Today's Patch Notes 2/13/24

Uber Unique Items can now be salvaged to provide a new resource, Resplendent Sparks. Players can bring 5 Resplendent Sparks to the Alchemist and Transmute an Uber Unique of their choice.

We can go ahead and assume that should be reduced to 3 if each only gives 1 in the future. Doubt 5 will sit right with the community. 5 seems steep.



  • Fixed an issue where Treasure Goblins could fail to spawn while fighting Avarice.

“could”? I havent seen any treasure goblin spawn during an Avarice fight yet. :laughing:


The boss needs do get staggered, supposedly. Doesn’t happen often, cause he dies in 2 seconds.


Depends on how significant Uber drop rates are increased outside Duriel. Everyone seem to have missed that part.

I bet it will be meaningful to maybe 3% of players, and I’m being generous.


Is the patch in an hour? No specific time this time?

Whose gonna be bold enough to salvage the first one and report back on what the actual number is?

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5 is just absurd, IMO.

No legit player will have 5 Uber duplicates. At least not within the period of a season.

It almost seems like Blizzard is giving the “okay” for people to buy mats from 3rd party, as those are the ONLY people who have multiple Uber Uniques.

If they cry stating that they never purchased Mats, then they are piggy-backing off a friend who has.


What a joke… i got 1 (in words: ONE) uber in 8 month playing D4 a few hundred hours.
So i’ll get my desired uber in about 3.5 years^^ - oh wait, i do not play on the eternal realm, so thanks for nothing, Blizzard!


I am a legit player, and by no means do I play all day like some people. Last season I got 2 doombringers, a grandfather, 2 andariels, and a seligs.


So you spammed Duriel with duped mats. That’s not “legit”.


I got like 9 grandpas on eternal. Many shall perish today.

Yea i can imagine a scenario where they drop often enough you can get 5 but not at max rolls. So you can the. Choose to scrap them all for one max roll Uber. Probably not going to work that way. But we’ll see in an hour.

Not true. I have one stash full of duplicate uniques. A lot dropped in NM. They increased drop rate. But i did a lot NM with my sorc to farm gear for more than 2 builds. Depending how much you play.

Dont forget the chance increasement ist not for Duriel runs. It only affects the outside drops which happen once every 100 years.

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what about the generic uniques ? have thousands and just one uber unique


They didn’t patch in the ability to unlock transmogs from the Lunar event when you are playing the wrong class?

I haven’t created alts to unlock them just because I thought they’d fix this; the transmogs are still sitting in my stash.

I have no intention to play those classes this season, but I likely will in future seasons and I want those transmogs unlocked.

I’ll have 3 to salvage but bnet isnt updated on my Steam Deck, so I’ll not find out till this evening.

I’ve never met anyone who’s gotten an uber outside of Duriel or the preseason 1 helltide bug


That will not be in today’s patch but in the next one. Don’t you just love Blizzard’s efficiency? lol

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