Chill, dude. There are two more difficulty levels and we haven’t even seen the higher tier enemies. Nor have we seen the higher tier items. You are extrapolating from the first 25 levels that will be passed in a few hours.
First early game experience matters too.
The game needs nerfs desperately.
All those who just want to oneshot everything without any skill involved can play World Tier 1.
No need to make all the difficulty options pointless.
That’s the point. Why make lower difficulties if it’s waste of time. Why develop all monsters attacks, mechanics if they die instantly without doing anything. I don’t know I just felt like Druid’s slower more tactical combat felt okay.
Maybe I should try druid. I played sorc to level 10 and quit because it isn’t fun when everything on the screen dies to 1 chain lightning. Been playing V-Rising lately, and I think I’m realizing that the “classic” ARPG formula doesn’t do it for me anymore.
After playing all the classes I think the challenge of actually playing the game with the barbarian is more in line with what the game should be like- I remember playing D1 as a kid and actually being scared of the butcher- mostly because it was an actual boss fight that was tough to win. I am able to hold my new born and play with one hand necro and sorc without too much difficulty and stop bosses. Rogue I need 2 hands since i have to combo skills and positioning- though does output a lot of damage. I am okay with druid at this time. Anyways long story long I agree with more nerfs needed versus buffs.
Druid and Barb totally need a buff, being the only classes they don’t have passive resource generation they should be dealing 4 times the damage with builders as they do now or something.
That said I fully expect Necro to be nerfed, and it does need it. Corpse explosion being free and doing so much damage needs a nerf to me. Although it may be fine at later levels who knows because bosses have a lack of corpses so it really only helps on trash.
Blizzard should not hesitate to nerf overpowered stuff into the ground. The opposite philosophy (don’t ever nerf something, buff other things to be even) of D3 resulted in an absolute power creep mess. Hello quadrillions of damage. -.-
So yes, nerf sorcerers immediately (even though it’s one of my favorite classes).
Balancing a first playthrough on veteran 2 and balancing endgame aren’t the same things.
they should have just opened the entire game up for us to test. You want testing? Let us test the full game.
Yeah Sorc might be S tier but a blood necro is GOD tier took me less then 2 hours to go from 1-25 it just melts everything doesn’t even need great gear, my barb is geared 100X better then my necro, and it doesn’t even come close.
We need at least a buff for Druid, Necro very clearly has high early game damage but I’m not really sure that justifies a large nerf. The Druid on the other hand has a far lower damage output that isn’t really fun. This is super early game and its not really going to matter much in the grand scheme of things and things being a little out of whack are fine. The only real problem is if classes feel so weak that the early game feels bad on them.
We don’t need buffs we need nerfs. Why would I want to play a game 100 times to play “The Game”. Druid and barb are fine, I’ve gotten barb to 25 ez and working on druid(last class to 25) also neither has gotten class quest in beta. The other classes should play more like druid and barb on tier 2.
I agree completely. I played Druid and thought they patched the difficulty. I was thinking, ok now we are talking. This game is actually a challenge. Tried Necro and it was back to easy street just like sorcerer.
Im not sure wby theres a portion of the community that wants everyone to have to play patty cake when theres optional tiers from the beginning for such gameplay. For people who want a challenge they ezpext us to have to beat the game twice to even start playing a game we enjoy.
This is one of those situations where it is more about scaling in the low levels versus upper levels. We don’t know, at least most of us, how scaling works in the upper levels. It could be extremely hard. Or maybe it’ll be very easy. But now it’s not the time to judge what it is. We don’t know. Sure, there’s videos floating around that make it look pretty easy, but who knows if they’ve increased the difficulty since. These are all very old builds.
Normal mode was always a walk in the park, then it started to reach a difficulty curve near the endgame, is this the first diablo you play? Druid is just super undertuned at the moment, i guess it will do better in the later game.
Bro a lot of people dont want to do 50 levels of boredom stop just focusing on End Game. A large portion of the player base will beat this game onece or twice and move on especially if the sell is telling people they need to play several hours of hum drum content until the end of the game, then start over and hope your power creep doesnt make the game just as boring as your last go.
We are at it again. Several characters with only ONE playable build.
Got my Sorc to 25, and it was a serious grind in Tier 1. Then I did some research, found out about a spell exploit it seems everyone knew about before they started playing. Now groups of mobs explode with single casts, on Tier 2.
So I tried a barb. Got it to 20 on Tier 2. It was a painful grind and it can’t finish any of the serious dungeons solo. I had to ask friends to come in to kill the bosses for me. Again, I’ll go out and see what the “experts” have to say about which spells can be exploited to make the character playable.
Toons we play need to be balanced and not have backdoors – unless the entire point of the game is to make it a puzzle that only the experts can figure out. But then, Silent Spring is a good indicator ludicrous puzzles is exactly what the founders want.
World tier 1 should be for people wanting an easy experience.
World tier 2 should be a challenge were people can die regulary against bosses and against stronger mob groups. There should be real boss fights were you see all the boss’es mechanics and the boss isn’t defeated already after 20s.
Currently there are several overpowered and/or no skill requiring builds like hydras that can kill everything off screen that need to be nerfed.
Easy and brain dead are different things. The druid is fine people thinking he is way under tuned is because other classes are over tuned. And if you are having trouble with a druid on tier 2 guess what they have a tier 1. The problem is scor necro rouge all treat tier 2 as tier 1. Maybe it’s range are over tuned not sure as my druid got way easier as a WS build. Something is off , but I’m not getting paid to figure it out.
100% agree. Hopefully they nerf the overpowered early level classes so that we don’t have a endgame that has way too much power creep.