We need addons on pc

Game needs AddOns, at least PC version, because that UI for consoles is terrible. Addon’s that would allow you autoskip dialogs, autosell or autosalvage all useless items that drops so much and even yellow ones are trash, automatically disenchant and apply legendary affix to new item when in vendor, to see exact HP values of your enemies or even players in the world, hide side quests, etc.


Just no, BIG no. Very bad idea.


So basically you just wanna “play game” and then sit back and watch it?

The game doesn’t need mods at all, and you’re just being lazy.


Kindly, and respectuflly disagree with allowing addon support.

The game looks fine as is, and while some thing can be streamlined yes, the over all look and function of the game is solid.


I don’t think it does, at all.

It needs a Loot Filter.


Well at the smith you can chose to salvage all trash/blue etc items. Don’t know what you want more??
Skip dialogue you just need to hold ESC. What’s the big deal?

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No addons. We don’t want the crapshow that WoW has turned into where the devs have to balance all encounters around what advantages players will have with 3rd party addons.

Selling / salvaging is easy… literally takes less than 10 seconds. No need for an addon to cut that down by 5 seconds. Skipping dialog, as mentioned earlier… just hold down esc to skip them. Again, no need for addons to save you the massive effort required to press a single key. I realize that the escape key is an inch or two away from your normal hand placement, but it is a good thing to help with hand dexterity / flexibility to rotate your wrist slightly to reach it.


Personally for the salvaging piece, I find marking anything I don’t want as junk with space is nice and easy, then I just dump it all.


I wanna see a dps meter or a training area to test the math of builds.

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The addons you mention would give an unnatural advantage over others and would be considered cheating.
The game is fine the way it is, so was D3.

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auto auto auto auto…
I’m all for addons to help with certain things like a loot filter required in many other ARPG’s, but what you are proposing seems kinda silly to me

The player making choices and employing the results for further gains IS the game

How would you define what ‘useless’ items are for your automatic system to salvage or sell? Auto apply which aspects to which pieces of gear?

What you propose sounds ridiculous

Why do you need to see exact HP value? an approximate percentage depicted by the HP bar is plenty enough

No thanks. Last thing we need is Weak Auras in D4 that the devs start balancing around and so everyone has to get them…

Absolutely never, addons are awful


You already have auto salvage and auto sell, all items you tag as junk. Why do you need also addon for that?

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Another hard No vote. Dps meters are a toxicity accelerant. Let’s not put ammo in the neckbeard gun.


Then it wouldn’t be fair to the $500.00 console players. God forbid we make separate UIs for Consoles and for PCs.

If the game needs addons, it’s a failure of a game.

The exception to this is WoW of course, which has things that are novelty/personal which don’t affect the game, like All The Things, Immersion, Hide The Talking Head, etc.

We do need different UIs for PC and console but we don’t need addons.

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Addons are nice to haves, need is definitely not a word for it, but want is. Anything that automates the process for me, and gives me more time to kill is alright by me.

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