To end the debate - Sorc nerf is HEAVY not mild. It got cut in half

TL;DR - Yes it’s a huge nerf. Does it really matter - very little.

I don’t care what camp you’re in. Whether you’re a Sorc player or hater it doesn’t matter. On paper and statistically speaking it is a horrific nerf. Mekuna, arccueid etc. got their speed cut in half in late-game Pit pushing. Wudijo also acknowledge its about half. And comparing some of the footage and CM stats it is in fact a massive difference. Both in procs but primarily so in the number of orbs. No matter what you say, technically the quality of life is down.

But do not panic!

The average casual with low ATS breakpoints and mid gear doing mild content isn’t going to feel a thing. All builds can do this comfortably (101, Helltides etc.). And you can still do T8 and most content relatively easy. Late-game pushing builds and min-maxers will definitely feel it however, and pretty significant as well.

But stop trolling each other. People who cry about it have a point, people who say it doesn’t matter much also have a point. The only sad thing about the whole scenario is that your Barb build was busted for over 5 Seasons and your Sorc build got gutted in less than a week lol. Now let’s shift the focus to Rogue.


Blizzard logic.

Go figure.

Have to agree with this.

is both single target and aoe worse?

Both are in fact worse.

Well im in mid gear

Shako, tyreals, winterglass (mid rolls) ect

And it made my t8s faster, i imagine for the average player this was a buff if it buffed me a wee bit

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And now you know exactly how barb players feel lol.

Poor spear sorcs getting nerfed due to them lagging the servers :sob::pensive: I woud hate that happening to my build

“Now let’s shift the focus to Rogue.” That bit right there, proves you’re nothing more than a mouth breathing basement dwelling troll. Go right ahead and start demanding more nerfs, its a revolving door, we will make sure sorc gets nuked a second time then.


You wore bow ties in high school, amirite?

I keed I keed. :sweat_smile:


Barblo was a barbillionaire for 4 seasons.

Sorc barely lasted a week.


Wrong op you are simply wrong - its not a huge nerf - very minor at least


Oh no its a huge nerf on the high end you went from 60 down to 40 ish spawns

Thats 180%x nerf

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Rogue is boring. And I do not feel nerfed at all. Farming T7, T8 and I don’t see an issue anywhere.

I just wish Barb can have WW Dust Devils back how it was in Season 04. Felt perfect and that would be fun in Hordes.

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no it isnt a huge nerf. you are outside your mind if you think so.

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Sorc is much more powerful now than Barb ever was. Barb got nerfed out of the game for much less.


I was able to carry tormented bosses at level 93 on barb at season start in trash gear. It’s still amazing for what it’s good for. Carrying people early to get uber drops to gear your second rolled char.

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I get what you’re saying but I disagree that it’s a HUGE nerf. The build is too much overpowered.

My Firewall/Firebolt Sorc can melt Tormented Bosses really quick and highest Pit 111 was my highest so far, but at Infernal T7, it struggles in the first wave.

I respec my second Sorc from Conjuration to LS/FO build. It cleared Infernal T7 even with a 0/12 weapon and 0/12 focus. I am using a 5 board paragon that’s for my Conjuration and not optimized for LS/F0.

This build is too overpowered. I would say it’s almost or stronger than Ball Lightning in S2.

Besides the power, the quality of life with this build is way, way, way more relax. You just stand and spam. My Firewall/Firebolt Sorc I have to do multiple dances to get a kill and survive.

So it’s not just overpowered, the QoL is also brain dead pretty much.

Edit: Players who are complaining that their build is performing bad after the patch shouldn’t be playing this game. Build is too overpowered. 0/12 weapon and 0/12 focus has no issues in T7.

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Sick and tired of these sorcs crying on forums. If sorc got nerfed so badly then why is 90% of the people I see in game playing as a sorc and not wanting any other class to group up with other than sorcs? Another pointless thread on forums, sorcs are dominating this season so don’t make false assumptions.

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Dunno how strong the sorc is this season because i never touched that class; but if i see 60/70% of sorcs around there must be a reason i guess :rofl:

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