pretending it’s D2.5 is a very disrespectful act aimed at spread confusion and misinformation. Only has visuals and a skill tree.


Perhaps because D2 is the reason why they keep making Diablo games 20 years later.


Clearly this is your first Diablo game. If you did indeed play the previous ones, you knew what it was, and you still bought it.

Hate to break it too you but D3 died almost a decade ago. No one plays it. Blizzard knows this. They lost all their players too PoE. D2R has more players today then D3.

Look if you like D3 then cool but you are objectively wrong about saying it’s a gem. D3’s launch was successful but it died very fast and lost almost all their players in the following years to better games.(PoE) Diablo games should have longevity and D3 failed massively there.

Which would be a great thing because we never got a sequel too D2. PoE was the true sequel and why PoE dominates the ARPG market. Blizzard needs to compete with PoE2 and the only way to do that is create a game similar and has qualities of D2/PoE.

No one wants D3. That’s why no one plays that game. I bought D3 like millions of players but don’t even have it installed and haven’t played in almost a decade. I played D2R though waiting for D4. Other people played PoE waiting for D4.

If we are going to move forward and keep the player base D4 NEEDS to be like D2/PoE otherwise D4 is just a waiting room for PoE2.

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It’s not just a numbers thing, legendaries in Diablo 3 frequently changed how skills worked.

Uniques in D4 are more similar to D3 legendaries. Legendaries in D4 are mostly just variants on stack sticks. The current design attitude of only 1 item should have large gameplay impact makes the experience feel less varied.

Itemization in D3 largely encouraged heavy stacking of a few stats for every build. D4 has damage set up so that, well it’s actually a bit of a chore to explain. It’s got a bucket sytem, pretty different from the D3 stacking crit, attack speed, area damage. And damage mitigation is basically totally different. Short version is that D4 wants you to spread stats around generally.

D4 did some new things, moved in the direction of D2 in some ways, WoW in others, kept some things, and just lost some QoL stuff in other ways. If it were simply an upgraded (current)D3 game, most of the people who enjoyed (current) D3 would be quite happy with it.

Codex of power is a variation on Diablo Immortal’s handling of legendary affixes. This is actually a nice QoL feature imo and nothing wrong with it.

Kanai’s cube has a variety of features, but the closest thing is that it gives 3 extra legendary affixes at maximum value. That’s not really all that similar, it’s more akin to having extra item slots. The other stuff is for gambling legendaries and changing materials.

Taking what is basically a totally new system to you and saying “This is just like D3” is a dumb take.

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Naw, the devs of Diablo 2 knew what they were doing and you’re a “Nephalem” you’re suppose to be OP but as the lore goes, you get weaker over time and thats what we call Diablo 4 now. Don’t disrespect Diablo 2 like that, you probably didn’t play back then when it actually had an ecosystem for trading, people plvling each other, pvping was fun, getting the min/max items and farming was a normal day to day. You had every type of item and upgrades and can make any build you want, not some cookie cutter 1-2 viable builds for casuals.

D2 heavily influenced WoW which then influenced D3, look at having 4 skills and 2 clickers and all this cooldowns on an arpg game. Take D3, make it open world which was the direction they wanted from the beginning, copy monster and items names and paste them into D4 so you can say “back to roots” but nothing about D4 show any D2 mechanics. Where are the set items, the rune words, the craftable legendaries? (don’t give me these imprinted aspect/codex). Why does this game have cooldowns?

You fail to understand how all arpg works, end-game is have always been rinse and repeat to get the better items. D4 has an system where you’re doing the same damn thing like a chore because it forces you to do everything just to do upgrades on your gear. Sure they brought back uniques but they’ve been trash.

The end goal for them is for you to play the game longer so you can use their cash shops more. If you’re not buying from their shop they will continue to nerf every build you create. Why have skills in the game when they’re useless and will have one viable build that will be 10x better?

Nothing can compare to Diablo 2 and you’ll never get a modernized Diablo 2 because the team/devs are not there anymore, they’re out there making better games. Old Blizzard North is no more boys and girls.

D1 - single player fun back then
D2 - super fun back then
D3 - game release was trash, killing diablo in inferno took like 30+ minutes to beat? and you only had yellow gear… till they nerfed the game, game didn’t get “better” till probably Season 24+, yes I played S28 and got to GR150 so I know how a grind is like.
D4 - beat the campaign in a few days, thought it had potential, got to lvl 77, end game became trash, maybe it needs a few Seasons, maybe it needs 2 expansions and more of your money so you can feel complete. Game is already complete boys and girls, the lineup is to cut it up into several expansions to keep you playing and buying from the cash shop.

At the end of the day. Are you having fun?

Game is called D3.5 Sever Slam 2 Early Access Beta.

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This, it shares the art style of 2 but thats really about it. The game is far more like 3 than anything. Which is kind of funny because people like to hate on 3 and say how this is much better, when they are roughly the same playstyle.


I think they listened too much to the D2 crowd personally.

It has Visuals, it has Skill Tree, it has +to skill rank gear, and it has a much better attribute system than either D2 or D3.

The issue with D3 was RNG, Sets, and the trees. This game has much better build diversity because of the trees, because of the removal of sets. The Aspects from dungeons and the increased drop rate from gambling as well as the caches from helltides, decrease the RNG, and allow you to target the items you need removing the need for Trade Economy without breaking the game.

You still need to farm to min/max; but you have a ton of control over the build you use.

D4 addresses all of the major problems from D3; which makes it a worthy sequel.

Itemization in D3 was a problem because it was pump mainstat; with infinite paragon. D4’s itemization is not a problem, because all stats are useful, and breakpoints are back, as well allowing you to move the legendary affixes to the gear that rolled right…

You’re actually allowed to play your way, instead of playing the way a set mandates you play.

Meta’s always exist, but there are so many more variables in this game, that the meta will evolve and change and stay interesting because there are no OP sets that require all of your gear slots.

This game very much takes the best aspects from DII and DIII and mixes them together. I think you’re doing a disservice by finding all of the similarity with DIII, because DIII had good in it. A good thing from a bad game is still a good thing.

I’ve just stated facts. If it’s against your interests is up to you.

You don’t like ARPGs, and that’s okay.

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Why is anyone surprised at this point? We hoped for exceptional and received mediocre, that is the crux of all feedback. D4 is not a bad game, but neither does it stand out in any way.

I’m confused, what were seasons and Greater Rifts to you exactly?
Because they seem to be the living embodiment of what you don’t want to do.

Considering that Diablo 2 was the pinnacle of gaming, that is not a bad thing

amen. i’d also add “F* yeah” but apparently this is a family-friendly forum. I don’t want to ruin the day of any of my fellow brothers and sisters in christ.