Unique Bug Drop, Barbarian weapons dropping for druids

I play druid and dropped like 3/4 unique weapons for Barb, 1 unique gloves for mage…

Recent reddit post shows many players with the same issues. top comment says to check wowhead class tags for barb uniques. According to wowhead they report the barb mace uniques as both classes; barb and druid. I checked the crone druid unique and only see druid as the class tag. Not sure how wowhead gets their data, they haven’t published specifics surrounding d4.

Blizzard need to fix this asap.

Same issue here, Druid getting Barb weapon drops as most of my uniques.

4/10 of my uniques have been barb 2H’s. Unfortunately 4/5 of those were my last 5 drops too. Lvl 65 and still missing any useful unique :sweat_smile:

Half of my unique drops are barb drops.

This is a really bad bug, as Druid is super unique defendant. Basically half the unique drop rate vs other classes.

Ive tried letting numerous devs know via twitter about this, and its seems to be getting ignored. Its ridiculous that some the most sought after items in a loot based game are ruined due to getting drops you cant use. Completely kills the want to farm things when you arent excited about a unique drop because chances are you cant use it.

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Same bug here, I’m playing a druid and have 3 Ancient Oath (Barbarian Unique)
WTF is going on :(??

Any words from blizz yet?

Same to me … it’s annoying… My last 4 uniques was barba weapon…

@blizzard can we get some respons please ?

Bump. Level 100 druid - 15+ barb uniques. Still can’t get a tempest roar! Would really appreciate an answer on this @blizzard

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Sounds like they finally stated they are aware. I have 3 uniques for barbarian weapons with 0 for my druid. Sadge

Bumping this for an update. I’ve shelved my druid until they fix this.


Nearing this point as well! Extremely frustrating. Please fix yesterday blizzard.

Bit ridiculous considering the resources available.

Still getting Barbarian uniques!

Blizzard please fix. How many different threads do we need on this topic in order to actually get it fixed? I don’t care if they are “aware” - means nothing to anyone right now.

Level 80 druid here. I just had this drop 15 minutes ago. The issue is not solved it seems :confused:


druid here farming for tempest roar but instead i drop 4 unique barb axe today kinda frustrating that it is still not fixed

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hopefully they fix it soon and make up for it with tempest roar

This is definitely a hotfix matter for a serious developer, not something that can wait for a bigger update. It’s a game-breaking issue that ruins the game experience. But this is an Blizzard :sweat_smile: I hope that druid players will be compensated retrospectively.