Uber lilith needs to die

PLEASE explain to me in 2nd grader terms why uber lilith gets to complete her whole damn mechanic set even after shes been obliterated?! I play a minion necro and have had her dead to rights within the first 10 seconds of p2 but I get clapped by the homing projectiles. It is infuriating. Bad design and poor choice on making the fight hard only because of mechanics after what should be her death.


I feel your pain:


The most difficult part is when she’s about to cut the left side of the stage. The safe zone is very small but the blood blosters shoot many fireballs flying around.

You have to stay out of that safe zone until the main floor is on fire, jump in, run around her and the blood bloster, then get away from the floor.

Yeah I hear you man. Ive been on the fence about this.

On one hand, you’ve built a character that has crossed the damage threshold needed to skip mechanics and you’re not being rewarded for that with an easy kill.

On the other hand, the power creep is real in D4 and a lot of builds now, and in the future after yesterdays campfire, are going to be able to skip mechanics.

Builds like yours should exist but only if you’ve found some unique interaction with affixes and unique powers/codex affixes that make it so combined with a lot of grinding for near-GG items. But not every build, or not MANY builds should be able to do this.

Blizzard has always had a difficulty with balance. We are introducing power creep into the game with tempering and masterworking. Amp up lilliths HP to 2 billion (legit). Now, you NEED to be pumping out 20-50 mil DPS in order to progress through phases smoothly. If youre at the top of that number, you skip phases all together.

So then they say “well, we put work into this fight, its the most mechanically difficult diablo fight in existance (including D3/D2 etc)”. We need to artificially gate the player and have them run through the mechanics at 1hp because we cant balance the game.

There shouldn’t be a cap on player power. This is the entire point of an arpg. Build a god-tier character if you can. Hell, in POE there was a time where they were measuring DPS in “Shapers per Second”. How many Shapers can you kill per second (Shaper is a pinnacle boss in POE much like the pinnacle bosses in D4).

However, the VAST majority of builds with the exception of those one or two outliers need to go through the mechanics.


movement speed and learn the mechanics


Yes. Agree.

However, and I’ve posted about this in other threads…

If you’ve burned her to 1hp early you need to run through all mechs in P2. Ok, fine. Ill do the platform dance. Last platform breaks, she has literal 1%hp, jus needs one tap. The platform is like two inches big. You have 9 skulls flying at your face. If you dont kill her now shes going to do her big aoe telegraphed attacks that kill everything. But you cant stop moving because of the skulls.

So she’s slowly descending to that last platform, you’re running in circles while lillith is descending to avoid the skulls. She is in her descending animation and immune to all damage. Shes immune, yet skulls from the previous stage can still kill you. You cannot damage her, she can still kill you. What is that about?

I can’t count on my fingers how many times this happened to me this season. She was dead a dozen times aside from this nonsense until I finally got lucky and farted in her direction to do that last 1% of damage that blizzard artificially protected to make us go through mechs and animations. In fact, at least one time her death animation started, but something still killed me about 1-2 seconds after her death animation started. No credit for the kill. Had to re-do.

I think its the best fight in the game. The rest of the bosses are the laziest design of boss fights and pushovers…shes the most interesting. But there are some clear issues with it still.


I would like to have a 2nd option to fight Lilith. A relaxed one. Like in Monkey Island. With words. “You fight like a cow…”


people have been doing the mechanics since s0 without broken or bugged builds. you just need to learn the mechanics and avoid them. is it difficult? yes. is it impossible? no.


I also made a thread about this.


It’s very dumb, also Torm Andariel is the same, just mech locked for 3 phases even if you kill it instantly, But atleast andariel is easy.

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I mean I hear you and im usually in this boat but your not getting that if shes been drained of hp why is blizz making us go through the rest of the fight? If I won just let me win. Whys she get the cheap rout of " oh im dead but heres some homing missiles"

tbh back in S2 with the “broken” ball lightning build, I dont recall having to go through all the mechs in phase 2. Maybe im wrong… but I feel like once I burned her down, shes was done.

so your mad they made it so you cant cheese the fight with a broken build and have to do the mechanics.

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I wouldnt call my build broken, and yes. You are right im mad that a boss whose been beaten to 1hp gets to stay alive and kill me .

I think blizzard needs to balance their game better so there aren’t broken builds and we arent in this situation. Then they can remove all of the mech gates and if a player gets a few lucky crits & over power crits and manage to skip a phase or mechanic, its accepted.

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class balance ofcourse should be done, but the fight is fine as is. someone being mad because they lack the skill i just find funny. in s0 people did the fight hundreds of times to learn the fight and finally down her.

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And you should be mad. I dont think this happens in other ARPGS. The point of an ARPG is to make a god-tier character, if you can. Its incredibly lame that some developer @ blizz coded it so that the strength of your build only matters for so much. If you can find those interesting interactions of affixes, items, etc. I think D4 has an issue where there aren’t too many of those, however.,

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I like Lilith fight the most. Its not enough for her to have high dmg, she demands also mobility and knowledge of mechanics. Imo every Uber Boss should work this way, and I have her down on this season pre uber bosses nerf with thorns Minions.

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Im not saying its impossible and im not exactly disagreeing with you. I dont think having to learn mechanics is bad. I have raided in alot of mmorps ect. But what im saying is its cheap and not very fun to use mechanics after what should be hear death to be the hardest part of the fight.

I just find it boring. Even after you master the mechanics of the fight, it’s dull to have to sit there and watch all of these silly animations. If you want to make the fight harder, balance the characters and remove the OP one-shot builds. That’s the real way to make a good game, not cheesy boss fights.

I did easily with my immortal sorc, standing still the whole time lol
countering a broken fight with a broken build

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