Uber uniques should be tradable

Ubers should be tradable at this point. I dont even trade but it is common sense.

People trade mats to summon. Even worse they buy them. 4man teams get massive advantage.

Dont see why they shouldn’t be tradable at this point.


I’m good keeping them as rare lottery tickets myself. I think this was a smart move. Not to mention we won’t see them on websites selling for hundreds of dollars. You ever see the prices for PoE or D2 rare items back in the day? People made a lot of money I’m just sayin.


Easiest Diablo game ever and this guy still can’t figure it out.


Not a good idea, untill there’s no tradeing platform in-game. They made legos and regular uniques open for trade, and I can allready see 3rd party RMT sites and bots going rampant after the patch. It would bring a similar P2W scenario like in D2/D2R, it’s pretty unhealthy for the competitive aspects of the game.

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People are already buying mats rmt…
Its essentially the same thing.

I dont personally care but it is true that it doesn’t make any sense.

There is already ways to cheat or get an advantage vs solo players.

Why arn’t they tradable?

no, they shouldnt.

just because people violate the ToS and risk their account, it doesnt mean that uber uniques should be tradable, which would lead to even more rmt anyway.


If mats were account bound l would agree. As it is now l dont see any logic

There’s a slight difference in buying mats and still farm the bosses, than straight up buying the UU’s. Just because a lot of people cheat, doesn’t mean they should have even more advantage with cheating.

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thats a point i can agree on. Mats should move to the material page, or even better be removed all together and the drop rate of ubers heavily reduced.


Agree with you there l dont like inconsistency

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Its not the same thing, it is actually very different. There is no need to make them tradeable.

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Well, one of the main reason I’d personally like them to be tradable is:

  • I already have a full 12/12 characters lvl 100 with no intention to delete them.
  • If I wanted to play the next season, I’d need to buy the game again on another account, but by not being able to trade Uber items back to my main account at the end of the season, it would suck greatly and basically make my main account pointless.

So yeah, basically I want Uber items to be tradable so I could trade it with my second account, like I’m doing in D2R.

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It’s a slippery slope.

You start selling Ubers and the gold/gear bot farming kicks into high gear.

How will you know it’s not a dupe that you paid 100 Trillion gold for?

That then get’s removed from the game and you get banned?

Sounds fun huh?

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As others have stated, this would likely lead to more issues that it solves. Enjoy the new trading we get in S4, just no ubers.

it’s the opposite.
uber unique should never be tradeable AND uber mat should no longer be tradeable since as you said it bring already RMT even when the items themselves aren’t tradeable (which would bring even more RMT)

You cannot stop RMT. If they make mats non tradeable people will just sell spots to their runs instead. “Doing 50 runs, x$ per run - 3 spots open”

Stop trying to make the game worse by trying to combat something that cannot be stopped.

Everything in the game should be tradeable: ubers, finished crafted items, everything. Let the economy evolve. If there is some RMT then so be it, i will have more fun with the game regardless.


Should that happen nobody will run Duriel. Seasons are 3 months long, People should be able to get ubers with a reasonable amount of effort. You have to do it all again in the new season.

well, reducing the drop rate to like 0.2% is quite reasonable if you can just spam the boss without the need for materials.

if people arent willing to grind for them, thats totally fine, as they hardly are needed.

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I think its an option since you will be looking for greater affix uber uniques anyways. Still im not even sure reg unique trading is a good idea.

I mean RTM sellers and FG sellers just got super happy along side ultra casual credit card warrior.

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