[*tishu's 1.1.4 feedback*]

I apologize beforehand for the TLDR.
A note any links need the the space removed after the H for HTTP. forum oddities :person_shrugging:

Since there are always a few “the devs don’t read these things”

I encourage everyone who loves/hates the game to continue to point out what’s working/not working. These are my thoughts on the issues some of these are not new.

DEAR DEVS :email:
I want you to consider the long-term health of the game vs. the long-term health of the game. In other words yes have balance changes, but if it’s detrimental to the player experience you end up doing more damage. (I know the druid is OP).

  • Communication
    • Blog/Roadmap so we can get a better sense of when/whether the key issues are being addressed/sneak peek of future content. It could just be a name for all we care, it gives us something to talk about.
    • Mechanic breakdown insights of how some of the mechanics work to dispel misconceptions.
    • Lyricana has been a great addition holding down the fort, but could probably use more help. The community generally responds pretty well when a blue post is seen.
    • Feedback on the Feedback It would be great to get some more input on the community feedback “We agree/disagree here’s why/it’s an ongoing talk”

END GAME :game_die:

  • The lack of uniques/legendaries It’s all about the hunt and there’s simply not enough. This is a loot-based game so the loot table should be massive and go beyond previous installments.
  • Post 100 lacks a progression mechanic; This ties into seasons as eternal players have no incentive for continuing legacy characters vs. seasonal powers. The greatest sense of progression for my post-100 was leveling up glyphs.
    • More glyphs: hunting for glyphs should be on par with legendary additions.
    • bump blue glyphs up in level to bring up their usefulness. as well as make rares a bit more scarce.

ITEMIZATION :crossed_swords:
beaten to death but here’s the rundown.

  • Uber uniques are bad by design
    1. Why is there even a subset of uniques? and why are they vastly harder to find and superior to other uniques it just doesn’t make sense.
    2. Even if there were 100 UBER uniques and improved drop rate what would end up happening is a disregard for legendaries leaving everyone wearing similar things. Additionally, as more are added to the loot table, things will naturally get even harder to find the one you want.
    3. The vast power bump is tuned for dmg and not for customization. Uniques should be more skill oriented augmenting/amplifying. As an example; For necromancers, other than the Book of the Dead there isn’t any way to make skeletal mages unique if a player wanted to push in that direction. Vast powerbumps should be gained from further customization, not dmg output. i.e. increase the multishot capacity of mages or insta freeze cold mages. Some credit to aspects i.e. frozen orbit/ice shards; But more is needed.
  • Glyphs keep them as dmg amplifiers to differentiate from items but not exclusive only to glyphs.
  • consolidate confusing affix Lighting/shock/storm, etc. I get that shock skills may not be lighting/storm skills. What exactly is close and far? do you mean melee/range? is far the same as from a distance? What exactly is considered far? These subtleties are confusing, and players are in situations where they don’t know whether something is an upgrade.
  • Reduce situational affixes Some are too situational with too many dead zones i.e. while healthy above 80%, injured below 35%; Just do above/below 50%. Some situational affixes aren’t even stronger i.e. crit with lighting vs. general crit.
  • Magic items could be more prevalent This serves a dual purpose of faster salvage, viewing 2-3 affixes vs. 4, and makes rares rare. A crafting system to create/convert to rare would need to be part of this.
  • Bring druid aspects to other classes Druid has some of the most interesting aspects like X skill is now also a Y-type skill, and would love to see more use of this across all classes.
  • More neutral aspects/unique Some examples which can be converted and not reliant on class skills
    • Azurewrath, Asheara’s Khanjar, Cowl of the Nameless Esu’s Heirloom
    • Snap frozen, aspect of fortune
  • Sacred/Ancestral Highlighted borders are a bit much and can be toned down slightly.
  • Stacking aspects i.e. +1 hydra on helm, chest, etc = hydra master. There would need to be some rebalance/adjustments but the trade-off of customization and hella cool would be worth it. For defensive/Offensive the +100/50% bonus can be utilized more to incentivize only on those armor pieces.
  • Kiss/curse is too wordy Please try to reduce whenever possible.
  • Belts A staple of the Diablo series not sure why it was taken out. We want more affix/aspect customization not less.

STASH :inbox_tray:
There’s a bunch of problems that all bleed into each other.

  1. Tie Aspects to Codex of Power Since stash is filled with aspects, perhaps something like Obols (dust/shards) which allow a reroll of an aspect. (greater dust/shards for perfect rolls)
  2. Loadouts The reason why most people keep aspects/gear are if/maybe builds they may want to try. Having loadouts will free more equipment from the stash.
  3. More Space We just need more in general.

