We need nerfs, not buffs

Boss barely did anything. Compared to druid in corner it looks more like intended gameplay. I don’t want 16 torment difficulties again because of people asking for buffs.


You’re not really wrong, but good luck trying to get people to accept losing lots of power.


Why would I want to be weaker?

Maybe not everyone likes Dark Souls.

Some of us prefer power fantasy to power struggle session.


The feeling of a reward is much higher when you got to work for it, when it becomes mindless easy victory just means nothing anymore imo. That said, I do think a few classes are overtuned and the health of the game would be better if they were toned down a bit to be closer to rogue types of level.


I just tried Sorcerer. Everything dies almost 1 hit. This is too strong and necro is even better from what I saw.


Meanwhile I have to drop a world tier to clear Molvar or whatever on Barbarinan because it had weak damage and poor survivability.


Buff Druid and Barbarian.
Keep the others unchanged.


No, do the opposite. Game is too easy.


Yeah, nerfs are much more needed right now than buffs. Druid seems pretty fine, maybe a small buff in the first ~5 lvls until you get a few skills.



Meleers needs help with survival and a damage increase as the experience isnt good compared to casters.


Survival felt weak at very low lvl, but at lvl 20 my druid (Bear/wolf), with quite bad gear, has very high survivability tbh.

You can do three things in this situation:

Buff everything to be as good as Necro/Sorcerer

Nerf everything to feel like Barb/Druid

Or balance it in between and bring some down while buffing others upwards towards an intended target based on intended time to kill for Adventure or Veteran difficulties.


you guys know the open beta has very little insight to end game balance. Obviously gear and next tier skills will make a huge difference how fast you start the game off.

so hold back the tear shed for now.


Presumably people are talking lvl 1-25 balance, and not endgame balance.

“Diablo” is not about fights that take five minutes with multiple phases and mechanics. It is about devastating your way through mobs of monsters hacking slashing nuking obliterating…if you want to read a guide on how to kill something, go play World of Warcraft.


the game should be fun not tedious. its not fun to attack a boss for 2mn with 2 abilities.
or a worldboss for 15min.


A sweet spot would be ideal. I think rogue level of damage is good, above that and its too much imo.

on my necro i sometimes only realize i just melted a boss thanks to the dungeon complete splash.

its ridiculous lol instagib bosses

some could use buffs, some could use nerfs heh

then again its only level 25 who knows. maybe it all flips eventually.

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Agreed game is way to easy maybe meet in the middle, also the in combat swapping is pretty op at least on sorc. Not sure about the other world tiers but if the first 50 lvls are this easy just start chars at level 50. I know some people don’t want the game to be Elden Ring level, but lvl 1 -25 for some classes is just a 1-2 button off main screen times sink. If something is that easy why even put it in the game?


While I agree 15 min world bosses are not very fun, 2 minutes for a boss fight seems completely fine. Maybe even on the low side (but that is also okay when only playing at the second lowest difficulty).

All boss fights should be 1+ minutes at least. Give the player a chance to encounter the mechanisms of the fight.