Uber uniques should be tradable

Only if you play that game ,i wont use RTM. If your into competition it might make a difference. Personaly i dont care about RTM.

hence why like i said in multiple post : only the mat user should have a chance at uber unique or EVERYONE has to pay mat to participate.

Or make it so duriel don’t need mat but has a dungeon and a drop chance of 0,2% instead of 2%

quite easy to fight it this way actually.

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Yup give them the match but no gasoline. Firefighting done.

You guys are nuts for saying drop rate should be reduced.

How much lower?!

Seasonal realm is way too short to be able to farm them, it already takes long lol. By the time you get everything it’s pretty much the end of season.

If I can’t even get the item or ever even see it then what is the point of having them?

I think what they are saying is removing the mat cost and allowing the ubers to be farmed over and over, but lowering the drop rates. I don’t like this since I think ubers in any arpg should need to be worked for a little to do. But I also hate the material farm we have right now lol. As do most people ahah.

But there was an announcement stating this.

All bosses in boss ladder will have a chance to drop uber uniques (at significantly higher chance than over world, but still a bit less than Duriel and Andariel) for S4. (The way i understands it, this change is likely going to eternal as well)

They have to actually spend time doing the runs.

Please think before you make an argument.

I can see the cost in RMT,they make more money then Blizzard Cosmetics.

I mean I totally agree here. Being able to farm something that isn’t super boring like Duriel mat farming to be able to get Uber uniques seems hella lit better. Make everything tradeable imo

No, I don’t think uber-uniques should ever be tradeable. Some things should only be obtained through playing the game. Uber-uniques are a prime example of items that bring you a lot of excitement when they drop and are a main motivation to play the game. I can’t imagine playing a game like this if you can simply buy everything from someone else. Diablo is all about finding cool powerful items, not about buying them off someone else. While I like the idea of trading some items among friends, there must be limitations.

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Did you guys missed UU can be droppable at mlvl 55 onwards at ilvl 925? Which is WT3 into WT4 timeline. Bossing won’t be the only source of farming UU. We don’t know what the drop rate is and i don’t think it’s 2% & as high as duriel/andariel. But each mob killed has chance to drop EVERWHERE. You don’t need & want UU to be tradable, essence of this genre is farming, not trading. Trading is the worst invention for a farming game.


Yeah, no.

The better approach is to make summon items into materials that can’t be traded, and then require everyone in a party to spend mats on each boss run. RMT problems solved (at least as relates to Duriel and Ubers). Making Ubers tradeable will just magnify the existing RMT issues.