We tried to warn you Blizzard. Fix the game or we quit. You didnt listen

WHere is the eye roll gif? We really need that for these threatening posts by people that have already paid for the game and now aren’t going to eat up the bandwidth because rage-quit.


I uninstalled. I dont even want it on my PC at this point. Its a pos game that we were swindled into buying with our love of an IP.

Never again with Blizzard. I am done with them.

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Next season when people are all asking “what happened to Toramas” we will tell them your tale and how it ended. RIP.


lol thats a bit much. It’s fine if you don’t like it, but i mean really?

I’m not going to call it my favorite game ever, but I don’t in any way feel “swindled.” If you really were, you’d have figured out within the refund window.

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It sure won’t, a lot of my friends and guild/clan mates that quit will never play another Blizzard game again and have moved on to other games.

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It sold millions words words words.

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They listening, and keep working on the requests made by the community,

You will buy d5 like you bought d4, don’t worry about it :slight_smile:


They also want one or two battle passes per year from us. A new skin or two, or a mount. Blizz is aware that their shop is one of the biggest scams they got going. It adds up to a lot more revenue than initial sales.

I quit world of warcraft after 18 years and thought D4 would take its place, boy was i wrong. D4 is a dumpster fire just like blizzard turned wow into. I played dragonflight long enough to get my toon to max leveland quit forever. I played d4 and leveled every class to max and completed all the season challenges only to have un rewarding drops and garbage game play once you reach level 100 theres absolutely nothing to do because you cant get and upgrade once you hit level 60 and blizzard just wants you to buy cosmetics? What is this a garbage mobile cash game? I can finally say i am completely done throwing a2ay my money to blizzard. I got Baldur’s gate 3 and im loving it so much F blizzard and i hope they go down like Bud light.


I agree with Most games started on PC and that Nintendo and eventually Sega rolled out console gaming. Your reaponse is spot on. The problem with the newer generation gamers is that they dont know anything about holding companies accountable. So many of them White-Knight defending the companies who make the same mistakes as they did 20 years or more ago with other installments. They call us “Toxic” because we remember the other installments and the errors experienced with them. Everyone sat back and watched as the gaming industry turned to transaction gaming. Season Passes, skins and special edition content carry the bottom line more than the game itself. Most of the skins and mount armors are variations of in game content already installed. Item Sets are still there, they are just called Uniques now for a “Specific Build.” Combat in game as far as skills and weaponry being OP is there way of highlighting what classes they have available at this point in time. All of these errors were included in D2, LoD, D3 and now D4. No one thought it weird that you get pets and skins for D3 when Pre-ordered D4? Blizzard told everyone up front same BS as usual, just freshened up the makeup and honed in on the marketing. Gaming isnt what it once was, and im pretty sure its not going back to where it should be. But thank you for explaining what has been going on in some of our thoughts as to the dumpsterfire that console has turned into.


What specifically about D4 do you not like that makes you call it a “dumpster fire”.

I’m not taking sides, just curious. I’ve asked this same question to lots of people decrying the value and quality of the game and can’t really seem to get a straight answer beyond “I don’t like it”.

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We are truly sorry that you got stuck on WT1 and couldn’t make it past that. I hope you do better once you buy D5.


Could have been great but isn’t. Every game is compared to D2. None are close. Titan quest is favorable in that regard. D4 needs an offline mode, the ability to add speed and damage, potions to heal body and spirit and better skill sets. All they need to do is go back to t D2 and update.


What did you hope to accomplish with this post? Were you just so sad that you needed to let everyone on the internet know just how sad you are lol

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Shut up, they cant listen to everyone. So your whining is pointless.

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Ya, sure they wont. It is clear you dont have any

What is the refund window?

I’m enjoying D4. If you don’t like the game you don’t have to play it. Complaining like this doesn’t make things better, it just gives yourself a little dopamine hit that you got to say your piece.

Why not offer some points to help? Why not gi e constructive criticism instead of just complaints?

Blizzard: The game is not perfect. That’s ok. We, the silent majority in the game, see what you are doing. Thank you for your hard work and listening to the community so quickly.

A thankful fan


People like to name drop d3 and d2 but forget what both games were during the first 3 months.

People hail d2 to death but was a mere shell 3 months in lol. Hell would even argue didn’t even great for awhile after lod came out. So 5ish years? People like to claim so much more to do in d2 yet none of that was pre lod. Lol

D3 was fun after they fixed the servers. First month was hit or miss of being able to play. Then you had the crybabies have it nerfed because it was too hard.

Yea neither games were even a fraction of what d4 is at 3 months. Anyone says otherwise didnt play early d2 or d3.


D2 was crap on launch . Too many of you too young to remember or couldnt afford a computer

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