[Unofficial] S5 Sorc Changes Post PTR

It’s more than we initially had, but not enough. I don’t want power creep, I just want to be able to take a hit and demolish enemies maybe half as fast as a good rogue or barb.

they boosted our defensives quite a bit. its almost mandatory now to take manashield 3/3 and align the elements 3/3)

what sucks about this is, that manafree builds like conjuration builds suffer. they have to give this alternative playstyle equal defensive options.

you mean they reverted some of the initial BI nerf to a smaller BI nerf. i do not call that a big win here.
the real winners are FF and SH nodes. They got a massive buff. While EM summoner is now back on an okay level and CC is still gonna be garbage

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Its not a win, but 1600 intell is about where you start hitting resist caps with small investments from paragon, so at least they booted up a build calculator maybe? Im just looking for a silver lining that suggests the devs at least log in every now and again.

Some of these adjustments look good, which i didnt expect.

Not enough. And I am not talking about offense but defense. Mana shield mana requirement should be 50, not 100, imo. And 56% on ice armor? is that really enough given that flame shield has been gutted? I’d say give us 65% and a longer duration to make up for the lack of flame shield. The class gets one shot without.

Also, Sorc’s skills have some of the lowest lucky hit chances across all classes. They need to be about double, imo. For example, on the FO build, there’s almost no incentive to stack lucky hit, because conjuration and FO lucky hit chances are so absurdly low.

after reading the changes to winterglass, makes it really harder to believe they do that since a bump now in more FOs translates to a massive bump in the builds dmg output. 0.3 cdr on conjuration per FO explo. meaning alot more CM.

This begs the question for me why are they buffing it like that. It makes no sense to me, as its further widens the gap bewtween FO with Winterglass and FO w/o it.
Its not a good change imo, i translates much more into uniques bein mandatory, and not just changing it.

their statement 2-4 uniques per build is a mere mockery for sorc, its back to 8-9 per build, given what we already saw from some of the changes.

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Hey at least sorcs won’t be bricking their items with tempering this way lol :smiley:


they probably fail at designing unique weapons, like all the unique staffs were garbage, including the uber.

Since no one seems to want to link it, the source for these changes is this:


That’s one of the sources from a barbarian streamer. A better source from a sorcerer streamer is this (sorc-specific coverage starts at 13:00):



I’m still wondering about Firewall and Hydra, these spells still don’t seem competitive. Firewall’s DPS is just MISERABLE, even 20% higher, and Hydra, though now 18%, is still down from the 42% it was in the PTR.

They should probably both still be doubled in damage.

Interestingly enough, we still haven’t seen any changes to Fireball uniques, either. Is Meteor going to be the only semi-viable Fire spender, ever?

Incinerate was ok in s4, but i doubt next patch will be as accessible to it.

Thanks also to those who posted sources. Kinda seems like we could still see alot of adjustments, as alot of these post ptr changes aren’t exactly small.

tbh, I have already counted it out, because Flamescar is so awful. If “Flamescar” was moved to be a staff, perhaps. But the Legendary affix still needs to not suck.

I suspect its the amount lightning spear was boosted by crit damage. Wudijo tested and noted it wasn’t a 1 to 1 increase in damage. So it could have been the damage increase from crit damage went up from 25% to 40%… which can be significant… I think.

the most plausible explanantion for me is either they scrapped the new Aspect and just used the old. Or they buffed the flat dmg, cause they nerfed its scaling and it wasnt performing too great after, aka some compensation.

Yeah flamescar is terrible, for more reasons than one. You are almost better off rolling 90% - 100% lucky and using an extra eli surge proc, strictly for the dps, not because of talrasha. I would recommend shock if you do this, for the mildly extra uptime on elementalist glyph (this isnt good rational, its just used to demonstrate how un gud flamescar is).

Where that wand really falls apart: if you ok with the temper and aspect loss, any incinerate build is better off with occulus, for general application. High lvl pit bosses maybe, lilith definitely, occulus will kill you on occasion lol

to be fair the weapon temper loss on incinerate isnt really that much dmg loss, since temper was more or less useless anyway. The real problem is that the incinerate unique is a wand, and those 1.2 AS multi, isnt doing much for incinerate, since it profits a lot less from AS.
To make it viable for inc it needs a massive buff. and that the aspect is anti synergy is adding insult to injury.

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Incinerate + hydra (with multiple other burn sources) was the core of my s4 attempt at a burn build, and that new temper for hydra heads was what i had in mind for any s5 attempts; i guess that was what i was thinking about on the point about tempers.

For s4, you’re right though, Incinerate doesnt gain much, although the burning damage additive was something i guess lol

I’m hoping the combustion and flat int damage boost makes up for it. I’m going to try a firewall/hydra combo in S5. See if I can make it work.

Nah, won’t work. Firewall is terrible, the tempers are terrible, the aspects are terrible, save your effort. If Firewall damage is doubled, literally doubled, there could be something worth exploring at that point.

Rank 1 Firewall is 20% damage per second. Rank 1 Incinerate is 113% at max channel, or about five or six times stronger. And you don’t see Incinerate tearing anything up, and it has actually good aspects.

Firewall has a decent enchant, but otherwise it’s just terrible.