It was causing server crashes. They disabled it to fix it and said it should be back up in the morning.
This guy knows coding.
Witchcraft is already in Seasonal Realm PTR. You can see my screenshot by typing https slash slash and this
ibb dot co slash gR52xvT
Or, log in to see it by yourself.
all PTR servers are a mess, since the first one.
If they are unable to fix critical bugs in live servers do you thing they will care to fix anything in a server that will be up for 1 week only ? Absolutely not !
I call it. bad usage of PTR server and that’s why the live server has tons of bugs and several crashes that never get solved. 1,5 years later I have zero expectation they will.
Does this actually heal the monsters?
Some good mob support there.
From patch notes, we shall be able to test the seasonal mechanic:
You’ll additionally be able to select the following options from the PTR Boost NPC:
*Grant All Witchcraft: Grants all Witchcraft Powers*
- Grant Seasonal Progression Items: Grants Headhunt Elixir, Fugitive Heads, Occult Gems recipes*
- Grant All Occult Gems*
I haven’t login to be honest, due to timezone difference and I heard the Boost NPC is currently permanent CCed
Hope after Blizzard revive the NPC, we can test the seasonal mechanic in Eternal Realm.
Why would you ever be able to test a seasonal mechanic in the eternal realm? O.o That is literally why the Boost NPC is in the seasonal realm.
even a college sophomore could set up a better client-server environment than these jokers in Irvine.
Is there a Seasonal realm in PTC server? I haven’t login as waiting for Blizzard update on the Boost NPC.
They’ve said before that D4’s stash is built on D3’s stash. They KNEW it was broken and they did nothing to deal with it. So, no, this isn’t an 18 month old problem… if you add in the development of D3 (the source of the mess) it’s closer to 18 YEARS of bad design.
Give em a break!! You know how much time the cook book took? They had to get that out perfect or Rod the Turd was gonna get his whip out.
Going by the words “That is literally why the Boost NPC is in the seasonal realm.” that I said…yes…yes there is a seasonal realm.
That blizzard math strikes again lol
Be sure to leave feedback on the PTR feedback forum about the PTR itself not just the new features and balance changes.
It’s expected that the PTR will have bugs so whining about everything that’s not perfect with it doesn’t do much use. But there are definitely some things that would really help with testing. Having all pit levels unlocked so you don’t have to waste an hour doing it is a good one to start with. Being able to copy your live characters to the seasonal realm is also a valuable thing to have.
The vendor being broken was just unfortunate this time round. But it is an example how previous feedback on the PTR itself can actually bring change to the PTR that will help us test things more efficiently. That vendor was not there for the first PTR at all.
Bro, you think a PTR being ‘fixed’ for you is “urgent”?
…what in the entitled, bored existence.
Can you imagine though what the tools for internal testing must look like if this is what the consumer facing tools look like?
Just picture it: Boss, can we please have a tool that let’s us pick the character level and items to test power level of a build?
Answer: No, you must find the items yourself in game and level up manually to P300 to best.
Result: 2 Months later, still trying to level and find the 3GA item to test the interaction. Season over. Reset to start new round of testing with no better tools.
I mean, I’m sure it’s not that bad…but sometimes…maybe that’s actually what’s happening and why it feels there’s no end game testing being done?
I think about this pretty often. It makes me wonder why there is a lack of build diversity if people ARE playing their own game. I feel like there are a few abilities/ builds that are seriously lacking any sort of attention. I wonder if blizzards dev team is just 4 people, a paper clip, a bit of yarn, and a cat named Mittens.
I don’t even say that to be rude to them. If they really are understaffed, I would want that remedied. I want D4 to be a good game.
But we’re not testing internal tools we’re testing the builds that will go live. So I do understand why there aren’t comprehensive tools available.
Now that being said there should be more tools available but I’d imagine the internal tests have way more flexibility.
Bro, you think a broken PTR is any good for continuous testing?
…what in the sad, stupid opinion.