Unable to unlock new difficulty

Ran my friend (who is playing on ps5) through the capstone dungeon to unlock t3 a total of three times, none of the times were we able to finish unlocking t3 at the fountain. We tried switching around who was party leader, restarting game and completely reloading d4, still unable to unlock t3 for him despite finishing dungeon three times, the difficulty remains locked at the fountain (he can’t finish unlocking it there, despite finishing dungeon)

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I just wanted to confirm that I’m having the same issue on HC.

Same, I’m unable to unlock WT4 (torment) from the nightmare mode (t3).

No idea why

New level requirements added

That’s just a recommendation, nowhere does it say requirement. only requirement listed is beating the capstone dungeon. I’ve helped numerous friends unlock both T3 and T4 and it’s never been an issue

It is now a requirement. Level 50 for World Tier 3. 70 for World Tier 4.

Yuck, hope they fix that, by level fifty tier 2 is way too easy and by level 70 they 3 is way too easy

I’ve been told it’s actually level 40 and 60 respectively for nightmare and torment. Those are the levels where the main quest appears in your quest log.

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