Unique required builds

Level 83 Druid stuck playing Pulv cant get any Unique to drop so I can experience the wolf builds. The drop I get are always duplicates require the tempest roar and temerity pants to change. Please fix drop rates its getting tedious and boring.


Oh there’s one easy fix for this. Maybe blizzard isn’t aware but other games have this innovative systems that allow players to pass items to other players/friends. It’s called TRADING. I don’t understand why rares are tradable but uniques and crafting mats aren’t. so stupid


Whaaaat ?! That system must be brand new in the gaming industry, who could’ve thought of that … :smiley: Not Blizzard it seems.

you could run shred build. it isn’t as good as storm wolf but still works. I prefer ssf but not against trading as an option. blizzard decided no trading so it is what it is.

They said they want to combat RMT which is funny cos people have been selling boosts, gold, rares since day 1. All they achieved is gimping people who want to play builds that require specific uniques. Classic Blizzard


It’s as if RNG is …RNG!

I hope to god they don’t fold and change drop rates.

If they do it’s going to be like D3 all over again where you can gear up for multiple builds in a single evening. Please no…

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Blizzard learn that from D3 Auction house, Trading unique and account bond item is never going to happen to prevent P2W.

Auction house in D3 will emerge if blizzard want it.

Don’t change drop rates, hell make them even more rare. Just allow us to trade uniques, lol.

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for all i care they do it like in d3 loot drops only for you and you can trade with who was in the party when it drops

thats it

Or you know, they make it like PoE with different leagues so people can choose how they want to play, I get that you can be against trade but are you against choice ?

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they can do when they want in graveyard i dont care bout it (except open trading just keep it as is now) once season start anything i did before i cosider null and void it will just be sitting here in graveyard gathering dust waiting until it gets deleted for room for new character

scince i noticed 10 characters maximum

So the whales can have their P2W game, lol.

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what do you care? you mostly play solo in it anyway and btw these types of games without trading are dead on arrival. economy, grinding towards better gear is way better than this clown fiesta loot piniata hoping to get something decent.


Maybe because I don’t want everything to just be a handout? Whats the point of playing the game and instantly just getting drops for every single perfectpiece of gear I want? The entire journey is ruined.

I’m afraid to tell you but that’s exactly what grinding is… getting whatever gear you want 5 mins after logging in is the opposite of a grind.

These games have always been a grind and as soon as you make difficult to come by loot easy to get it loses all of it’s value and appeal.

You can already buy lvl100 accounts with fully geared characters online if you want easy mode. An “economy” just encourages botting and ripping people off.


Make gold untradable…
let legendaries and uniques trade by auction house only…
rare or less can still be traded/dropped as normal

Sure there will still be a small market that could sell yellow perfects outside the game… but that is very very small…

Without trade, better gearing path, more interesting stats and items this game will be dead within months and it’ll share d3s fate aka minor patches and maintenance mode for 10 years until d5 release.

I cant believe why people dont understand all i can say gonplay d2r and all u see are spams to buy stuff on illegal sites. BlizArd dont like this. They tried putting an ah and u can use real money but the community went nutz. So they only allow rares to be traded easier fx.

they didn’t fix anything. people are buying level boosts, rare items which btw are best in slot for most part, gold, capstone boosts, uber lilith boosts. There’s still as much RMT as there was in previous diablo games. too much copium, jinxster

Famers will still sell for real money and thats the issue blizzard dont like that.

Didn’t get diablo 3 and his trading platform massive critic, so that they dropped it!