Unique drops just completely broken or what?

i’m a lvl 99 druid and literally haven’t seen a new unique drop in 20+ levels. i get the same 3-4 drops literally over and over.

butchers cleaver, frost burn gauntlets, and penitent greaves. i have at least 5-6 of each. maybe a few waxing gibbouses (which is just a total trash unique in general) for almost 30 levels solid.

i started trying to build a storm wolf druid, back at lvl 60 as i entered world tier 4, and got staff of the crone at lvl 62 and literally haven’t seen it since. i also have yet to see tempest roar helmet at all. i have seen maybe 1-2 mad wolf glees in 30 levels, but theyve all been garbage rolls and negatives stats to what i was wearing at the time, forcing myself to downgrade to use it.

what the f*** is going on? every single time i see a unique drop, i already know it’s dogsh** before i even pick it up…. if this is how the game will be for the long run, i’m just out man.


can’t get a butcher’s cleaver for the hell of me ever. only one i got was in beta, from the butch himself. in full release never got one in 100 levs, nevermind how many times i met him or how many other uniques i got (i now mostly salvage those instantly, i kept a single sacred and ancestral version of each for eventual alts but for the rest i need none of those, most regular uniques - exclude the fabled ones like shako i mean - are basically trash anyway). only butchy “cleaver” i got, is the lousy tiny trophy for the mount. feels like a mock so i don’t use it, and stick to ashava horn.

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yeah, others i play with getting just the same things over and over yet never see anything new. and you can’t trade anything but rares … literally why even have a trade system but you can’t trade anything valuable lol

Im sure there is something like a loot tables bind to your character/account that say what % unique will drop.

Because some people in my clan only drop Tempest Roar but almost never see Vasily helm, unless RNG is very very unlucky for us to get near 40+ vasily but never see a Tempest Roar or there is a rigged system behind this Blizzard did not admit.

some PoE players had a theory about this.
they believe every character you make is tied to a seed. and that seed determines what you will drop most.

If they are right, not good for the 1 character enjoyer.


That’s a stupid theory, because you are looking at something that make very little sense when it come to coding. The object in most if not all of the looting genre has their own loot table to RNG the drop upon “trigger” mechanic, such as open, or destroy.

dont beat me, sempai. I just said something. I didnt say its true or that i believe.
im sorry.

They said uniques will be hard to get. So… works as intended? Some might need a little tweak, but it’s not that bad considering RNG has to cycle through so many itmes.

Unique drops definitely are weird. Also, so called target farm doesn’t work. Never gotten ‘higher chance’ items from appropriate mobs other than rares, sometimes legendaries.

Something must be up because they just couldn’t fix target farm issue that shakogate has exposed so we now have no target farm from the Helltide chests either.

I was trying to find a post about this exact thing.

I swapped to lightning druid build at 90. Have not seen a single unique drop since then and I am now 97. I have done so many nightmare dungeons and gone through so many legendaries.

I wouldn’t have worried so much if I had seen at least 1 unique every now and then but i am seeing zero. it has been a few days now.

Feel like something must be up or this is extremely bad RNG


This rumor has been going around since Everquest in the late 90’s lol. Seeding when you make your character determines your drop luck. It tries to explain why some people seem way more lucky than others.

I had a game friend that no matter what game we played, and I am talking in a large guild of MMO players, he had the best luck. In SWToR he had himself and all his companions raid geared before the rest of us got our own characters geared. It was insane. It was like that in every game. Some people are just lucky.

Doesn’t the game do several rolls to determine loot? Such as which item slot, what rarity, what stats, the rolls on how much of each stat, and so on. Uniques of course already got the stats they’ll have predetermined except for how much of each, and legendary aspects as well as uniques tend to have a roll on how strong the effect will be (not all have that roll though).

And then rolls tends to be weighted, otherwise you’d be seeing a lot more variety all over the place.
So it’s like the helltide drama with the shako drops, when it rolls a unique and you have no other unique it can possibly be for that slot, it ends up being the uber unique that all classes can get. The rest tend to be class-specific after all.

Meaning for example like with barbs, the game rolls it being a unique for the helmet slot, but there is no unique for the helmet except for uber unique, so it grants the much less weighted uber unique because there is nothing else to choose from and it already rolled it being a helm and a unique.

Or to simplify it, certain uniques are more weighted than others in order to make it much less common to get a unique rolled for an item slot for a class that can’t get anything other than an uber for that slot.
And each class got their own assortments of uniques, so when it rolls a unique, you’ll see certain stuff more common than others. There will be exceptions that gets weirdly lucky with the less common ones, but that doesn’t mean the server stats would show it like that. The sample size is pretty big after all, we just don’t have access to the stuff Blizz doesn’t want to show.
And frankly, one player’s experience with the loot is kinda meaningless.

works as intended? … i have like 5+ of other uniques by the handfuls, so… not quite hard to get those other ones haha

I hope you never get the Tempest Roar helm for trash talking my axe. :rage:

Yes, you are getting the same ones over and over. Stop noticing things. People said it’s RNG, so it has to be RNG’s fault! ::

Frankly, your disregarding & dismissing another users report of an issue is rather toxic.

How about a list of 200 player experiences?

Sorry, but you need a bigger sample size. Around 5-10% of the entire player pool could give you somewhat of an idea, but the best is of course server statistics, which only Blizzard got access to. Fun, right?

There are good uniques depending on your build that isnt uber rare. They need to release more and keep them interesting.

There is a gap in the unique system between the common to ultra rare.

I found 3 uniques yesterday, one was an upgrade. RNG is RNG, sometimes the god favor you and sometimes they dont.

Nice way of saying you don’t care about, respect, or have any concern for the opinions & issues of other players that payed their fee to play the game who come to these forums.

Keep your bad faith, straw man arguments - I have dealt with enough Trolling on these forums to know when a user is just here to spew disrespect towards others voicing legitimate concerns & complaints.

I advise not engaging with EruEllimist.