Un-Nerf WW Barb

I dont record while playing but take his instead. I use Rob´s setup with some adjustments (Ramaldnis) and I do run an average of 13-15 monsterlvl above mine where I do not have any probs with butcher especially in high densitys.
I never said nm dungeon 70 plus btw why should I grind that high for leveling ?

I wanted to see you kill butcher easily not Rob. Remember? Rob is clearly lvl100 in that video and not level 80.

I wanted to see a level 80 barb kill butcher in seconds as a ww barb, any varient! I would love to see this in the current season since I havent seen or heard of a WW build that strong yet.

10 levels above you yields the same monster exp and there is no point unless you want more glyph exp at the end.
Killing a lvl 90 mob while you are 80 is the max you’d want to go.

So ur Point is a lvl 100 ww-barb can kill 154 Butcher fast as in the vid but a lvl 80 ww-barb cant kill a 90 Butcher with ease ?

That’s 100% the Barber heart causing all of that damage. Barber heart has been carrying most builds this season, which is terrible game design in my opinion.

When the Barber heart goes away next season, a lot of builds will suffer. This will be even more apparent for builds like WW that rely on the Barber heart for damage.


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I just want to see it because I dont believe it.
Barber or not, you said seconds for a level 80 WW barb.
Unless you are playing at a super low difficulty, I am not sure what gear or WW spec is capable of doing this at lvl80.

put a barber on any rubbish class/build and it turns it into a dps machine.

Yes but Barber on a Barb (ironic) isn’t hitting as hard as the other classes, or at least I have yet to see it scale to the power of a necro.
The issue is the skills on barb under performing, not a seasonal specific mechanic.

yes we should just make the gameplay press 1 button and move around in a circle that would be good gameplay. there should be no tradeoffs whatsoever. we should all be S tier in every aspect. they should just give us infinite skill and paragon points so we can fill out every single node. that would be great gameplay right there.

you are why this game is never going to get better.

Minion Necro here, downed Lilith and a t100. Not bottom tier with Mendeln.

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Interesting perspective there. I don’t see how someone that has constantly provided input at Blizzcon 2019, played all Betas and offered to start a discussion about how a particular class underperforms compared to others is an issue.
What actual input do you have towards the topic? Or are you just here to troll?