Tormented version of bosses has same droprate of normal ones

What is the point here? i have ran 38 duriels (tormented) with 0 drops, a lot more Varshans (tormented) with 0 drops
the effort and the cost of the materials to summon them is not at all worth compared to the loot.

Varshan for example gives you the usual mucus egg. just one.
i mean what is even the point? Blizz you need to respect player time, these droprate needs to be way higher since day 1 and season 1.

fix it please its just depressing and pushes people away.
i have no desire to timesink something broken and unbalanced.


where is your information from that tormented bosses have the same drop rates as their regular counteparts?

or are you just using your small sample size of 38 kill?

it is not small at all


well, in the big picture, it absolutely is. hence why i was asking if there is another source you are using.

currently, from what i know, the chances seem to be around 5-10%. thats mostly from streamers, and my own experience.

Streamers in general have always better loot. Some girl from guildwars 2 hasnt looted an expensive item for 8 years playing the game. Then she started streaming and got 2 items worth a few thousand in a short time. Its just free advertisement for the game.

But normal players dont have that.

Also if you play solo the droprate is 10% so thats 90% of garbage. While groups have 40% for the same mats (you still have to use your mats once and get 3 runs for free) thats only 60% of garbage.

This droprate is indeed ridiculous. I got a shako in last week before season ended. It was on eternal. But imagine working 3 months and 3 weeks to get an uber you only have 1 week to have fun with it.

And as always. Players who has the best rng possible on ubers doesnt understand the frustration of the grind for nothing. Same for rich ppl, they dont understand how it is the live with low budget. Because they can buy what they want.


you cant be serious when you complain about ubers. especially in s4 you actually get them for free by just doing some challenges, and the iron wolf rewards.

i mean, the tinfoilhat alert aside. become a streamer then. problem solved xD


what challenges are you talking about?

first tormented bossk ill grants 1 spark, first uber lilith grants 1 spark (tho its bugged right now, check forum sticky), iron wolf quest reward grants one (repeatable).

so basically you can craft all your ubers without even spamming duriel or andariel.

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your better off making a alt and getting it to level 80 equip all your mains gear and then kill Lilith repeat

you dont get multiple sparks from killing lilith.

I hardly found any information about tormented boss (google mainly return how to run them, not what are the advantage to do so).

afaik, they only have a 500% increased item quantity, so running one tormented is like running 5 time the regular one for 3x mats (+ stygian stone) rather than 5x mats.

But correct me if you have more information :slight_smile:

Uber Uniques are not required for anything. If anything, their usefulness has been lowered with the new legendary loot system. Not sure why people are still stressing over this?

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This is how RNG works. I am sub 38 tormented kills in and have / had 2 melted hearts, 2 starless skies, a doombringer, an Andy’s, and a tyraels might

Scrapped some extras and combined with seasonal sparks to craft a shako.

Just looking for a grandfather now and maybe the spear but may just use sparks for those

i have run about 20 tormented bosses and have seen about 10 ubers drop between me and my friends. so yes your sample size is small and meaningless. heck my one friend only joined us for 4 runs and got shako and ross

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38 x 5 = 190. That’s really not a small sample size

I was having this thought last night actually.

I was wondering if regular lv 100 bosses have better Uber drop rates because you kill more of them.

Sure tormented can drop 5x drops, but that doesn’t matter if it still takes 100+ tormented runs to get an Uber on average.

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and that is the exact example why the whole droprate % is stupid, if its easier to do that.
first step to solve an issue is admitting there is one

What is really bad is the sub bosses do not even drop additional materials to cut down on boss material gathering, And have 0 chance at uber drops(not 0 ubers do drop out in the world not just SUPER rare.
Uniques in general all took a nerf with the new loot. They should not be that rare. Should be worrying about farming a 3 star shako not the shako itself.

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T200 ladder boss like Varshan give you higher drop rate of Unique under their own loot table and 925 gear as those boss is below level for guaranteed 925 gear. Nevertheless it gives you the same one mucus egg therefore it is not worth to farm unless you have too many Stygian stone and want to finish the rota faster.

No but some have huge damage reduction. The melted amulet. Or the harlequin. Thise damage reductions can make a good difference in what difficulty content you can finish. I am not able to ki lillith at this time. Its also ridiculous that her health got increased so much. In eternal last season i got her to 40 % or something. But was just nuking without knowing what to do. I know its an end boss. But i have to kill her to complete seasonal task. And its not easy to practise her fight because after every 2 deaths i have to repair.

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“Free” like when I work for 40 hours at my job and the company just gives me money for no reason. Shill on , my friend, shill on.