Uniques look very good (Harlequin Crest)

He had to wait till some streamer told him they were good before he could say it.

Also Iā€™d wager money the Shako is +2, not +4. I tend to trust the datamined info.

However either source, or both, may be working off stale info.

The datamined info from an old build that could be older than the version of Shako we saw on the stream?

afaik skill levels are percentage-based, i.e. 10% more damage for every levelā€¦ Eventually they become a factor but at the beginning itā€™s like 27 or 29 damage on a skill, I meanā€¦

Itā€™s like ~8-10% per point so +4 to all could be read +40% damage.
But a good chunk of skills also get cooldown reductions or other boosts so itā€™s actually much better than even that.

A bonus 20% damage reduction is also quite high for one piece of gear that also happens to have a large dps and utility increase

A different helmet would have to have something pretty monumental on it just to overcome the +4


Well keep in mind is that the +4 , is the sacred or ancestral unique, its probably pretty rare

That seems like an unique, that i dont see anyone complaining to get as a drop, as its fairly good for anything really

Btw, the normal unique, is +2 :smiley:

I love how people are judging the itemā€™s value without even knowing what the endgame items values are

Those stats could as well be garbage or Op or Parā€¦

The only thing we can extract from this is that blizzard lies when they said they were done with big values and were going back to the roots

1360 life on a single item without any drawback

Thatā€™s the total Life of a endgame D2 character lol

And thatā€™s in a game with plenty of %life sources

Itā€™s obvious we are getting in the 100k life

And the design philosophy behind such high values doesnā€™t bode well for the future of D4, another D3 in the making

Harlequin Crest is especially good for Sorcerer because it enables all availabe skills to be used in enchantment slots.

Itā€™s obvious huh? Well, youā€™re wrong and weā€™re not getting anywhere close to 100k health even at level 100.

The version on display was an ancestral. The normal version could be +2.

Have people learned nothing yet? Talking up this hat will definitely get it nerfed. If everyone just underplayed its value publicly we could make the one guy saying how awesome it is and how badly it needs balancing look like the crazy one.


Well, to be honest, Most unique seems to have been made quite powerful

Thatā€™s kinda the purpose, Having them being super rare

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I bet with these stat values itā€™s going to be super rare.

Its very good for sure but not mandatory.

No build need Shako to work. It can enhance builds.


Yea Shaco seems pretty goodā€¦ Iā€™mma want one.

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Imagine getting that as your first Unique in a seasonā€¦ what a great start! :beers:


If you think the Harlequin Crest wonā€™t be mandatory take in the top builds, you either donā€™t know what you are talking about or you are trying to gaslight other players so that the Harlequin Crest doesnā€™t get nerfed by Blizzard. Pretty sure that even Blizzard knows how OP that piece is. If not, they will.

If players had a choice between power or an interesting choice, 9 times out of 10 players will pick player power. The Harlequin Crest is player power.

20% Damage Reduction: That is all damage not just certain kinds of damage. Very powerful for a single gear piece.
+4 Ranks to All Skills: 23 skills (Barbarian) times 4 = 92 free skill points worth

We donā€™t know what is the endgame itemization offer

So claiming that this item is op or not is just intellectually dishonest

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We already do know what the endgame itemization will look like. It is called datamining. All the legendary and unique items have already been datamined and a rare isnā€™t going to be beating them out. Claiming it isnā€™t OP at this point is just intellectually dishonest.

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@ Realm and @ Sekscalibure. Both of you need to explain why you think there is intellectual dishonesty going on here. I can claim that everyone who posts on the forums isā€¦ take your pick but that does not mean I am correct of right. Along those same lines, we need to deal with the discussion instead of the person. As of right now, through various sources, we ā€œknowā€ the Barbarian class quest is in the Dry Steppes and the Druid class quest is in Scosglen. This has been confirmed through Beta because neither class could complete the quest chain because they did not have access to the place. However, unless an NDA has been lifted, all items in D4 are obtained illegally. There is a fairly good chance that the source is correct but that cannot be construed as accurate. Also, seasons are supposed to add something to the game. If gear is that something, we will not have seen everything. So, there could be many, many items coming from seasons that are better or these items could be BiS.

i wonder what all skills means. Do they mean only actives, or do they mean all, including passives.

I guess they mean only actives, otherwise this helmet would be broken beyond belief.