When do we get WASD movement???


We riot if it’s not implemented on release day.


45 degrees gang PogChamp

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It makes no sense to support controllers and not WASD.


Agreed. While I could never use it in this type of game, there is literally no harm in adding it, none whatsoever.

While we’re at it…let me keybind my mousewheel!


Kind of like how it makes no sense to not support MKB on console, but here we are.


Yeah that has to be a bug. The binds are there, they just don’t do anything. X-Mouse Button Controller is a band aid until they fix it.

Lol literally the only reason I don’t have a console.

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I’m worried it’s not, for a stupid reason. They want people to zoom in and out to see all the pretty cosmetics from the battlepass and stuff…if I rebind mousewheel I will never zoom in (and when I do now it’s by accident lol).

The frustrating part is that some games do have MKB support. They’ve stated D4 won’t have MKB support on consoles at launch whether or not they actually add it on later remains to be seen.

It definitely was a deciding factor for me in what platform I pre-ordered on. My PC is so old now that my Series X will probably run the game smoother, but theres certain parts about controller gameplay that I dislike, mainly navigating inventory and NPC menus.

OK this has me worried now.

I’ve never seem a console game that had good mkb support, even games that started on PC, but then I haven’t spent a lot of time looking.

I hate thumb-based controllers and always have since the original NES.

Honestly it’s the only reason I can think of for not allowing that keybind, D3 has it.

I just want to be able to use my razor tartarus thumb joystick. Mix that with a mouse and force move mouse wheel scroll, and it’s amazing control. Less clicking. Saves the hands and wrists.


I’ve been tempted to plug in my controller to test it out on PC and use my mouse and keyboard to navigate inventory and npc screens, we’ll see this weekend.

I have a standalone thumbstick that was my workaround for Lost Ark for a little while. Sort of turned half my split keyboard into a tartarus. It worked great for movement but not combat - it didn’t integrate seamlessly with the mouse. You were sort of in “controller mode” or “mouse mode,” so I couldn’t move with the stick and attack with the mouse.

Lost ark handled this setup better but still not perfectly.

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you can inspect ppl and see their mog in that window probably better than if you were to try and zoom on someone heh

as for your own you see it everytime you open inventory. no need for the zoom heh

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Definetely +1 for WASD support


So how easy is it to cast spells while WASD’ing with left hand?!? :thinking:

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There is a reason the entire diablo franchise, PoE, Grim dawn, Last epoch (any ARPG worth mentioning) has never supported WASD movement, it’s just impossible to balance equally for both, supporting such an inferior playstyle for a isometric top-down ARPG is inviting people to play in a way that will just impede their own experience.

And there is a cost / harm in them doing this, its development time, and diablo 4 need as much as that as possible to fix other critical issues in the game, I for one see massive harm if they decide to use that time developing some thing as nonsensical as WASD Support.