Trading is amazing. Please lean into this Blizzard

Not true at all. The problem was the drop rates were built around the auction houses. Nothing decent dropped from mobs you had to spend your whole time looking for deals and grinding gold.

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why cant it be adjusted for our current needs then?

Personally I would love to have AH instead of relying on a third party website to trade.

To people yelling how this would enable RMT, lmao bro its already happening right now without AH, its not going to change anything.

RMT is honestly irrelevant. I mean, it is bad, but the only way to stop cheaters is to ban then. Blizzard should certainly step up that effort.

However, trading is the problem on its own. No RMT is needed to make it problematic.

yeah the GAME was so bad, that it felt like trading was the only option, but the issue was the game itself not the trading.

People are alrdy RMT’ing in D4, there’s no way these people are farming the endless millions/billions of gold they’re trading me…someone in the chain spent $, but that’s LITERALLY ANY GAME THAT HAS TRADING…

D4 Always had trading, it was just not good. Now they fixed a core part of it with Unique trading and GA items (and keeping UBER uniques non-tradeable, which I dislike but agree is smart) but still have the basic day1 trade system as the backbone.

They updated the items portion, but haven’t updated the trade portion (yet?). That’s all it is.

Would prefer D3 trading system of only trading with players that were in party when drop occurred.


From someone who beat inferno i can say the only way I was able to was to play trade simulator. The gear you needed to get was non-existent outside of trade.


if you want to engage in your own loot nothing stops you from doing that. the rest of us like trade

you know guys that D2jsp d4trade forums and discord exist ?

people traded way before d4 was in a freaking beta test
and people continiue to trade

adding a auction house or any other market to d4 will only hasten the process ; - )

We do know this and have been using it for decades. What we don’t know is why we have to have features taken away from us because a certain region on the globe wants to try to scam blizz by selling gold. Game shouldn’t be ruined for everyone because of a few bad actors and because Blizzard can’t figure out how to ban people. Thats ridiculous on its face. Its like taking the horses out of red dead redemption because 1 guy is posting videos setting them on fire. Who cares. What does that have to do with me? Nothing.

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You don’t understand how game design works.

If trading is a means of gearing then all associated activities have to be balanced around it. The majority of players don’t like trading and it’s absolutely stupid to harm the majority of your players because a tiny portion think they’re Warren Buffet.

Look at Path of Exile as an example, pretty loose trading rules there but it led to two dramatic issues.

  1. The loot hunt was made bloated to compensate for selling which led to the majority of players to not play anymore. Trading has a negative impact on even SSF players. Look at what a small percentage of players even completed the story mode over the life of the game, and that includes people who unlocked the achievement when there were only 3 acts.

  2. Trading in PoE caused a 3rd party system to pop up for bulk trades etc. because the game was not meant for that kind of thing. Now you have several known problems with unaffiliated players controlling and rigging the trading market. These problems are rampant and are meant to enrich a microscopic fragment of the player base at the expense of the entire game community. When you create that secondary market you have an absurdly consistent space for abuse, as we see with PoE.

There’s a reason that LE tried to hard to come up with a way to satisfy both factions of players. You’ll note that trading players seem to be miserable (anecdotally based on many Reddit posts) because the market is smaller and they can only prey on themselves.

In short, trading generally sucks for gaming and requires an audience for the trading minority to leech off of.


Not really sure why people are so against trading. I get that there are people that dont like it, but they also dont have to partake in it.

Agree it is great, even just trading in your clan or with friends is enjoyable.

This is why there’s no way around needing two different modes of the game. A trading mode, and one that is geared more towards a self found experience.

I do think LE had a good solution to this. Despite its aweful gameplay some of the systems were well defined.


Only way you was not getting items in d3 was because you was on the forums or looking at the ah. I literally made BILLIONS of gold on the ah. Bought very little just extremely rare hard to find stuff for my build.
Is like PoE you can find everything yourself but most people spent more time on the ah then playing. That is fine but can not really complain nothing ever drops when you not playing the game,

I’m sorry I spent a lot of time playing the game. Your memory is faulty. Drops were terrible because the system was all based around the auction houses. That is a fact and I know you don’t have it right when you talk “billions”. Billions were very hard to get until ROS came along.

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Item drop rates had nothing to do with the AH. That is your imagination. And do not tell me my memory is bad. I had billions because the RMAH gold sellers were sniping everything worth buying from the gold ah.
The only problem with the AH in d3 was the rmah Period. No debate no argument straight facts not some conspiracy theory you pulled out of your…

It’s because the majority -that don’t like trading- are still effected by trading. Look at Diablo 2 where runes are traded. There’s a rune that’s so rare it’s likely 99% of players never saw it drop. But you can get it through trading, so the drop rate for that rune has not been significantly changed even 20 years later.

So take that example and ask why the majority of players were negatively impacted by trading.

The answer is because the drop chance was designed around having the ability to trade.

You can’t have trading without rebalancing the game to accommodate trading and the masses are the ones hurt by it.

Drop chances in d2 were not bad because of trading. But because of cheating. I hoped when d2r came out it would not have xplay/save. Would of loved to play multiplayer d2 legit. But since its release the only way to play d2 legit is and has always been SSF.
D4 has a different problem. Without trading the drops are so common a season lasts about 3 days before you are done. New loot system works a bit to fix that. Problem is there is no game to use those items on.

Y u no give my AH post 1k likes?