Unable to attack or use any skills

Playing as sorcerer went into a cellar near the lost archives dungeon and am now unable to attack or use any skills, leaving and teleporting around didn’t fix it, I am using a controller and the game is registering all of my inputs from the controller and when switching to mouse and keyboard the issue still persists. when I press any buttons/keys that are assigned to a skill/attack the skills icon lights up but it doesn’t work or play any of the animations. Seems like relogging fixes it


Likewise, was in the middle of fighting Vhenard at the Black Lake, and all skills stopped working. Can move around but attacks or travel will not work even after death. Odd thing is I can still take health potion with Q.


relogging will fix it… its been a thing for many people since launch… however when this happened to me, i was fighting the boss in Temple of the Primes… now i have relogged and the game locks up when i try to re enter the temple :frowning: i have closed the game completely several times and its still locking up on me.


Happened to me too with rogue. From horadric vault vent to city sell item and when come back could not attack evade or even teleport to town :frowning: only potions worked. teleported to town through map.

Happened as well with my Druid in Depths of Despair. My wolves still attack passively, but I can’t use any skills or attacks.

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Happened to me as well on sorc in market square.
When I press the buttons the skill bar shows the buttons being pressed, but nothing happens.
Gameplay wise, I can’t dodge, use abilities or teleport. The only thing I can do is drink a potion. Oh, and I can climb ladders.
I can still access all the menus.


Same happened to me on PC using controller, tried keyboard/mouse and nothing. On Sorc doing Story in Condemned Mines. Same happened to husband on Rogue in dungeon in another area, using keyboard and mouse.


Had this happen to me last night as well. Was in the middle of a dungeon (Cultist’s Refuge) and suddenly couldn’t use any skills, dodge, or teleport, even after dying. Still able to use the map and teleport that way, but the issue persisted after running back to the dungeon.

Before I noticed the bug, my friend had just TP’d out because he thought we completed the dungeon after killing an elite. After returning to the dungeon he also faced the same issue, so it seems like it can affect groups as well.

A bit annoyed because it was my first death, but fortunately it wasn’t a hardcore character.


Also had this happen. I was not able to do anything except walk, including evade. The only way I was able to fix it was to leave the game and come back. I saw mobs, changed areas, and saw other players, so it wasn’t a disconnect.

My hairstyle also changed, permanently. Logging out and back in left me with the same new hairstyle.


same happened to me in the middle of the pilgrimage quest last night. The keyboard seemed to freeze except for the potion key. I had to completely exit the game, and when I came back, the quest started over from the beginning.

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This just happened to me. Dying did not fix it, I had to relog.

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Same thing has happened to me twice now on Sorcerer/PC/MNK, where I suddenly become unable to do anything except walk around (can’t do basic/core/defensive/ult skills and can’t even evade). When it happens, the icons on the skill bar will flash as though they’re registering the inputs, but nothing happens in-game and the cooldowns don’t reset.

In both instances, I was partied. In the first instance, I had teleported back into a dungeon from town and assumed it was related to a TP bug. But the second time it happened, the bug affected both of us in the party (other player was on Druid/PC/MNK) as we first went inside at The Outer Gardens in Act 3 of the MSQ.

In both instances, I fixed the issue by fully quitting the game and relogging. I’d tried the following that didn’t seem to fix the issue:

  • Letting myself die and respawning
  • Toggling control settings and saving changes
  • Teleporting out/leaving the room and coming back in
  • Going out to character select and returning
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Same for me. Solo, had just loaded into the second part of Eldhaime Keep (In Ruins). Had to exit and relaunch to fix it. (Of course that reset the quest and had to start the run over.)

Same here. Was fighting a dungeon boss and could’t use any of my skills. Potions also didn’t work for me. Could only run around. Died and lost HC char…

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Same just happened to me in The Desolation Fields. Happened to both me and a clan member last night too. Annoying.

Yup have had this happened to me since the Beta… I can run around the map but can’t use skills, and can’t interact with anything… all the enemies stop moving too … Only that fixes it is me having to totally exit the game and then re-log in… which is extremely annoying.

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Same thing. I tried reloging a bunch of times. Won’t let me pass first loading screen after character select…

Rouge pc

restarted pc. Still stuck at loading screen. Running a scan and repair before I reinstall the game.

Scan and repair let my relog with no problems.

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Just happened to me when I started the Depths of Despair side quest. As soon as I went into the cellar, I could no longer act. I’m playing w an Xbox series controller.

Just happened after teleporting from kyovashad to yeslena. Happened once yesterday and once the day before.

Scan and repair fixed the login bug for me