You did so many wrong things with this game (and few things right), we gave you time to listen to us and fix it, you were to full of yourselves, and ignored us. Now enjoy your crappy game.
D4 didn’t sell millions because you delivered a great game, it sold millions because its DIABLO, I’m sure D5 won’t do as well after this disaster.
Good luck to Microsoft in fixing this. 
People said the same about D4 when D3 was going through the same thing. We’d like to think history won’t repeat itself, but it will.
So true, every feature I wanted I found on this forum in a few minutes mentioned more then likely by beta players dating back to April.
They weren’t reading the forums.
The GenX’rs, and a few of us Boomers that are left around here will be sailing off to the land of the undying soon enough. The Millennials will all be settled down raising their children and soon enough grandchildren once we’re all gone I dont think the Gen Z or Alpha give two shizzts about Blizzard.
Because they knew people would buy it anyways, its Diablo. I hope they get their sh%t straight in the next 10 years before D5 comes out. But doubtful.
Oh, it’s the royal “we” now, is it? It is.
Where have I heard this before…
Well to be fair, they probably just wanted your cash up front, they don’t want your server load.
Thank you have a nice day.
Diablo 4 is a live service cosmetic shop that you can also play a game in. So much marketing and social media advertising along with trashy music by “artists”.
Cant wait for Diablo 5, the first Diablo I’ll never even consider purchasing.
it’s like the game was just a vehicle for a cosmetics shop, instead of just being a fun game
and look where it got em… no one plays it anymore
maybe the 10 or 20 players who still play D4 will keep them afloat by buying cosmetics though
I remember when people hated Diablo 3 and said Diablo 4 wouldn’t do so well after that disaster…
heh heh heh this guy is clearly not a student of history… ah well perhaps one day wisdom will arrive.
People still hate D3, so far D4 is better. Hopefully they dont turn D4 into that arcade game.
Diablo 4 sucks, but are we really surprised from this bad company Blizzard anymore?
My favorite was Megan Fox dressed like a trashy old-timey saloon harlot.
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I may be in the minority, but IMO D3 Eternal is unequivocally superior in every way (not including art & KFC collectibles).
hmmm something tells me 2 bad games in a row would break tradition and lost fan boys customer base. D3 was eventually good, but who has time to wait 10 years lol.
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R u a Blizzard collaborator?
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Problem is this is yet another Dumb down to console games, something i as a developer refuse to developer for, i only develope for PC OS now like the old days, prefer not to cater to the XBOX & PlayStation controller type and the poor gameplay they have come to expect from games, the only time Console are any good is when they get a good PC port that’s it, they have always created bad games since the launch of the first playstation, only the earlier Sega & Nintendo console machines of the day were half decent consoles for the money and quality back then, now days consoles are just as expensive as PC’s and do way less, the controllers that are produced for them in many cases are not PC friendly and they dumb down controls and menu systems because of it, the console generation that buy millions of games every week to return to the 5 dollar bin need catering to in this fast turnaround quick cash grab on famous old titles that were made by proper developers back in the day that actually wanted your business and to produce a good game better than the others on the market. It wants the top reviews in all the good magazines back then before the internet, to get the word out to us gamers of the day hanging out at the old VHS video shops and Arcade Time Zones full of Coin Op machine side scrollers and co op multiplay fighters that some annoying kid used to pop its coin into while you were playing and challenge you if it had that option for pvp.
Just seems like they have so much money from different sources not to really care about the game or where it started, which wasn’t console, it was originally PC game, didn’t port to console till many years later.