Advanced Twisting Blades Cooldown reduction per enemy hit reduced from .25 to .1 seconds.
Advanced Twisting Blades maximum Cooldown reduction reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
NOW this skill-combo with shadow infusion, dash & twisiting blades are dead and makes absolutly no fun anymore… Please think about it… :((
edit: no CD reduction anymore
edit#2: here on point:
edit#3: i felt in love for a short time because a little patch was ready to download, and i hoped they changed something… but blizz dont…
i don’t understand why blizz destroys builds by nerfing them? just to make players play a different build (maybe pen-rogue)? but you’ll get exactly the same result, and everyone will play the new build and nobody plays melee anymore, is it that what you want, blizz? It would be better to improve other builds and keep the fun for everyone. the players can decide if they want to play range or melee.
Actually thats an older nerf. Guy in another thread said that the blades are not properly giving the CD reduction past the first use. So its basically giving almost no CD reduction now.
When they did the changes and the tooltip was updated like 4 days ago I stayed rogue because it still felt good but it wasn’t actually changed? Now its rippy as hell and if I had known I would have leveled something else. What is this.
If they killed it this much im probably going to quit playing. Its my second level 50 after slogging through with druid the first time. If the game isnt fun to play then no point in sticking around.
Look Blizz, the pie is already cooked. Get your fingers out of the pie and the pieces everyone found thats still good.
Hell, been playing since early release with my partner who rolled a Pulv Druid and and TW rogue myself. Last night felt like a bloody chore clearing trash packs. Don’t even get me started on the Elites and Bosses.
This system is trash. I even sat there just testing my Puncture to see how much damage they do. The health bars barely moved. Maybe buff our builders so we’re not just waiting for our now broken spender a bit.
But hey, here we are. Guess I’m respeccing…and that’ll get the nerf bat I’m sure lol
Im just not going to play. It started around 12am. It was fast and fun because it was slightly skill based. You had to line things up just right and youd get your CDs reset. Fail and you may get nuked.
I dont understand what the hell they are going for with this Diablo game. This is the epitome of fun detected, fun deleted. They need to chill out and only nerf at the beginning and mid season. Buff whenever. Its a game not a e-sport that needs constant meta adjustment.
Without the speed we just feel clunky. Hell i wouldnt mind a dps decrease as long as they kept the movement/speed.
Yeah I rolled a new Rogue, going penetrating shot. The new tool tip patch has ruined TB and made it unplayable. I don’t know if this is a bug or intended, but at level 75 it’s not like I can respect and change all my gear now.
Yea not going to play a game long term where I constantly have to fight the Dev team to have fun. Feels like the real bosses are the hotfix drops.
TBH if they actually cared this would have been fixed after the first few hours. Cant just break and entire playstyle for a class and be like “yea thats fine for a few days”.
To me (perhaps im wrong here) Diablo was always about gearing out to nuke large amounts of regular monsters. The only challenge should be from Bosses and Elite packs. That way you can get more chances at gear while seeing all the cool explosions on screen.
Now it feels more like a action combat game with some payoff every min or two. If geared properly you should be able to slap regular enemies into orbit on command, with all the gorey goodness that entails.
I feel like their design philosphy is off. Barbs should be huge number smackers, Rogues extremely agile bursty yet squshy, Sorc glass cannon with crowd controll, Necros controlling the battlefield with sustained ST and AoE dmg and Druids being a jack of all trades while spreading mass control/debuffs.
You can try to get different gear while slogging on with the garbage current TB and eventually switch to something like penetrating shot (seemingly the only non-TB build that is even remotely decent)
skill and paragon respecs aren’t too expensive but getting the gear back to an even comparable level is going to be absolutely brutal and personally I’m just going to sit and wait if they’re going to do a bugfix, reroll some changes, or I just won’t play.