Uber Lilith Killed 1st Time - No Resplendent Spark Issued.....what now ?!

Same problem here. Apparently it is happening to a lot of people. I hope they give us a spark like TODAY.

Same problem here. Hope this gets fixed

same problem here … lillith die and no spark … and no contact support … wtf

I got it several days after defeated other tormented boss with a friend…

I killed her yesterday in a group and also have no spark. Quite annoying as i have 3 and just needed 1 more :frowning:

Edit: i also logged into an eternal character and ive got a spark sitting there. I killed lillith two seasons ago when ball lightning was the jam but thats the only time i ever killed her with any other character.

I have the same problem. I just killed Lilith’s echo and they didn’t give me the spark, I have killed her alone and in a group and they didn’t give me anything. The second and third time I killed her she didn’t even drop objects

If you have ever defeated Uber lilith in a previous season , then the spark will drop in the backpack of the character that actually defeated her for the first time. This reward is only available once per Blizzard account, regardless of season and how many characters you have. It only rewards you once.

According to the Season 4 Issue Tracker Blizzard has recognized this as an issue.

Resplendent Sparks on first Echo of Lilith kill
This is currently being investigated by the team. It doesn’t appear to be fully reproducible which is making it a bit more tough to replicate but the teams are still working on this.

Just killed her and received no spark.


Just killed her, still no spark.


Same, just killed her for the first time this season and no spark…

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Same here… just killed her for the first time and no spark…

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Issue is still alive and well. Just killed her today 6/19 and 2 legendary items dropped with no Spark…

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Same here I heard she had the same bug but they “fixed it” so I decided to try and kill her and I didn’t get any sparks for my first time, very disappointing. (06/19)

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Same here… really hope to get it sooner than later

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same here, defeated her, no spark, NICE ! :slight_smile: how this bug is fixed if it’s still happening?

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There doesn’t appear to be quick resolution to the issue… considering that the issue is on the problem tracker for over a month already

I just killed her today and NO spark, I also killed 4 Tormented for the first time, and NO sparks on any of them.

Killed Uber Lilltih and Tormented Andariel - no spark for either.

Whats going on?

Perhaps a S5 fix?

I submitted a ticket yesterday. Here is the response from a D4 GM:

"I can see that you did not receive a Resplendent Spark.

After further investigation, I found out that we have received several reports of this issue and are investigating it. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided."