Unique Bug Drop, Barbarian weapons dropping for druids

I have gotten 6 uniques to drop from levels 50-65. 4 of them in a row were the same barbarian weapon. the other two uniques are butcher cleavers. Is this intended or bug?


From what I’ve seen about 10-15% of the drops I’ve gotten were for any class other than my Rogue. It would appear that D4 is using the same or very similar mechanism to what D3 uses in that normally loot is “smart loot” and will drop for your class, but there is a 15% chance the item in question ignores smart loot and can be for another class. And yes, with a 15% chance per item (every drop has that chance and there is no continuity from one drop to the next) you can be “unlucky” and get four items for other classes in a row. It would seem RNG just wasn’t in your favor today.

Seems exceedingly unlucky. 4 other classes to choose from, and many more uniques. To get 4 in a row of Ancient’s Oath for a druid has to be a bug. This game is so buggy.

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it’s always barb though. not only me, but a lot of people on discord. one guy has a full stash tab with uniques: only druid + barb. not one unique from the other classes.

Bumping to say this is happening to me, too. I have gotten NINE Barbarian unique drops, all weapons.

Yes, I can confirm.

This is taking pretty much all the joy of playing the game, so far 2 out of 2 unique weapon drops I’ve gotten as druid have been barbarian unique weapons. FFS.


(Me level 89 Druid) I was wondering same now because i am fine with being unlucky or getting uniques from other classes but i as well dropped 13-15 barb weapons xd and no i did not get any other class unique only a few chest pieces for my Druid my take on it is just like me and my friend came up with it maybe because Druid has less Weapon uniques than barb so you get more from barb because they have at least 2 two-handed mace and 1 two-handed axe that was my loot pool of barb weapon and so far i at least only know that Druid has an werewolf
unique staff not sure there are more weapons out there so with 1 vs 3 weapons maybe thats why people only get barb weapons but i do hope its a bug because i at least for real dont get happy anymore about uniques drops because I KNOW it will be barb weapon hahah

90 Druid here. I can also confirm this is an issue. I’ve found around 100 uniques at this point and roughly 30-40% of them have been barb weapons. I have found nothing from any other class specific unique pools.

Oh wow, I’m glad I saw this post. I’ve been going insane thinking my character was bugged or something. My Druid has got about maybe 4 total uniques for Druid, and I’m not kidding when I say 20+ Barb uniques. I’m lvl 86 and I was seriously considering switching classes as I can’t get the uniques I need to play any of the builds I want to play properly. I get that other gear will drop, but this seems to be WAY too unlucky. It doesn’t add up.

this post is full of druids getting barb weapon drops with worse than 85%, including myself. I get rare drops for other classes. I’ve only gotten 2 uniques specific to druid, 2 general class drops, and 3 barb weapon drops.
edit: not sure if this matters, but I played barb on the first beta, druid on server slam.

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Pleaaaase fix this already, it’s so frustrating, specialy when u need that last unique to get a build going, getting 3, 4 5, overkill barb maces

It doesn’t, half of my uniques are barb weapons and I never had a barbarian on this account

I play druid and dropped like 3/4 unique weapons for Barb, 1 unique gloves for mage…

Recent reddit post shows many players with the same issues. top comment says to check wowhead class tags for barb uniques. According to wowhead they report the barb mace uniques as both classes; barb and druid. I checked the crone druid unique and only see druid as the class tag. Not sure how wowhead gets their data, they haven’t published specifics surrounding d4.

Blizzard need to fix this asap.

Same issue here, Druid getting Barb weapon drops as most of my uniques.

4/10 of my uniques have been barb 2H’s. Unfortunately 4/5 of those were my last 5 drops too. Lvl 65 and still missing any useful unique :sweat_smile:

Half of my unique drops are barb drops.

This is a really bad bug, as Druid is super unique defendant. Basically half the unique drop rate vs other classes.

Ive tried letting numerous devs know via twitter about this, and its seems to be getting ignored. Its ridiculous that some the most sought after items in a loot based game are ruined due to getting drops you cant use. Completely kills the want to farm things when you arent excited about a unique drop because chances are you cant use it.

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Same bug here, I’m playing a druid and have 3 Ancient Oath (Barbarian Unique)
WTF is going on :(??