TRUTH - D4 Kinda Sucks

Would your points be something new and informative? Or just a copy and paste of all the other people moaning on the forums? Because if not, you should be posting in their thread instead of trying to bring attention to yourself.

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You say moaning, I say important feedback the devs need to see. The points really need to be driven home so the devs can fix this game. It’s not in a great state. It’s a good action game but a terrible rpg. Therefore, it’s a terrible arpg.


I mean… I can agree with a lot of this, although some stuff like level scaling I have the actual opposite problem with? WT4 doesn’t scale enough, it’s really boring by the time I’m level 73…

To me, it doesn’t scale enough. I wish overworld enemies were higher level in WT4.

And you think people posting a new topic with the same content in it every 10minutes is the correct way to get that feedback across? Sounds like have a big thread where people discuss it would be better than regurgitating the same thing every time.

You don’t have to have scaling, you could assign different level ranges for zones, dungeons, ect. There are only like 30 NM dungeons? They could utilize some of the others to curator a more challenging experience without doing more scaling.

If multiple people are posting the same thing than obviously it’s good feedback.


OPINION - D4 Kinda Sucks



I didnt see any constructive critism.
Constructive critism has 2 parts.
First what is wrong.
Second one or more suggestions how it can be better.

The second part is completely missing at each point.

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Negative ghost rider


Memes. Twitch speak. Misinformation. We’re doomed.

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I mean yes? It’s pretty clear from the last dev stream they are pretty oblivious to a lot of the issues. So more people driving those points home the better imo. Maybe after they see the 10th topic they’ll finally get it. They also ignored all this feedback 9 months ago during closed beta. The devs aren’t “getting it”.

Also, they barely ever communicate with the player base like they used too. It makes sense people are getting frustrated. The last “buff” patch was pretty much a joke and did very little to address issues like storage space and spec diversity.


Imagine thinking everyone can play 24 7. I look at forums while im at work on break.

The constructive part is to just get rid of or add in previous systems that worked.

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That would just keep me squeezed into the same zones fighting the same enemies over and over though?

I think where this game fails is in having literally one difficulty level that’s trying to make hardcore players and casuals happy at the same time… it can’t. Someone is always going to lose out…

I think they’re aware, they just don’t know how to address them; neither to the player, nor amongst themselves. The feeling I get is they are over their heads and need to bring in some more seasoned developers to lead the team.


We had perhaps too high hope for D4? xD

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You’ve perfectly captured my first time playing diablo 4 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


If the game was good then people would reroll alts and play through it again and therefore experience the older content again.

This game however, is bad. That’s why people who say they like the game are complaining about having to do it again, because in reality they don’t like the game. They just haven’t realized that yet.


World tiers and NM dungeons are their difficulty settings, regardless of how successful it is.

You already are with the limited pool of 30 dungeons. D2 handles this well, all the side areas in Hell are 83+ I think? Basically if you are starting Hell under-geared, it’s probably in your best interest to avoid the side areas. Then once your build is good enough, you can start farming them.

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