We need to be able to target farm uniques

I’m playing a Pulverizer build because I’ve gotten 100 of the unique bear helmet, but what I really want to play is Storm Wolf.

Unfortunately Druid builds are hard locked behind very specific uniques and I need a Tempest Roar helmet for it. I’m level 80 now and haven’t seen a single one; so exactly how long am I supposed to play a placeholder build hoping the one item my build depends on drops? If I’m 100 by the time I see one what’s the point? There isn’t even anything to do at 100.


I know man, I want Gohr’s but they won’t drop for me.

20 characters

Blizzard did mention a few times in the past that certain types of mobs were more likely (even if just slightly) to drop certain kinds of items.

They never elaborated more specifically as far as I know and I haven’t seen anyone figure out if there’s a meaningful way to take advantage of that currently, assuming it’s actually implemented at all.

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same here, been looking for a ring of mendeln for my necro. Got every single unique drop for the class. EXCEPT the ring of mendeln lol.

Aspects ?, yes
Legendaries ?, maybe/probably

Uniques ?, definitely NOT

They should drop from NM dungeons of high tier, that’s a fair trade tbh

The problem with Uniques currently in game is that they’re lacklustre, don’t feel like “changing” much

Here are some examples that I think if people knew would really put in the hours to attempt to get a one (or a few)

Copy-pasted from another thread, enjoy: :slight_smile:

** Your Resource pool is doubled, but for each 10% missing Resource you bleed for 2% HP/sec
** You can now suffer only one type of CC and Overtime damage at a time
** Killing an elite drops a power globe (picking it grants Fortify/Barrier and increases levels of all your skills by 5 for 5 sec)
** Gain +3 bonus on each primary stat node on Paragon board for Str/Dex/Int/WP
** Evade now becomes a fly with 200% movement speed for 3.5 seconds but has 20 sec CD. While airbourne can cast any skill with no mana cost that is not an Ult
** You can now stack offensive aspects on gear (with 25% stack penalty)
** You can now stack defensive aspects on gear (with 25% stack penalty)
** Ult is now a toggle and has no CD, but damage is reduced by 75% and having it up drains your HP/Resource by 15%/sec
** Gain every passive on passive mastery tier
** [Necro-only] Your Summoned golem is now an Opressor, moving and attacking 20% faster, and with every 7th attack of a Core skill also spews fire in a cone in front of it dealing 75% damage over 3 sec

Those are the kind of “unique” things people would like to get from a WT4 World Boss or NM dungeon… “target farm” should really be a step in between-ish thing tbh to make the hunt for this “final tier” type gear rather

Source for what I said above:

Diablo IV Quarterly Update—December 2021 — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

Hunting for Items

Sanctuary is a vast world, filled with forlorn trails through werewolf-infested forests, withered heaths crawling with cannibals, and fog-choked graveyards crawling with the restless dead. There are plenty of enemies and monsters for the hero to encounter. Each of these monsters seem to enjoy collecting certain types of items and will be somewhat more likely to drop those items than others. While bandits are fond of Maces, Crossbows, and Boots, if you’re hunting for a new pair of Pants, you’d do well to kill some of the Drowned instead.

It seems likely there’s already a type of enemy that’s more likely to drop helms that would increase your chances of finding unique helms.

Not sure they took it far enough to make it even more thematic where say wolf type enemies are slightly more likely to drop wolf themed druid uniques. It’d be nice if this kind of information wasn’t hidden.

The problem is that for some classes unique items are absolutely critical for endgame builds. I’m pretty sure Blizzard realizes this to because I’ve been getting Uniques pretty consistently. I’ve already gotten 5 of the bear helmets.

Build defining gear shouldn’t be inaccessible for 99.99% of the game. The whole point of having a build is to be able to play it, not to be basically done with the game by the time you can use it.

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That’s by design and for this reason i think it makes much more sense to trade uniques than anything else.

