Unfortunately the game is boring

Maybe you are the only player that had played a D4 season because you know its boring.

Nobody forces you to play the season.

The moment i hit sorceress 100 i stopped playing the game. I’m not coming back anytime soon either. Yes, it’s Blizzard’s fault.


You payed 70-100 $ for the game.
I didnt see any fault from blizzard they got your money.

How many hours you played?
If you payed 100$ and played 100 hours you got fun for 1$ per hour.

When you go to cinema you pay approx. 10$ per hour, and maybe its a bad movie you wasted this money.

  1. Out
  2. Of
  3. Mana
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This just gets worse as you level up and need better gear / builds to progress.

The game has been out for 3 weeks. Did you literally no-life it in order to get 200 hours in that time? That’s more time than people working 2 full-time jobs at 80 hours a week would have at work. Do you really have 200 hours on this game?

If the Unique Items dropped too often, you would be complaining about getting the items too fast and there being no chase as you got the items you wanted too fast.

Bad rng…bad design it’s a failure

Then apply to be a balance tester and work with the team instead of being cheap and talking only. Put your money where your mouth is. Apparently you are already testing balance for them with your 200+ hours in 3 weeks and have min/maxed everything. :slight_smile:

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Eh, respec costs are about 180k for me at level 61 and I can get that by selling like 5 yellow drops from dungeons. That doesn’t seem excessively expensive to me - unlike Path of Exile where you need an Orb of Regret for each skill node you want to unlock - and those things take a lot of time to farm / find or you have to go in the trade realm in order to respecialize.

Yeah but PoE is a F2P game and one that is very targeted toward neuroatypical/neurodivergent/ASD people, so that’s kind of to be expected. Even though it’s a fantastic game, it’s playerbase metrics reflect its inability to keep normal people playing.

But still, D3 was great for testing out and experimenting with builds. The respec costs in D4 aren’t the end of the world, but I’m positive they will be a massive turnoff for most players. It’s 2023, not 2000: There are thousands upon thousands of decent grindy games to play now. Lots of people will cut their losses and move on over stuff like this. Granted, Blizzard already has their money from it all, so there’s that, but dwindling playerbases cause the sinking ship effect where everyone starts jumping off and next thing you know, you can’t reel them back in.

Are you plain stupid or trying to play ? i have like 55s hours until now and nearly 70 lvl .

Either way , not going to argue with a aggressive GenZ Broke .

Yea mate your right ^^

Read the comment i was replying to friend.

Everything you just named is how diablo has been for a while (minus late LOD D2/D2R which had much better itemization it just took a bit)

It literally started as a game using Diablo 1 and 2 source and made from it…

According to network trackers it has only been going up every day.

Senseless statement and clearly not comparable. The market is different. There are tons of other games out there that are made in a way that make you enjoy thousands of hours for same price or probably cheaper. So you have to compare to that. I’m not saying 100 hrs of fun for 100 bucks is outrageous, but it is pretty bad, specially in the arpg genre where replayability, eternal loot/powerhunt etc is pretty gold standard

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lol, u are suppose to pay for additional stash pages through microtransaction. Mark my words… it will be sold for real cash

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I have over 4000 hours in CS:GO. I paid $20 for it 10 years ago, and now it is free for players. I’m not a mathematician, but $20/4000hr seems like a heck of a lot better value than lets say, $70/50hr. Almost an infinitely better deal. CSGO’s value is $0.005/hr and D4’s value is $1.40/hr. But, that is not a good way to measure games, regardless. I expect D4 to provide years of enjoyment once it is fixed up correctly.

Comparing this medium to movies or other entertainment just doesn’t make sense.

Crazy enough, in CS:GO I have an inventory worth several hundred dollars. If D4 gets to a good enough standard, I’d be happy to support the game too. It’s just not there yet.

rofl, its not to much grind. rather the oposit, its to easy.
just spend a few hours a day after work and you will be 100 in no time. Whats stopping you? its not hard.

After reaching level 100, playing the game feels meaningless. PvP is dominated by barbarians who can one-shot and kill, making PvP unenjoyable. I’m left alone with an ineffective Arch Lash Sorcerer.Trying a different build and upgrading glyphs again feels like a complete ordeal, as you’re just running through empty dungeons with no progress. I don’t plan on playing until the next season arrives.

The devs stated that you need for the campaign approx. 80 hours, and until level 100 160 hours.

The game is released 3 weeks ago so you have to play approx. 53 hours a week to reach 100 (maybe a little bit less after the last patch).

Most people dont spend more than a full workweek playing a game which is in fact a hobby.

A lot of them have a family or other additional hobbies.
Maybe they play the game 10 hours a week (2 hours on 3 weekdays after work = 6, 4 hours at saturday or sunday), because they do additional other things with their free time (doing something with their kids, their partners, their real life friends or sports activities).

So they played approx. 30-40 hours since release of the game and they going to need about additional 10-12 weeks (or 3 month) to reach 100 (just with one char).

And i argue that this people are more happy with the game because their goal isnt to reach 100 as fast as possible but just having fun.

And mounts.
And the open world.
And the “MMO” part.
Lots of things were checkboxes for sales.

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Game directors don’t decide when to ship games, the executives at Activision do.