Un-Nerf WW Barb

They took one completely out. All my boots had a trash aspect on it after the patch.

Funny thing is back in d2 the interaction between blessed hammer and concentration boosting the hammers damage through the roof was a bug at first and they fixed it then reintroduced it because it was fun.

Thatā€™s kinda telling of the different philosophies between blizzard north and the company using the franchise in some macabre weekend at bernieā€™s parody.


We have pulverize druid next to hota barb both same playstyle cant you just buff hota to have same damage? Why is this hard? Do some quick math and buff hota 50% or whatever number u need to reach pulv level.

Increase damage to charge?? What planet are the devs on???

Edit: Its good to buff charge and stuff less used for sure but maybe balance CORE skills first, yaknow, because they are more core to the game.

A great way to approach balancing is to first make all the core skills in game relatively same power. Then move on to other skills.

ā€œif itā€™s not mindlessly easy it has to be dark souls and I donā€™t have bad tasteā€

nah its more if you donā€™t like it shut up and play some other build.

Pretty much every barb already changed to druid bc its better designed. Variety of top tier builds and the uniques are mostly all useable.

Its fair to say, people with this ā€œIf you dont like it you can just leaveā€ philosophy isnt good for business.

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this was from a long time ago before the person bumped it. he/she didnā€™t like the idea of whirlwind because it was a ā€œbraindeadā€ skill to use ā€¦ so thus it should be nerfed into oblivion according to him/her

You know whats crazy? They nerfed WW barbs before they found out about the edgemaster bug. So they literally tuned barb while it was benefiting from broken aspect synergy and never reverted that tuning after the bug was fixed lmao. They were just ok with those previous nerfs even though edgemaster was the primary reason for their over-performance at the time.


This is correct, and it would be much appreciated to revert the WW build now that the bug has been patched.
A few clanmates rolled a barb to feel the pain and they both noticed how barb under performs compared to others classes.
Then specifically the ww build which is supposed to be a speed build yet struggles to keep up with necros and rouges.

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Their damage sucks so idk what youre talking about

Yup. And they kept nerfing barbs after that as well. Bunch of morans.

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Yeah the game launch was hype I had friends and family over we rolled barbs and wizardsā€¦

Blizzard why did you poop on our happy times???

They werent willing to reroll a new character or farm all new gear every time you nerf.

I tell them dont worry, blizzard says they want to fix this.

Months and months go by and still you no fix this.

At this point, you need to make barb and wizard super OP best in the game broken builds to make it up to them. They wont come back for some lackluster buffs.

We all look to POE devs now because you dont seem to understand why people play video games and you hurt peoples feelings my little brother actually cried when you ruin his barbarian in the middle of game launch.

They tried to keep players by slowing down the game. What happens instead is people realize they have choices and play other games.

As a Druid I can assure all here they also ruined my Tornado pretty much. Bossdamage is still great but playstyle is a pain with cooldown nerv and only 6 sec unstoppable per 30 sec.

Nado Druid had triple the damage as a WW barb!
A lot of barb fans in our clan rolled druids and were shocked at the damage difference between the classes.

Us Barb mains will have to wait and see how WW performs with the patch tomorrow.

They need to seriously balance the entire game whether nerf or buff. Necro is absolutely destroying content.


playstile got ruined beeing only 6 sec cc immune every 23 sec. and 10 sec totally useless . nobody wants to play this way stop and go as they nerved me

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Yea, the point of ww is mobility and aoe, yet it feels lackluster compared to other classes.
The bleed variant I have been using isnt bad, but still not as powerful as other classes and builds.

Working as intended. We all know Rob is sitting on his malignant tunnel and enjoying the game he built for himself.

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Then ur doing it wrong ā€¦ I am lvl 80 now with bleed barb and its really good. butcher i dead in seconds ā€¦ says it all

At what NM difficulty are you playing?
If you killed a nm 70+ butcher in seconds at level 80, you would have the best barb in the game and you should post your video and promote it!
I highly doubt it though.
Link a video of your accomplishments because the build isnā€™t that good even with perfectly rolled gear, and is improbable at level 80.