User Interface isn't great

Precursor: I apologize if I overlooked any of these in options

  1. Map needs transparent edges or something to not appear so obtrusive
  2. option to turn off Messages in bottom right corner. The play-by-play is unnecessary
  3. The constant “press ^ for chat wheel” is annoying.
  4. To paraphrase the legendary Mr Llama SC… Why is the font arial?..
  5. A gear wheel like D3 would probably serve the inventory better than a mishmash of all our stuff. I agree with mother posts that it appears the menus were just remapped from PC and not optimized at all for console
  6. ½ screen inventory/skills pop-up feels too small. It could even take up MOST of the screen with margins so you can still see if you’re under attack.
  7. I DO LIKE how everything is located in bottom left (health/mana/etc). I prefer this over centered. Great job on that, Team! :grinning:
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