Took 16 months to turn D4 into D3

I would be embarrassed if I was as bad at my job as these developers are.

Glyphs have turned into Legendary gems, world tiers have turned into GR tiers, pits have turned into GR complete with chances to upgrade glyphs, paragon has shifted to more or less the same as D3.

So why didn’t you just start with D3 and improve it instead of trying to reinvent then wheel?

Create the problem and sell the solution.


a lot of d3 in this game


Diablo 4 is now a reskinned Diablo III ROS. I am going back to Diablo II Resurrected now.


They deffinatly wasted time and resources completely needing to change the game we can all agree on that maby… and yes if they tried selling me the game they are advertising in the upcomming exspansion there would be no way in hell i would have bought it


well it’s kinda simple.

They just don’t know how to make anything that is not D3 and they knew that d3 2.0 won’t sell good.

So it was just a game with nostalgia, and then they just said it didn’t work, even though there was never really any “back to roots”.


There is now, there wasn’t at launch, that’s the point. They have basically wasted the last year slowly morphing D4 into D3.


Devs were purposefully stonewalling the best features of D2 and D3, cobbling up after such a long development time of FIVE years for D4. Sad state of profiteering, p2w D4 strategy over gamer’s joy and fun.

D2 - torment levels introduce scaling level of penalties to armour and resistance
D3 - as you have laid out, glyphs as legendary gems. btw, PIT is still NOT GR

GR has strategic different ways to play of gathering, mobilizing, avoiding, choosing right hits and at moments for a) different monsters types / GR Guardian (Bosses) b) map layouts

Pit is currently just slash and rush forward regardless of monsters types and RNG maps, no strategy to gather or hit or avoid nearby monsters parties.
IF pit is truly gr, devs would have created leaderboards rather than more profiteering over delayed fun factor for gamers. … #DRIP #P2W unnecessary no QOLs.


Im gonna take a break from this game for awhile until the devs can get their heads on straight.

These changes are so drastic, it’s gonna be bug and balance patch central for the first few months after expansion release. You already know. I strongly advise people wait until it goes on sale. I was on the fence, but now im 100% sure.

If you wanna [continue to] be a BETA tester, then by all means “buy” into the expansion. Imo, it should be you, the player, getting paid by Blizzard to play this game. It’s not even funny and this isn’t a joke. The D4 fanatic is being jerked around and forced to fund on-going problems.


Well D3 is a hell of a lot better than whatever D4 was at launch, so I’ll take it.


All of the monster type farming etc was largely done away with in D3 the last several season before D4 launched. There really is no structural difference in Pits and GRs. Clear to the boss, kill it in the time limit, collect loot and level item.


Tell me you didn’t buy the expansion. Please give me that peace of mind at least.


Don t attribute to malice what could be attributed to stupidity.
They have the most recognizable arpg ip and has a decade of innovation from PoE to basethemselves on (wich was kind of based on D2).
The problem is not having a vision. I know it s boring already but i played PoE since it launched (i missed a lot in the middle though) but the base for the game was solid day one and still is. D4 on the other hand changes the rules every patch and adds new grindatons to compensate. The only thing they know how to do is move the goalpost, making numbers bigger and the game smaller.


D3 haters are raging today. :face_with_monocle:


Very good idea. I have my Summoner Necromancer to level-up there. Andariel on Nightmare must be slained.

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Very concerning lack of original ideas while rehashing ones that dint work like vault traps and puzzles being put into citadel.


Would you be embarassed if other people were paying you to learn to do your job? :hamster: :popcorn:

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Numbers are getting smaller this time so new tactic detected =p

Well D4 is running an ‘upgraded’ d3 spaghetti engine so it was only time… Hence why they can’t give more stash space, do loadouts and other stuff… Because everything appears to be d3 hardcoded. (and yeh that 1 stash tab they mentiond I’ll just ignore, what a joke).

If you look at all the non working mechanics, bugs and performance issues in the current and past seasons, I’m just going to be reading forums for weeks after laugh to have a laugh since I won’t be getting the DLC anyways as it is solely multiplayer focussed, which I am not…


Really good point, although with this massive number squish, it’ll be much easier to figure out bugs within skills/systems for classes that don’t properly work, hopefully will take a lot faster to fix whatever is broken but I don’t know. One thing is a fact, the company went downhill since 2009. D4 was scored a 4/10 on release. Also another fact is that no one is forcing you to buy the expansion, we still got a real diablo game called Diablo 2 and many mods for it. Project Diablo 2 will be getting season 10 probably around the time the expansion for this game comes out so I’ll be grinding that game while watching the poop show on youtube that this game has going :rofl:


The Pit was always D4’s GRs. It just makes sense for them to make it even more obvious.