Trading disabled because of duping is getting old

just interesting, but as a dev do you think that D4 use same code as D3? or then why are absolutely identical bugs happened? is it really possible for different games?

I am developer too. Based from what I infer, either it’s spaghetti architecture or there’s too much tight coupling across components or a bad product design that got reflected in code.

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Sources needed.

Not saying you’re wrong - I don’t know - but neither do you.


I knew it

There’s too much spaghetti in my spaghetti house

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I think locked trade might be the long term fix. Maybe allow a limited trade time for people in party when drop earned.

Although I kind of like the anonymous auction house someone mentioned in another thread. You can sell locked gear, but the seller and purchaser are anonymous. This should prevent some of the crazy prices and real money sites from operating.

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Like i get you want proof but its a general statement that i think is true.

I guess soemone could do a private poll not here of course.

To me it seems like a common deduction.

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To be fair, it is likely closer to the other way around. 10% who want trading.

Same with solo/multiplayer.


I tend to believe you are correct, or at least that the majority isn’t against it - but yeah in reality we don’t know, and we can’t even go off of forum posts because we have no idea what portion of the player base even frequents the forums.

I think a vast majory of d2 and d3 players are expecting some form of trade.

Just from expections relative to their home gaminf environment.

Can i prove it? No. But thats my opinion.

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No I don’t know. But I can extrapolate. I read threads, I see trading sites and 3rd party websites. Seems pretty obvious as to where the majority of players sit on this topic. But if you want poll results, sorry no, I don’t have that.

90% was an exaggeration. But, no offense, anybody who thinks the majority of players don’t want trading just isn’t paying attention. Can I prove it? No, but I can read threads and check trading sites and listen to the general sentiment of the community. All of which overwhelmingly supports keeping trade in game

Oh yeah I’m sure they have some serious spaghetti going on. I feel like you can always tack something onto the end of the flow though. Like let their spaghetti run then run some validation functions afterwards.

Who knows though, I’m sure they’ve got some seriously cursed stuff under the hood.

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you can refer to poe experience, where it is clearly visible how many % want to trade, and who wants to play ssf. But for some reason, those who are against trade always forget about this experience.

Everyone wants trade. It’s just to the majority of players, trade equals exchanging items with friends or clan members. Most people don’t go to trade sites.


which they should of done while making the xpac as xpacs are when you have the ability to change that stuff.

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Maybe most of the prople who quit didnt want trading.

I think d3 players are a lot of whats left though. Lol.

IS there a new dupe exploit now yet again?

oh geez there is I just seen it. unreal. Well there goes the economy. I guess this is why I havent sold a single thing in 3 days. EVeryone is duping gold and buying the 3+ GA items and not my crap

If you are a developer, then I’m sure simple product ideas or fixes have been overridden by some business executive. Did they make the wrong technical decision? Probably. You are correct, there are lots of fixes that would be easy. I think at this point it is clear getting to the core technical problem is not actually the priority.

As a thought experiment, could you imagine what would happen to the seasonal realm if you had to grind for boss mats instead of ‘trading’ tiny amounts of gold for them? Where did all the uproar about the time it took to do whisper quests and helltides go? It didn’t go away because they made everything better. The complaints went away because everyone just traded for mats instead.

Serious question for everyone: is the duping just boss mats here or is it 4GA unique that are also being duped? It boggles my mind how many max rolled 4GA uniques I have seen on the trade site.

It has been explained over and over and over and over again why an AH will fail but some people will not listen and face reality. The developers do not want to repeat the failures of the past no matter how many times people who want to trade cry about it. It’s never going to happen.

Today we saw a suspension of trading due to those factors which caused the D3 AH to fail. If trading on a small scale causes a disruption in the game what do people think will happen if trading is increased on a much larger scale? Chaos…

If there is ever an AH (there won’t be) all the good gear will go to whales with lots of money. Almost everyone will see all the gear they want but it will still be out of reach and the odds of finding it in game will decrease as well. The developers know this which is why there is “no plans for an AH”.

No, he is right. It is the vocal minority like yourself who don’t want trading. This is pretty obvious in other games too (poe for example) where this is called ‘ssf’ aka ‘solo self found league’ where people cannot trade, and it is barely played by less than 0.1% of population.

Not to say that it is wrong to prefer this sort of a ‘challenge’ / ‘experience’ or whatever you call this not trading playstyle, if you like it - go for it. All i’m saying that majority people playing multiplayer games, do it for the sake of …you know…multiplayer. And trading is the core aspect of multiplayer arpgs.