[Unofficial] S5 Sorc Changes Post PTR

Sorc S5 Changes

Base / Skills
-16.67% Main Stat Damage Increase

  • ALL Core & Mastery Skills increase by 15-20%x

  • Hydra damage to 18%

  • Ice Armor Base shield to 56%

  • Warmth healing increase

  • Align the Elements now 60%

  • Mana Shield damage reduction from 8% to 10%

  • Combustion to 60%

  • Shatter from 30% to 45% BUT no longer receives damage from itself


  • Burning Instinct from 40% to 80% & now 1% per 20 Int
    1600 Int to cap

  • Ceaseless Condit from 60 to 120% & 2% per 20 Int

  • Elemental Summoner from 30% to 60% & 10% per

  • Friget Fate from 30% to 60% & 20% per

  • Searing Heat from 30% to 60% = 20% per

  • Icefall from 18% to 25%


  • Axial Conduit changed

  • Splintering Energy to 40%

  • Lightning Rod Rework

  • Snowveiled Rework


It looks good. And it will be very broken on the way up.

Is this fanfiction or something that leaked? Seems not enough. But hey still time I suppose.

Edit: I see it’s the Rob’s sheet that is being shared.

This is real, but unconfirmed.


Just a heads up, there are MORE changes that did not get listed on Rob’s sheet.

Interesting, thanks for the share.

But how does one deal more damage if you are dead? I assume this is how the skeletal blizzard mages are formed.


A passing necro can rez your bones and enslave you :slight_smile:
Then… back into the fight!


yay! we’ve been stabbed by the devs multiple times one year down the road and now the devs decided to call the ambulance and putting up intravenous drip for us!

this must be some sort of sociology test to analyze how likely D4 sorc player base to develop the stockholm syndrome.


numerical changes to mask the issues the class has, yet again. Not amused…

Also Splintering change to 40% is a joke, it seems the balance department didnt even realized this aspect got changed in the ptr. So why did they do it? cause they have absolutely no clue of what they are doing, and this exactly shows it. bandaids yet again.

also making our legendary nodes on the paragon scale higher then most other things on the boards, doesnt bode well. While i agree with changing some caps. But the nodes are now all scaling witn int? what a boring concept…


I wondered about that too. It could be a mistake on Rob’s part.

funny, maybe rob is actually trolling, and these notes arent the real ones.

Any buff is welcomed. However, flat damage buffs seem like a band-aid for our basic class issues like the “Enchantment System” our many useless spells, and this still doesn’t solve our abysmal survivability issues even when stacking our bar with every defensive ability. The fact that Ice Armor hasn’t changed back to its original barrier leech mechanic is still a net loss for survivability.

I’m hoping that these are just temporary fixes until they redesign the class, however I won’t be buying the expansion if season 6 doesn’t show me a better Sorc.


Any buff is good. But I mean these are still miniscule numerical changes guys. Realistically you can x200% Core/mas and they still don’t get close to Barb/Rogue damage levels. As a matter of fact this general “80%” is barely two Aspects, something a Barb has for free, not too mention raw weapon stats. It will all depend on the new Uniques and changes, these mean very little.

BI will still lose about -50% compared to live. You will still lose Teleport CD, Focus CD and you’ll be squishy af. And without Shatter and Flame GL on tickling and surviving Bosses.

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I so dearly hope it’s just a mistake (doesn’t matter on who’s part) as I was actually excited to play with that aspect live in S5. Even dared to get overhyped when I saw the numerical buffs and thought the world smelled of roses… til I saw that ‘buff’ to the ‘aspect’ and all I can smell now is ash :unamused:

you and me both, it was the reason i wanted to play sorc in s5, and not skip it

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Changes mean nothing at all. 16 to 20% doesn’t really affect anything. Players are already whining about being barbarians at least 2 times. It’s not even 1/5.

Well, Barb is also being massively nerfed in this same teaser change set. Don’t get me wrong, they’re still going to be very strong, but not an order of magnitude more ridiculous than everyone else anymore (at least in theory), so don’t think that S4 Barb is still the standard we’re supposed to reach.

Don’t underrate the main stat changes either. All the classes with two weapon slots are getting more damage from their main stats now, and Rogues are getting less than that but more than they have now while Barbs get nothing. This is clearly an attempt to balance the extra weapon slots better (and I’m not saying this is enough to make up for it by itself, but it is still welcome).

I also saw another streamer (Slaydra) note that Blue Rose’s ability is being changed to something like a chance for double Ice Spikes, so that’ll probably more than make up for the nerf to Glacial Aspect. With another base damage increase and increased caps on legendary nodes, the Hydra build just got a big boost too. Winterglass coefficient was upped from 70% to 90%. Frostburn was also totally reworked but I didn’t get the details on that.

We still have issues, and enchantments are still garbage, but it feels like they’re actually taking our feedback a bit more seriously for once.

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I hope. The last time I was compelled to post on the forums was a year ago during the released to ask them to make our Aspect Codex upgradable every time we destroy an item rather than filling our entire stash with semi decent aspects. Seemed like such a basic thing to do, I quit the game over it and didn’t bother to return until season 4.

I really want this game to be good, I like the esthetic and I’ve been waiting for a real successor to Diablo 2 but so far it’s been a collection of bad ideas that have required significant crowdsourcing from the community to repair and only after a very long wait. We aren’t anywhere near there yet.

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Axial changed HOW? my really fun PTR build needed the axial mana drain as the base of its power. I hope its not gone.

I am more interested in the unique changes then anything. numerical buffs are straight boring.

See this is a note that shows that the devs play the game.


So this actually becomes a decent passive with base 60% and 4% per unique source hopefully. I’ve never understood why it was 20% when gushing wounds even after the alleged nerf is still going to be 70%