Why copied characters are in Eternal Realm? They can’t test Witchcraft powers and Occult gems.
Why do we have to farm mats? Obducite, Rawhides, Iron chunks, etc. This is 1-week PTR for testing the system, not for grinding.
Why NPC boost is disable?
They already answered this, it was causing problems, it’ll be up tomorrow they said.
- Why copied characters are in Eternal Realm? They can’t test Witchcraft powers and Occult gems.
Because those builds are already complete. You can deploy without getting the gear immediately to test a dedicated setup, i.e. SB with nerfs with end-game gear etc.
The NPC boost solves the testing for Witchcraft and Occult.
And they disable NPC Boost to leave us grinding everything from zero to test every mechanic in a week.
Do they think we live on Venus? 1 week is 1,700 Earth days.
So don’t test it until tomorrow, dunno what to tell you.
While I would agree it would be fair they extend the PTR by one day I don’t think being dramatic about bugs is the way to go.
PTR should go for at least 2 weeks. More Bliz failures.
its almost like there is a forum for this…
PTR needs fixing already.
Whoa negative 9 giggillion damage? So playing druid?
So this is the awesome druid build you were telling me about? That is hilarious.
It’s quintillion, but you’ll get there.
Integer overflow
It’s integer 64 actually.
Why do we have to level again the pit after account copy?
Do they have internal tests for that stuff…?
Unfinished as always.
- armory: great (better late than never…), so far working as intended (but why only 5 slots?)
- season theme: In my opinion some kind of negligible. When I play S7 I play it because I like the game by itself and not because of the season theme. The witch powers are boring and too weak, not being hyped for them at all.
- class balance: Could not be tested because I don’t want to level pit again. But I saw at twitch that spiritborn got nerfed heavily and I think too much. Now all classes are too weak. Maybe there will be some builds that can do pit 80 in s7. What is this? Give us a flat buff for all classes in the game. Let Mainstat scale x3 times more or find other solutions. The player power overall is far too low.
Yup, and that’s pit 150.
Why only 5 slots? Are you serious? You realize it’s 5 different builds PER character, right? Most classes don’t even have 1 S-tier build, let alone 5. Also, the bigger issue is, where do you even store all this gear for all these builds? We don’t have the space.
Yup, Druid one shotting everything in pit 150. Spiritwho? Blizzard wants us to break the game.
Yes, this is ridiculous unfortunately. 1,5 yrs into the game and they are not able to give us enough stace space.
Not today, Witch powers go live on Friday. You can test and play as much as you want.
If you know, you know.