Uniques dropping for other classes, intended or bugged?

I am currently playing a Druid lvl 75, I have gotten +10 Unique weapons for a Barbarian. Is this intended behavior or a bug? It seems weird that I am not getting Druid uniques.


Assuming it’s like D3, it’s supposed to drop other class gear on the rare occasion, but 10 times already and specifically for Barb only? That doesn’t sound right at all.

got 5 so far myself 3 of one 2 of another. sure hope loot system is bugged this sucks.

I’m in the same boat, 3 for myself and 2 for barb (as Druid). Did you happen to be partying with anyone at the time? I’m convinced it was a bug as I was playing with my friend at the time (barb).

Same boat….got 3 barb weapons in a row playing a Druid solo. Must be bugged

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I’ve been trying to farm the stormstrike staff on my Druid and I’ve gotten 5 Barbarian 2 handers in the last 2 days.

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They’ve added the smart loot system introduced previously in Diablo 3. There’s a high chance loot drops will be for your specific class. However, there is a small chance of the drop to be for another class.

I can’t recall the percentages off the top of my head, but I wanna say it was about an 85% chance for it to be for the class you’re playing.

I keep seeing people say this but why is every thread on this issue filled with just Druids getting Barbarian unique weapons. I have yet to see a thread about Sorcs getting Rogue weapon unique, etc. I have gotten 5 barbarian unique weapons on my Druid now at lvl 74 out of the 10 overall unique I have acquired. 3 of them have been the 2h hammer and 2 of then have been the 2h axe.

Roxamus then why druids are getting only barb items and not sorc, necro, etc…?

So far I dropped 9 uniques in my lvl 69 druid 6 of them for druid:
3x werebear armor
2x werewolf armor
1x helmet

and the other 3 for barb all of them 3 barb weapons i think they are 2h

Add me to the list. Level 77 Druid, and have gotten 2 Barbarian Unique weapons in the last 3 unique drops. Still cant get my damn Tempest Roar helm, but here is a Barbarian unique …

Yup, same here, except I am level 81 and have found 30 uniques or more but half or more are barb uniques… pretty bad, not heard anyone else of a different class having an issue getting uniques from another class.


same, i got only barb and generic weapons in wt4 as a druid. Not a single druid weapon in 5 days and this is so frustrating

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Same here lv65 wt4 Druid
I have 2 barb weapon in a row , must be bugged . Indie blizzard company


Same here 77 Druid and have only received 9 uniques 4 barb, 3 chill/frozen and only 2 Druid. Getting irritated can’t get excited when I always see an Axe or Mace drop. They need to fix it!!!

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Same here. I’m a druid and kept getting unique weapon drops for Barb. Wtf… Must be a bug… If not, that sucks it drops way more often than druid gears, and it’s only four “barb”

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Same here druid 78, most unique drop are barbs, got like 10 2h weapon for barb… And barb only…

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Dropped 4 druid helms, 2 pieces of druid armor (werewolf and bear form), 1 barb wpn, 1 ring (shapeshift as well) and a glove.

Im a druid, bust most of the time im in human form…i guess it is just random, but most of the time we never get what we want easily…

I wish they just let us trade 3 uniques for 1 random or something like it.

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You are not alone i am lvl 92 druid i always find barb uniques. Like over kill. My other druid friend 95 he has found 15 barb uniques.

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I’m playing Druid and I only see unique drops for Barb and Druid. DEFINITELY bugged.

In fact, 70% of the uniques I get are Barbarian weapons. Fix this now Blizz!

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Also playing druid, level 74 and have had 4 druid drops (two general class) and two druid specific unique drops, three barb unique weapon drops. Sounds almost as if druid’s drops are bugged to barb somehow. 2 druid specific, 2 general class, 3 barb weapons.

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