Uber Lilith is a cheat fight

yikes even with the giga nerfed fight people still complain :crazy_face:

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160-170 is a sweetspot. Once you oneshot her, just swap amulet/boot with more movement speed and it’s done.

I have killed her a dozen of times already and she never summoned any orbs.

I killed Uber Lilith in season 3 dodging all flying bullets, and in season 4 I watched multiple videos of players killing her without those bullets at all. So the floor falling phase goes without flying bullets at all. How is that possible? People just stay still waiting for the floor to fall and go back to the center of the arena.
In season 4 I die due to lack of damage because cannot both dodge bullets and dps the boss when the falling floor phase begins

damage is important, yes, but ~4-5 minutes fight, which is considered rather slow, is fairly doable. I’ll keep quoting myself


You put in the work for gear huh? If you really did you would have no problem with lillith.
And how are you “forced” to do her when she drops NOTHING!!!.
If you have never killed her in any season i guess you have a reason but still not much 1 spark not worth the effort anyway. But if you have ever killed her you get absolutely nothing for killing her again.

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I said in another thread, if you want to cheese the fight, just make an Immortal Flame Shield Sorcerer. It’s not hard to gear, just need enough reduce cooldown to get Flame Shield’s cooldown down to about 11 seconds and Flame Shield Duration of around 5 seconds, just have 4 ranks of Flame Shield on your pants (no GA necessary). Flame Shield duration and Pyromancy attack speed on the items that can take it (rolls don’t really matter). Use a wand and focus, again rolls don’t matter though it’s best to have a focus with at least cooldown on it.

You’re not really going for damage; you’re going for full uptime on Flame Shield.

My damage sucked but the fight still only took about 7 minutes. You can ignore all her damage except the falling floors, so you just stand in the middle and fire away with Firebolt while dropping Firewalls occasionally. There’s a guide on maxroll for the build that’ll have what aspects you need. I didn’t follow it exactly because I leveled with the build and so used Juggernaut on my chest for times my Flame Shield wasn’t up in dungeons and what not.

You can even make it easier by using the numlock trick on Flame Shield if you’re using a mouse and keyboard.


To use the numlock trick, go to Options/Controls, set the second field on your skills to numbers on your numpad and save the changes. Then turn on numlock, press and hold the corresponding number of the skill you want locked and turn off numlock.

Now the skill will automatically go off as soon as it’s off cooldown.

Hope this helps.


next patch they’re reducing her health by 30% and doing something about the blood boils. If this next patch can’t make it easier for us to kill her. They should remove her from the game and rework her health and mechanics to make it fair for all class types and builds.

the fight is fine

what isnt fine is them requiring you to beat her in seasonal journey…

this means you just cant play non meta builds or you are probably not going to kill her, i think thats a bad decision imo

There are times I’ll slam my mouse down, scream wtf or some other cuss.

But I don’t understand this sentinment…you hate the fight (and not you specifically, the Diablo community).

Lillith is likely the most complicated (mechanically) and difficult diablo fight created, at least since MAYBE the D2 days? and probably more complicated than D2 bosses. Lets be honest… D4 bosses, all dungeon bosses and tormented/ubers, are more or less push overs mechanically. Theres nothing interesting about the fights. Theres nothing nuanced, or difficult to master about any of them. People in the ARPG community joke about how easy D4 is and they are right. Im not saying POE bosses are anything amazing either, although the arpgcommunity seems to think all arpg bosses are some master piece fights. They dont impress me (and tbh, after lost ark raids, not much does these days).

But lillith being as difficult, as BS, as ‘wtf’, as mechanically challenging as she is… is needed in the game. She, along with a high pit clear, is the needed benchmark to measure your characters strength. Can your character beat lillith? Can YOU beat her? Can you burn her down fast enough in phase 2 and not worry about blood pool locations or not?

Forcing us to do all the mechanics… Im 50/50 on this. We should probably be able to skip mechanics because otherwise theres a DPS number that is the threshold in terms of damage needed in the fight and beyond that resources should be put into movement and survivability. Its otherwise damage wasted.

tldr; Lillith with all her BS and difficulty is needed in diablo and I hope they make more fights like her…strong long nuanced fights mechanically. The requirement to do all phases and mechanics, eh probably could go without that.

I checked and it seems they only reduce the Blood boils health? Or I got it wrong???
I hope they rework on her mechanics than just adjust her health.
I hate a lot when trying to run around to dodge many one-shot things with all my resistance and amor at max capped level!

I am just choosing to hate the fights where, when I die, I have no idea what I could have done differently. I watched the streaming videos, tutorials and guides. They make sense, they have places to run. I fee on my screen, despite being zoomed out as much as possible, I do not see anywhere to run. Or in most death scenarios, I have no idea what hit me.

There are the pit bosses also, Spirit caller is a great example. Several times I die and no clue as to what happened. I see guides and people avoiding the frozen explosions, but I do not see the actual explosions when I die. And several times after I die, the Game sound goes away and I have to restart the game indicating there is a glitch of some sort.

I do not think i tis unreasonable to think there is a technical issue causing some of us to have a harder time in certain situations. Yes, in addition to not being as good. I get that. I am a casual gamer and most of you are better than I, but the videos rarely match the actual game play, and I do not see where to run, or what to avoid. But when I see in the window that “I was killed by me” but I never even saw the effect, I hate it because it is unavoidable.

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Get 165% movement speed with 2-3 evades. Run around close to edge of map clockwise. If you time the first platform jump right then you won’t get hit. 150 might be ok too, I’m not sure. I just know I had 165.

They actually buffed flay. What bug abusing are you talking about?

You probably stagger killed her in second phase before she could summon.

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Very good point.

20 lilliths

Season journey pretty much requires it for last chapter I think.

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Nah do not need 2 in every step. So lillith and 1 other you could skip.

Maybe. I finished it a while ago so don’t quite remember. You probably right.

Haizzzz, I am in the same situation here, exactly like what you wrote.
I watched tons of guiding videos and I am always amazed with how skills they are to avoid all the ground attacks and effects. They did it so smoothly that I keep in mind I will be able to do so. But in fact, I don’t know how to do it next and next and next time.

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