I don’t think I’d mind it so much if the items weren’t locked to the level you found it at, regardless of actual ilvl/ipower. Level requirements to restrict power makes sense, but there’s no reason the exact same item w/ identical mod ranges should have a level req of 60 vs 90 just because one instance of it was found at 90. Being effectively unable to mule items to an alt off your main almost invalidates the point of account-bound (rather than char-bound) existing. Like okay cool, I found a neat pair of barb weaps, but can’t use em until I get my barb up to the point its already in a non-existent endgame? Might as well have not found them at all.

That’s interesting; it would be pretty cool if I could just farm a specific dungeon full of a specific type of enemies to help my chances.

It’s a shame there’s no actual information on where to go for helmets.

I think if you decon a unique you should get a unique crafting mat, and be able to turn x amount of these mats into a specific unique. Maybe like 10 of them.

My druid is in the boat as the OP’s. I have like 8 of the werebear chests, 5 of the werebear helms… no werewolf uniques.


no you just watched that poe streamers video on munsters

I’d be all for that. I’ve definitely got more than enough garbage uniques.

I’ll also assume that you’re referring to the Necro with that statement, can’t you play Bone rather than Army at times of struggle until such item drops later ?

Also, chances are they should probably buff some of the unused/less-used skills as well, hopefully the next patch solves some of that :thinking:

No it’s not. I play Druid and for the build I like to play I need 2-3 unqiues as for mostly every other build you can play as a Druid. Having a terrible early game and then a rely terrible mid and early end game while praying the first 2 uniques that drop are for your build is everything BUT fair game.
Uniques seem like they don’t change much but then again play a Druid and come back after 80 levels and you’ll be cured from your missconception. A lot of Uniques are rather lackluster but there are enough worthwhile unqiues out there that are not totaly op powercreep trash tier items like the quoted ones.

Who are those people? How man of them are there? What are their names? Can I talk to all these people as well?

Your position is of high expectation, better don’t have that until reach some decent WT3 level, i.e. within reach of things… That is also fair

I get it, if you “know” what you want and don’t get is a frustrating experience, but better use things that already dropped in meantime as a “stepping stone” to late game

For ex., I play a Druid fair amount as well, got 2 nice drops already (attack speed on generator and Grizzly Rage being Wolf spell), but deliberately struggling temporary and not using in meantime in order to use the extracted Affixes later when real struggle kicks in, meantime using the smaller/aspect bonuses :thinking:

Lol, then go back to D2 and stick to endless Meph/Baal runs.

Definitely not the case for druids.

You have your perma form uniques and your earth/storm spells become bear/wolf spell (respectively) uniques which can change the game drastically.

Due to these two helms existing (tempest and Val), playing wolf or bear without them can feel like you’re at half power because you’re missing all the +storm passives and access to easy vulnerability or missing all the +wolf passives and +wolf dmg/poison interaction on storms.

Also there’s still the huge problem of our unique loot pool being tainted with barbarian drops. I’m sick of all these 2h barbarian hammers.

I’m a lvl 97 Druid. Started off as Pulverize, then respecced to a “Flicker” Shred build at 71-71 or something. Been wanting to try “wolfnado” but yet to see a Tempest Roar, while having 14 Werebear helmets. Am i mad? Yes and no.

I like that you cannot go into the game expecting everything handed to you like diablo 3.
Rare uniques is GOOD for the game, something to hope for but not expecting.

But locking builds behind them… im not sure how i feel about that. You can say you can play Tornado build without it, sure. But as Druid players would know its really weak without it.

If we take Harlequin Crest or The Grandfather, awesome uniques. But the main difference here is theese are not enabling anything. They enhance you build.

Being able to target farm uniques would be awesome, i am a big fan of divination Cards in PoE. As it lets you set a manageable goal, however long it takes. It could be something like “Fractured Peaks dungeons” has a chance to drop shards of theese uniques. And Scosglen dungeons drop another set of unique shards etc.

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