To end the debate - Sorc nerf is HEAVY not mild. It got cut in half

I definitely felt it doing Torment duriel. It feelsbad, really bad. Good news I feel that another sorc build will rise and be good and fun.

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Usually it doesn’t mean they are strongest, it simply means they received the biggest change.

Remember s1? Many druids but barb was strongest.

S2? Many sorc but barb was strongest

S3? I don’t remember anything, barb was strongest

S4? Many barbs because people figured barbs gonna be strongest anyways might as well play one…

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Highest pit clear = sorc fastest Infernal hordes clear = sorc if you still think sorc got nerfed I assume you’re just trolling at this point.

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They made victimize laughable already. I’ll hot for 3- million and see victimize procs for like 500k on the high end. Definitely doesn’t match the description of the key passive. Pretty sure build would work fine without it.

While I do think sorcerers are the most vocal about “nerfs”, there is no way barb is just awful to play now.

Flay was already a good build last season, just overshadowed by how easy bash/bleed bash were. Just looking at the new setup tells me you probably can nearly spam rupture (which I’m sure still heals enemies sometimes lol) and pick stuff off with flay. Pools of blood for days and the new uniques look to me like they only bolster flay even more.

This game was and shouldn’t be hard, so I can’t imagine anybody is actually struggling because of this change. Blizz going back on their word about nerfing mid season though? Are you really surprised? I was linked a streamer playing that build and made myself watch 2-5min of it. Chain carrying people in Uber Lilith in minutes, I mean how bad could it possibly be?

Cut in half = roughly 5 levels lol

Funny how people get mad at that :stuck_out_tongue:

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If any barb builds broke the servers they would’ve changed those much quicker. Just like they did with the sorc orbs, and the rogue thing a few seasons back. I’m on neither side as I don’t play a sorc mind you, just pointing out the facts.

I do agree your average player won’t ever be affected by this nerf though.


Post nerf sorc is still the top class or at least top 3. Post nerf it cleared 152 pit and melts T8 bosses in 5 seconds. What more do people want?

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A 50% nerf is not heavy.
All classes need way bigger nerfs than that.

A good nerf. But not remotely enough.

“Qualify of life” has truly become the most misused term of all time around there. Not just for this post, but over and over people keep arguing that literaly anything is a quality of life change.

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Was genuinely curious just how ‘bad’ this was comparatively. So thank you for this. I guess people wanted to push to 160-170+ and clear IH in less than 5 seconds. Who knows.

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Last night with Lightning Spear, I soloed two runs in the Infernal Hordes, back to back, and earned over 1000 Aether in each run. Nerf or not, Lightning Spear is still very strong. It can still speedrun the hardest worthwhile content in the game. Why cry about that?


I had fun reading this.

You forgot S5. “Many barbs cried”

Two edits for that terribly lame comeback lol? Read this in the voice of the principal from the simpsons " Pathetic" :rofl:

Don’t worry. Spiritborn is coming. They not only look like raygun dancing, but I am sure blizzard put just as much effort in to it.

This really is what bothers me the most.
I don’t mind them changing things for balance quickly. But why let this nonsense go on for so long?

Well I think it’s about relativity,

This was a nerf, was it huge? What percent did ww/dd get screwed? What percent did hota get killed with?

60/40 = 1.5x

Base damage up from 55-80 …80/55 is 1.45

Progression is slower but makes up by large densities and hitting multiple elite packs…hence whats nerfed is QoL or lazy playstyle, requires some fishing 150+, heavy fishing 160+. But not really build capacity.

Both accruid and mekuna arent elite players at density generation including aceofspades. They fight densities too small to be effective. Rob is capable of density generation from his D3 experiences. Wudi is semi decent at it.

For the rest of 99.95% players who stays on t8 and pit 101, the changes literally causes 0 effect.

It’s barely a nerf. Try playing a Barb if you want to know what nerfs actually look like. The sorc might take 5 seconds longer to kill the t8 council, so 15 seconds total. You need to make sure you’re well hydrated before even attempting them with a perfectly min/maxed meta barb build.

that actually sounds about right though, the progressions arent exactly linear for pits

boss hp doubles in just a few levels