Twisting Blades - now Rogue unplayable

Yep and this is where the problem with world scaling comes in… you can’t take a weak build into a lower leveled area to grind mats or aspects cause there is no lower level area. My rogue is now useless as I don’t have the means to re-spec my gear.

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I didn’t know there was a class called Rouge. It must be very pretty.

Im not sure why they have a problem with all these specs feeling like proper Diablo classes. The entire point of the franchise is to feel more powerful through loot drops. Instead they are trying their hardest to make classes feel like clunky wet noodles.

Instead of buffing underperforming builds/skills, they just keep nerfing whatever seems most meta at the moment. It’s a race to the bottom lol.


I can confirm that the Cooldown Reduction feels non existent and even very high amount of monsters do not show any visual cooldown reduction in the Skillbar.


make sure to post here and like this bug report thread so blizz can see


u are right… no visual and in my opinion no CDs anymore…
such huch changes should be tested befor uploaded

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I feel the same. Was playing decent last night then today it was awful. Spent so much time and gold to finally get the build working and now its bad. Lame.

Blizzard likes to completely nerf skills to death instead of actually balancing the game thats why I also collected items for other skills in the case Blizzard kills my build. Now TB are completely useless and I can switch to another skill until they nerf that skill to death again.

Feels bad man. Wish I did the same and I wouldn’t have to reroll a new toon.

My problem is that the twisting blades spec felt complete. If it was too powerful then tune the damage numbers. Zipping around dealing AoE damage while also have good ST damage is the goal they shpuld strive for. It felt good and they had it nailed until last night. All classes and specs should feel that good mechanically.


RIP rogue June 2023-June 2023. May you be remembered for your glory


Amen brother. Here lies my level 75 TB Rogue that I will never play again.

I’m gonna go play some System Shock, leveling a new toon is such a slog even with full renown. Gear dependency is shockingly bad if an alt with 10+ skill points and all the stats from the statues still performs so poorly.

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Yeah, the CD reduction isn’t even noticeable anymore. I used to dash around, between dash and stutter step I was always moving. Now I’m just standing there dying while clicking the dash button like a moron. They completely broke the build, hope to hell it’s a bug.


its intentional. They don’t want this game to be fast paced at all.

I for one dont even want to finish the game. I just beat act III last night and wanted to finish the game today since I had a lot of free time, but now my class is terrible and ranged feels worse.

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This has to be a bug, please blizzard fix this. I was looking forward to playing all day. Now im rerolling my char

I realllly hope it’s a bug. The fun is gone when I spend 50% of my time waiting for imbuements. I picked 2 imbuements so I wouldn’t have to wait more than a couple seconds :frowning:

It’s probably their intended gameplay, tbh. Before launch, they buffed the imbuement damage and lengthened the CDs of them. I’d imagine the aim here is to make them an impactful ability to use, rather than something that may as well be auto-cast.

I played for 15 mins today and had to hop off. It feels so bad to play rogue now…


I highly doubt this is intended the way it is performing. They would have removed or reworked the node if that was the case. Heck they probably would have disabled ut completely.

Only getting .1 second cooldown on an animation that takes .5 - 1 seconds is equal to nearly getting almost no cooldown. Also the fact that it never does the full 2 seconds regardless of mob density shows its an unintended bug.