Uniques look very good (Harlequin Crest)

Wudijo covers some of the recently released uniques. The first helm is probably going to be wanted by most classes.

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I posted about how the uniques were interesting for druid… and you came back with a “I don’t buy it” response.

Guess you came around :joy_cat:.

It will be interesting to see how the drops are in end game. Will they rain from the sky like D3, or be a grind like D2? I’m guessing closer to D2, but looking forward to finding out.


I thought you said the opposite obviously. I always thought the uniques were good.

This helm is nutty. +4 to all skills is omega busted.


I feel that the Harlequin Crest is just so good, it will be a mandatory auto include unique. I feel that the Harlequin Crest will get nerfed at some point because it is too good. Temerity is also really good but not as good as the Harlequin Crest. It is conditional considering you have to overheal to proc it.

“Obviously”… Reading is hard I guess.

You don’t need someone else’s video to decide the uniques are interesting. You can view all of them in the data mined section of the build calculator on GitHub.

He’s making a good point though, different items may have different drop rates. This helmet could potentially be super rare.

Yeah but his video is good.

I feel that it is completely uninteresting. Druid has a unique helm that makes all Earth skills count as Werebear skills. That opens up a massive amount of build options. +4 skills is a snoozer compared to that.

Just because it is a snoozer, doesn’t mean it isn’t super strong. Especially since it has a damage reduction effect added to it.

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+4 skills is not a snoozer either, it lets you do tons of cool things with your build.

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Every stat on Shako is very good. Just an all around superb item.

Yeah it’s insane. I can’t wait for release. You can get like +18 to some skills using items like this LUL.

The 20% DR also caught my eye. Like, hello? A solid free chunk of DR%? Yesssss please!

Add in all the +skill ranks to boot and it just looks absolutely delicious.

Depends on what the “Shako” doesn’t add but other helms might do…

Resource generation, resistances, or heal received maybe ? :thinking:

But yeah, 20% damage reduction and +4 to all skills is already busted enough… The rest (for the most part) could be a total gibberish and still the item being worthy to equip, the CD reduction is just an unnecessary bonus that makes the item just wayy too good for everything…

That helm is just too good, it will be mandatory BiS for everyone.

No, every single class and build will want it. It’s the best item in the game by far for the slot and nothing else comes close.

Depends on the returns for +skills. Has the scaling been published? Increasing the skill damage on a linear scale has diminishing returns when compared to the previous skill level (i.e. it’s linear off level 1 but relativisitcally diminishing from previous level).

The druid helm which makes some elemental skills function as were-skills allows the elemental skills benefit from +were-skill items. If they double dip with elemental and were-skill bonuses, that’s even cooler.

Nothing comes close yet… We have yet to get a really good look at what items are out there.

Well I hope there is enough competitive uniques/legendary’s for the helm slot.
Thing is I’m sure there will be a lot of ways to provide damage mitigation where that 20% DR won’t be as good as it seems.

You can see the data mined uniques here:

lothrik (dot) github (dot) io (slash) diablo4-build-calc (slash) database

Or you can just wait for someone to make you a video.