Waiting for the day all complainers go to path of exile

Yea dude Chris Wilson Lies all the time. He is not the poster boy of a good game. The games great their dev team is chit when it comes to secret nerfs and changes.

Yes, I hate PoE, the game I have played most leagues for the last… 6 or 7 years and the game I don’t hate… ?

You really got me there chief, good job.

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Agreed. POE is a much better game than D3 and D4 combined, but it is not an MMO.
So it’s hard to say a non-MMO game will end an MMO as they offer two completely different experiences.

POE is good some seasons horrible others Lake was Fraking horrificly done. Lost 1000s from nerfs in a single day. Hrmm. Seems like nerfs and exploits happen in poe too hrmm…

PoE has more people in towns. When I see a people in D4, it cause huge lag spike. I can’t even move. This is not a MMO. This is just, massive amount of player playing our game but you can’t see them

Wow you have time to invest in 2 ARPG and not suck at both?
Must be nice to be a son of a sultan.

Also very mature of you to try to use mental issues as an offence, go back to your daily quests in wow dude, or you may not be able to afford the token to play your game next month.

POE town size is like 4 pixels big.

Yeap especially when the season are off set in time. 2 months into POE Im done with the season then D4 will have its and Ill play that till 2months then POE’s will be ready. Just takes more than 2 brain cells.

and your only arguement is “it had 4 acts! at the beginning”

its not like they added the other acts to spite the launch of diablo 4. its not like blizzard hasn’t had YEARS to look at what POE and D3 were doing and saw what the players wanted.

Yeah, A/B loves it to lose players. :rofl:

I’m not really a poe player… but I have to say that small poe2 trailer looked good, boss bursting out of a wall (not just randomly standing in the middle of a room), music was building and engrossing, sense of urgency as enemies chased in, they seemed to have it spot on with the visuals (dark and gritty yet clear)… Who knows, maybe it will be bad like d4 but the trailer gives me hope.

OP’s diary-

Maybe if I make enough posts whining about people who have issues with D4 they will go away. Then the forum can be a place where I can truly shill out and be myself. How dare they not like this half baked game. Pfft. I’m going to do helltides until next year. That’ll show em.

You know what gets me about these posts… and this isn’t even from a poe fanboy… It’s how in literally every ARPG I’ve played, be it D3 or D4, be it Grim Dawn, be it Last Epoch, be it shudder Wolcen… Guess which ARPG always comes up as the standard to compete with? Poe. You see it all the time. “We don’t need you poe fanboys here etc etc”. Years old deal. Nothing new here. Nothing new in any of those games. It’s obvious poe has set a standard that the ARPG community enjoys.

There are lots of exercises you can find on google for your jaw muscles, since they must be incredibly sore by now.

haha you think lol, i am anjoying what you all type lol, good coffee and enjoying how you guys make yourself rediculus like you

When blizzard provides a product subpar to something that has existed and created by a far smaller company ofcourse people are going to complain.

Though, D4 stated they are aiming at the casual gamer for maxium saturation and monetization which isnt a surprise.

Diablo 4 has potential & I believe is why so many people are complaining. D4 has serious issues in the replayability category but people want this to succeed but so far it is only doing so off brand recognition.

Somehow I think if they are finding the grind and the understanding of how to build a spec here, they probably would hate poe.

You actually believe that lol. I’ll be playing both.

Wow, don’t you sound hateful.

first poe is great like i dont know what you’re talking about if you dont like it its just probably cause you not good at the game second thing they said they will never do that so you just wrong thinking improvement mean clones do some research before speaking fan boy