Unfortunately the game is boring

I truly hope they make pet meta for necro an option. After they pre-launch nuked the minions and made them basically support to other skills, it really blows. I’m level 71 now. While the minions can survive some in T4, they do die alot and easily, even with the skele priest heal… the 5 seconds it takes to heal the minions is extremely long and most will die before it goes off for one. They appear to have small life pool, as even with plus like 70% to minion life, they still die rather easily. A necromancer is a pet summoning based class, yet pets were nerfed to all hell, it does not make sense.

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Not just boring. Annoying too. The constant cc , the annoying stuff they put on the nm dungeon maps like that annoying lightning bubble you constantly have to run to just to hide for the ridiculous damage while waisting 5 minutes standing there. And to top it off the most annoying moron in the dungeons the overpowered butcher. I had him 8 times in the last 13 dungeons for me thats an insta quit dungeon , not waisting 10 min just to kill him. And then the worst the top 6 items that will never drop in 20 years if you are really unlucky. And no im not undergeared. Im lvl 80 i blast throu hellltide like its nothing but when i play lvl 85 mosters in dungeon i struggle like a noob against that overpowered @#$hole.

I bought the game to play it now. Not 2 years from now.

Same problem with diablo 2 resurrected. Going on 2 years for them to fix the useless melee builds in that game and make them playable.

If you mean “First Person Shooter”, Diablo was never a FPS. When you’re looking down on the character from above, that’s not true 3D, and FPS was always true 3D.

I’m having fun with the game. I’m like 30 hours in, still in act 1 and am like level 40 or 45… I’m playing on WL2 and it’s starting to get a little frisky in big fights. I fought some poison tree rarespawn that spawns a bunch of poison spiders. I died a handful of times to it and felt pretty satisfied when I finally beat it. I think it gave me an achievement as well.

I’m enjoying the slightly slower pace vs D3 that I probably sunk 2k hours into over the years. I used to push GRs really hard when I played seasons. I think I ended up on the board a couple times as well some years back(want to say it was on a witchdoctor on PS4?). I played some of the most recent season, before D4 came out, but stopped after I got around GR115 or so and after I finished the whole season journey.

Point is, it’s been kind of a breath of fresh air compared to split bounties and spamming 60-120 seconds rifts over and over again.

  • D2 was too small, slow and simple(don’t try to lie, you used the exact same cookie cutter builds as everyone else to get anywhere in the endgame)
  • D3 was too gogogoogoggogo ADHD but had some amazing build flexibility if you weren’t trying to run ultra high GRs
  • D4 is kind of a happy medium between the two and is massive

I’m kind of excited to see where D4 goes in the future because D3 evolved SOOO much from when it came out that it almost became a different game.

Biggest gripes: Respec costs HAVE to go or be addressed and itemization is kind of weird, but it might just be that I need to get used to it.

haha seasons… so not gonna play it now… why try to do the boring 100 grind again?

  1. Level scaling makes the game feel bad.
  2. BiS gear is simply unobtainable, leaving nothing to work towards. No carrot on a stick. No end game content really.
  3. No social elements at all. Group finder ? Raids ? More difficult co-op dungeons ? World chat ? Trading ? Absolutely nothing.

Maybe you are the only player that had played a D4 season because you know its boring.

Nobody forces you to play the season.

The moment i hit sorceress 100 i stopped playing the game. I’m not coming back anytime soon either. Yes, it’s Blizzard’s fault.


You payed 70-100 $ for the game.
I didnt see any fault from blizzard they got your money.

How many hours you played?
If you payed 100$ and played 100 hours you got fun for 1$ per hour.

When you go to cinema you pay approx. 10$ per hour, and maybe its a bad movie you wasted this money.

  1. Out
  2. Of
  3. Mana
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This just gets worse as you level up and need better gear / builds to progress.

The game has been out for 3 weeks. Did you literally no-life it in order to get 200 hours in that time? That’s more time than people working 2 full-time jobs at 80 hours a week would have at work. Do you really have 200 hours on this game?

If the Unique Items dropped too often, you would be complaining about getting the items too fast and there being no chase as you got the items you wanted too fast.

Bad rng…bad design it’s a failure

Then apply to be a balance tester and work with the team instead of being cheap and talking only. Put your money where your mouth is. Apparently you are already testing balance for them with your 200+ hours in 3 weeks and have min/maxed everything. :slight_smile:

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Eh, respec costs are about 180k for me at level 61 and I can get that by selling like 5 yellow drops from dungeons. That doesn’t seem excessively expensive to me - unlike Path of Exile where you need an Orb of Regret for each skill node you want to unlock - and those things take a lot of time to farm / find or you have to go in the trade realm in order to respecialize.

Yeah but PoE is a F2P game and one that is very targeted toward neuroatypical/neurodivergent/ASD people, so that’s kind of to be expected. Even though it’s a fantastic game, it’s playerbase metrics reflect its inability to keep normal people playing.

But still, D3 was great for testing out and experimenting with builds. The respec costs in D4 aren’t the end of the world, but I’m positive they will be a massive turnoff for most players. It’s 2023, not 2000: There are thousands upon thousands of decent grindy games to play now. Lots of people will cut their losses and move on over stuff like this. Granted, Blizzard already has their money from it all, so there’s that, but dwindling playerbases cause the sinking ship effect where everyone starts jumping off and next thing you know, you can’t reel them back in.

Are you plain stupid or trying to play ? i have like 55s hours until now and nearly 70 lvl .

Either way , not going to argue with a aggressive GenZ Broke .

Yea mate your right ^^

Read the comment i was replying to friend.

Everything you just named is how diablo has been for a while (minus late LOD D2/D2R which had much better itemization it just took a bit)

It literally started as a game using Diablo 1 and 2 source and made from it…

According to network trackers it has only been going up every day.

Senseless statement and clearly not comparable. The market is different. There are tons of other games out there that are made in a way that make you enjoy thousands of hours for same price or probably cheaper. So you have to compare to that. I’m not saying 100 hrs of fun for 100 bucks is outrageous, but it is pretty bad, specially in the arpg genre where replayability, eternal loot/powerhunt etc is pretty gold standard

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