UI & QoL Feedback

Session 1:

  • Keybind visuals need to be hideable
  • Binding stuff (like force move) to mouse wheel works in the UI but doesn’t function.
  • Move on left-click still needs to interact and pickup.
  • Map needs to have transparant overlay option like in D2 and D3.
  • Having to zoom out/fullscreen the Skills pane every time is annoying. Plus having to hit escape twice to get rid of it is annoying.
  • Cellars feel useless. Not worth the loading screen.
  • Equipped 2H scythe regularly becomes invisible during combat.
  • Having to destroy an item to unlock the transmog is ridiculous, and makes trips to the vendor a pain.
  • There needs to be a ‘skip all cutscenes’ option.
  • There needs to be a ‘close all open windows’ keybind.
  • Some cutscenes/conversations are skippable while other aren’t. Not consistent.
  • Summoned minions often stutterstep/lag/rubberband.
  • Chat window isn’t moveable.
  • Default pickup radius for gold feels a bit too small.
  • Make it clearer there’s a ‘leave dungeon’ button.
  • Slowly backtracking through empty dungeons just to open a door gets really old really fast. The game just completely grinds to a halt.
  • Having to scroll in item tooltips is annoying.
  • Comparisons in tooltips need consistent organizing; sorted in a tier system or something. Currently you often can’t tell at a glance if an item is good or not. Particularly for offhands; a shield will look like a massive upgrade because of all the green, but it’s likely a massive dps downgrade.
  • Why is there a cast timer on picking up and placing the unlock items in dungeons? If I can mine instantly surely I can pick up a stone instantly. Why can I only carry 1? Now I need to backtrack again.

Session 2:

  • Game doesn’t seem to like atl-tabbing. Tends to DC or crash it.
  • Is it really needed for only specific vendors to have the sell option? Can’t the blacksmith buy stuff too? I’ve accidentally equipped crap gear instead of selling it so often.
  • A gem tab/inventory is needed so badly.
  • That annoying screen-covering splash screen at the end of cellars takes longer than the actual cellar
  • AoE looting of gems would be nice.
  • What’s the point of white and blue items if the player inventory is so small they get left behind 10 mins into the game? Cut out the annoying middle man and just drop crafting mats or gold instead of blue crap.
  • The ‘dungeon complete’ splash screen is very big and stays on screen quite long; annoying when you’re still in combat
  • Every town should have an easy to reach stash.
  • The stash in Kyovashad is a pain to reach.
  • Cleaning out inventory is a pita due to the destroy to transmog nonsense
  • Getting trapped in another players Bone Prison probably shouldn’t be a thing
  • Item tooltips look ‘messy’. Need some cleaning up/streamlining. Font feels off.

Session 3:

  • Why do I have to open the map to get to the quest journal?
  • Where are the comparison tooltips for items on the ground?
  • The mousewheel randomly stops working in the wheel thing so you can’t switch left or right
  • The UI feels inconsistent. Feels like there’s a lot of different choices, sizes, etc for fonts, buttons, layouts, etc.
  • On ultrawide (3440x1440) during char creation the male ‘Select a preset’ window is placed over the char model. Not the case for the female side.
  • Why don’t picked up items equip automatically if the gear slot in question is empty?
  • What’s up with the Diablo dev teams and that fascination with doors in dungeons every 4 meters? Are you guys ok?
  • Starting a second char is pretty boring initially as you have to sit through the same unskippable conversations, and have to do literally the exact same dungeon again. No random layouts at all.
  • Movement skills / speed boosts should be usable in towns
  • Not being able to mark items as junk with spacebar while interacting with vendors/stash is very annoying.
  • There needs to be some sort of diminishing returns on monster cc. Getting chain frozen and having to sit there and watch your char die is not fun.
  • The max zoom level is fine inside dungeons etc, but zooming out a bit more outside would be great. Like it is during world boss fights.
  • Played a necro to 20ish first, had a blast. Really fun. Started a Druid. Miserable experience.
  • Why are those pedestals to open doors not marked on the big map? Minimap only is silly.
  • Getting your Ultimate is underwhelming and disappointing as you have to sacrifice a skill you get to use frequently for it
  • If a dungeon door requires an x amount of kills to open, put x+10 mobs in the area so we don’t have to backtrack the entire thing looking for a mob hiding in a corner