Trade economy doesn't exist, enable trading to legendaries & Uniques!

I never said anything about moderation, that was not a point I was making. I was telling you that the cost of the game will have precisely nothing to do with whether or not people running server farms bot or not. That is a factually false statement that has no basis in reality.

The two parts of your statement about Lost Ark having botting because it is f2p, and D4 costing $70 are statements designed to suggest that because D4 has a cost to play, that the cost will result in reduced botting. You then further suggested that because there would supposedly be reduced botting because of the buy-in game cost, moderation would be easier. Here’s the quote so you can see it for yourself just in case you forget:

The fact that the first half of your overarching argument (“Game costs $70, thus there will be less botting”) is false, means that the supporting argument (“Game will be easier to moderate even with trading because there will be less botting due to the $70 cost”) that relies on the first half of the argument in order to also be true, is also false. The game costing $70 is a complete nonfactor when it comes to whether or not people will bot. The only thing that will determine that is if there is a market to sell bot farmed goods to.

You can’t sell bot farmed goods if you can’t sell goods. Big brain, I know.

You can’t just spout a lie, claim it is a fact, then say “well because of that lie I just said, this statement dependent on that lie is now true.” Nah, fam. Logical fallacies don’t fly here. Good try though.

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Man, normally I don’t like tradable games. I played PoE only SSF. Because when trade comes, I was going to be a hideout warrior. So much diversity, so much option. D4 is a raw game, first I was against to trading but now I can clearly say it’s needed so bad. Trade will keep players alive. They should reduce legendary drops also unique drops if trade will be a thing. Uniques gives so much power.

My favorite trading system is what Last Epoch is trying to do. I really want Diablo 4 to adopt Last Epoch’s Trading System.

That was the same thing in D3, bots ran the leaderboard and nothing was done about it

Trading needs to be enabled to legendaries & unique items, as well as creating and adding a value currency or commodity to support a trade economy.

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how am i gonna build gear for a side character? or even a 2nd druid. i can’t even give myself “hand me downs”

i’ve grinded to lvl 76 now hoping for a tempest roar. playing a build i dont like.
even if i would get it now i dont see the point of playing.
like why play? can’t build wealth to try other fun stuff, gotta grind and find the items myself.

hoping of finding them, maybe never finding them.
how do you people stay motivated to farm. and once you get them why play onwards?

in D2 or PoE i would get wealth with which i could buy fun stuff. here?
i mean rares ok yeah, but they come in whatever level they dropped so i may aswell first start buying them when i’m able to equip, for which i need a build i want to play, for which i need the build enabling items first. for which i need to play that character and can’t gather stuff with my current character because of items being lvl 76 or possibly worse lvl 100 once i reach that.

i dont get the endgame treadmill. how do you stay motivated?

i mean i got my money’s worth out of it, dont get me wrong. what i dont get and i hope for an insight here. what’s left at endgame besides numbers go higher?

i want to trade for uniques so i can fix my abysmal RNG and try a build. once im done i wanna sell my build for and play a diffrent one or continue to fund other builds with my current farmer.

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I agree. Trading is useless in its current state. I’d go so far and say re-introduce the real money auction house. In D4 it would make sense since the legendaries are actually good and not as useless as D3 at launch (if you rmember they had completly useless stats and 99% were trash).

Any form of trading, including gold, ruin the game due to bots and sellers. 8 am against any form of trading.


Play the game…?

Wow, such a difficult idea to have.


condescending much?

i can’t get gear for other toons if the gear i get is the same level as my current toon.
when i reach lvl 100 how do i get lvl 60 required ancestral items?

When you ask stupid questions, you get responded to as such.


condescending much?

how is it stupid or unintended for myself to use items i found myself with other chars?
it’s possible when you’re pre lvl 60 and find items with level 60 required.

how is it stupid to want having this when you progress further and further but then want to reroll another class once in the 90’s ?

there is no need for items to have a higher level req than 60 and the uniques which start dropping at 85 to be higher than 85.

why is it stupid to want to play other chars and build items prior to leveling them. it’s not stupid in D2 or PoE. why would it be stupid here or in WoW or any game to gather items for a sidechar.

Im one that whould like this to. But since the begining of time Blizzard Activision has been anticonsumer so whe will never see trade in this game as long as acount bound is a thing and can make things easy for blizzard not for the consumer. Trade whould be the best thing this game whould ever recive as a update , and whould make the game more fun to play and give more incentive to farm for items. And yes , bots will rise but who cares realy, diablo 2 has bots and enigma still worth a kidney…a ber or a jah still worth a arm and a leg , even whit bots among the users so it actualy is no issue.

Trade whould shure be somthing but alas…whisfull thinking

I have heard about people offering 3 hour power levels for 20m gold.

the more i think about this the more i like it honestly.
i can farm for gold and turn gold into other people finding items for me.

this way i can atleast try at speeding up getting items i need for a build and then pay other people to play the game in hopes of finding desired items along the way.

this sounds totally like GDKP with extra steps but i think its the best bet at “trading for uniques” currently.

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I like not being able to trade legendaries and uniques.

I stopped playing Diablo III in the first month I think, because the meta gear was to maximize gold income and pickup radius so you could buy the best gear off someone else.

It was the absolute lowest point of the Diablo franchise.

I’d rather not have that back in any form.


No thank you. That would make gearing up take 30 minutes…and then what is there to do? lmao

i get what you mean.

where is the middleground between being able to realistically find items for ourselves and our other chars and trading for services/items with other people?

if it wasnt so restricted once your farm char hits higher levels then maybe that would be enough to fix it.

right now i feel it’s impossible to realistically find items for sidechars.

nop, now you can easy get alot of cash, drop some ancestrals, use discord or reddit OR other site where ppl put item with price and sell them. In 3 day on level 83 i got almost 400 milion gold from trade (not much for soo long but still). If you put unique/legendar sell ppl with CASH will buy gold and get ITEM so game P2W. Now gold sellers get alot of $$$ from ppl after that they get more… sooo… i don’t wanna next game P2W… but like in Diablo 3 trade between ppl from party… YES for that. My friend got from 70-81 running with me 5x item for my build Unique but not drop for me…

All games are p2w trade or not. Go look at destiny2, Can buy your own little foreign kids to play your account and get your trials rewards.
Rest of us can not trade and in general interact with each other because of your fears of someone paying to win?
Not trading right now because there is nothing to trade. Sure i could use a couple items better but what would i do if I did not have entire inventories of yellows to look at every 4 minutes?
But sure would of in the first few days after release. Because of crybabies complaining loot was dropping too much I was nearly 60 before i had my class defining aspect and no there is no dungeon option for it.