Trading disabled because of duping is getting old

You cant make any such conclusions. People might use trading, because it is unfortunately available, while not wanting trading to be available.

It is even less useful when it is trade vs SSF, since SSF means no playing together, so anyone who want to play with others, while not wanting trade, are counted in the trade category in your example.

The best case we have for determining the interest in trading is likely Last Epoch, with two genuine trade and no-trade modes.
I havent seen numbers on that split, but would be interesting if anyone have?

See above.
You are wrong.

This is like when people believe most are playing in groups, most have lvl 100 characters, most are doing Pits and what not.

I sold the best item I’ve found in the past 2 seasons yesterday. Just in time. But all my 1ga and 2ga items weren’t selling either. So I feel you.

Last Epoch did it well. Both sides happy.

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Yep. Best design so far in an A-RPG.
Takes a ton of work to get it right. Wouldnt expect Blizzard to be able to do it. But the idea is good.

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yeah but SSF have higher droprates.

So you are telling me that 95%(with “majority who hate trading”) playing regular league with trading cuz of the opportunity to join a party. I doubt it very much.

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Someone with a full 4 GA set is suspicious. It’s possible but I would lean more that they did some magic

i wonder whats the price of 4 Ga winterglass. in gold.

Tbh you don’t need full 4Ga here at all, i think everyone know that, so yeah it will be suspicious.

It does not have to be 95% for it to be the majority.
But yeah, while I bet a majority of PoE players, like A-RPG players in general, want to play solo a lot of the time, some do want to play in groups either all the time, or some of the time. In which case a solo mode is a no-go. It simply cant be compared to a no-trade mode like Last Epoch got (which isnt fully a mode either, since you can unfortunately switch between them on a character).

Yeah true. I was originally responding to a post that claimed it was all some code issue they can’t fix though.

No idea, but I’ll bet people were duping just about anything of value they could. I’ve heard other mention about a seemingly high amount of OP GA items so wouldn’t be surprised.

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They better hand out some very hefty bans as this season economy is now ruined. This cant happen it just cant. They have to ensure fairness in trade or remove trade and go back to d3 method.


Oh noes!!! That means the price of stingy stones and boss mats will go WAY UP on the ebay and amazon , dammit. :crazy_face:

People can still pay for carry. My mats my dps your gold. Coupon code: AH

and don’t forget to join my discord.

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RMT in D4 is not only not “rampant” it is basically non-existent. People need to stop just saying things and trying to will them into being true…

Add a SSF mode where Trading is disabled but drop rates are greatly increased.

Add a Black Market vendor that allows you to exchange items once per item for a like item of the same Item Power and Greater Affixes. This lets you effectively reroll any item once and exchange Unique items for another random Unique item. Items that are exchanged in the Black Market are labeled as Second-Hand disallowing you from exchanging it again in the Black Market and the Gold Sell Price and Materials are reduced by 50%.

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He meant to say it’s working as intended. If you just think about it for a little while you will come to the understanding of why blizzard has a vested interest in not fixing the problem.

sorry but how in the world they can be increased even more?

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Trading is toxic , it has ruined many games and will ruin this one also.
Just keep it disabled


As somebody who has a lot of disposable income and spent 4 - 5k a year playing D3 during the AH days

**** like this is why duping is so pravelent. Most people would stop after they get what they want for the season, but RMT is why it will never stop, and will forever be common.

As a compromise, allow trading between players for a certain amount of time who are in the party, similar to what D3 switched to.

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GAII and GAIII items with the Affixes you need are not raining from the sky. With the failure rate of Tempering, drop rates would need to be increased for SSF. If you do not like it, you would always be able to play the Regular mode with Trading and not take part in Trading.

This helps provide a path for more casual players and those that feel like Trading is harming their exeprience.

Blizzard always finds a way.

Should not be Solo.
Just a properly balanced mode without trading.

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