MONSTERS/BOSSES :japanese_ogre:
Engagement/Tactics needs improvement A look back at D3 bosses and its great use of phases, visual/audio cues, and use of environment/positioning.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ6dkKPbWeA&ab_channel=PalmSmash

  • heavy hitters are difficult to recognize.
  • Reduce # of heavy hitters i.e fewer but stronger chargers vs 5 chargers, would make dodging more used in battle.
  • The windup is too fast. We need better cues for heavy attacks.
  • Corpse Bow is at a better place with misses.
  • Shaman Lightning should be toned down.
  • Casters with the teleport need a delay. Currently 1-2 hits and they teleport away is extremely annoying.
  • Mobs are too quiet and could use more death shouts/screams/howls/chants etc.
  • World Bosses They should hit harder. Not enough people are wiping from big attacks. Additionally, I don’t think players should be allowed to revive within world boss zones. This would incentivize resurrects and allow for those hero moments.
  • Butcher I like that he serves as a dread for HC players. What isn’t working is the mechanics of how it plays out leading to some prolonged fights. Some suggestions
    1. remove the butcher icon from the minimap until visually spotted, and make “Fresh meat!” audio cue louder maybe music can play into this to emphasize contact.
    2. The barrier should never be constant and end in him being staggered with no barriers after a short period even without damaging him.
    3. more use of hook making running difficult but not impossible.


  • Player Respawns should be closer to death spot
  • Dungeon Affixes lighting storm, drifting shade, etc… tone it down, they overshadow everything else.
    • why do all affixes have to be bad? Time to complete a dungeon/no deaths for a bonus chest would be neat additions.
  • Highlight gorgeous art details better use of lighting/contrast i.e.
    • h ttps://www.purediablo.com/forums/media/environment-art-for-diablo-iii-blizzard.37505/full
    • h ttps://preview.redd.it/x9v0neqjbo871.jpg?width=3994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454e587d3ab9408b00378e71ce9ff192d82b671f
  • Living World It would be nice if the world seemed like it was going on even if the player wasn’t around.
    • monsters climbing walls more stalactites and rocks falling.
    • In D2 the siege of Mount Areat, in D3 Bastions keep standout
    • Lost Ark h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig_Hel7dZVQ&ab_channel=Aerroon
    • Incorporate hazards into the dungeon i.e. a storm/blizzard starts in X seconds move to the nearest safety pocket.
    • more breakables & hazards h ttps://www.gamereactor.eu/media/16/diablo3_421641b.jpg
    • More use of elevation/stairs/ramps/pillars/objects to kite around.
    • Better indication of helltides: highlight borders

CLANS & GROUP :family_woman_girl_boy:
D4 should lean harder into it’s live service. Clans are key for bullding communities, and fostering group play but currently lack the tools to do so. Here are some things which wouldn’t take much effort. (if you can sneak this into S2 I would be grateful)

  • Last Online need a way to track inactive players
  • More Clan Ranks let us create more.
  • Clan activities clan world bosses/legion events, i.e. after X total monster kills unlock clan worldboss. This solves a few problems incentivizing teamplay/shows who has contributed the most and allows players to engage world bosses more frequently.
  • leaderboards Would be nice to have
  • Looking for group for those not in clans.
  • See member ranks while they are offline not just online.


  • Unique insatiable fury, icon to the right of potions looks bugged
  • Druid wolves would sometimes just continuously walk and not attack a backpacing archer
  • Map pin/path for Ruins of Eridu dungeon positioning needs adjusting
  • Sorcerer shatter key passive does not work on bosses after stagger (again try to eliminate deadzones)
  • Sorcerer winter glyph needs rework.
  • Pallide Delve Dungeon: slay the headhunter and collect the salt-encrusted key, would sometimes not drop preventing the player from proceeding.
  • Being bloodmarked will sometimes prevent a player from joining a party even if they are no longer bloodmarked
  • Entering Ghoa Ruins while mounted on a horse will sometimes cause a crash (was playing as sorc)
  • If a party member leaves the party with 0 revives, and the rest die. The dungeon will not fail and all players would be stuck.


  • Faster run in towns
  • Vendors should open appropriate tabs i.e salvage sigils->opens consumables
  • Teleporting to Nightmare Dungeons teleports into instead of outside.
  • Reroll cost should be capped. It doesn’t feel great to run 10 dungeons to gain some money, roll once and basically waste the entire night. :sob:
  • Have crossplay enabled by default, or highlight crossplay on more.
  • Events: Hitting mastery on an event should end the timer/event prematurely
  • Incense buffs should not disapear upon death.
  • Increase run speed of players while in town.
  • Dungeons doors should be allowed to open by any player and not just the one who has the key.
  • Hotkey for finding the NM dungeons on the world map (I know you can tab, but if you miss that window it’s still very hard to find)
  • Add a lock/favorite to items.

The Butcher is a PITA. Encounters in NM dungeons are to frequent.

Remove Butcher from NM dungeons and this boss a separate run altogether.

Once you achieve level 100 make butcher a dungeon run all on its own.


Take the hint. You can’t really be that dense, can you?

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hell no. butcher in dungeons is fun. probably best part of any dungeon

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I must have scared the Butcher, as I rarely see him anymore when I do get the urge to logon, rarer and rarer these days it seems.

Having worked in game development, I would say these things take time but there is a process.

  1. Requests can get lost in the millions of voices. So it helps to continually send reminders.
  2. If it gets logged and discussed, the devs may simply disagree with the requests
  3. If it’s a bug secondary problems arise in trying to reproduce the bug, fixing, and testing.
  4. updates/fixes are also usually better done in waves, even if it’s a quick fix. There are reasons for this.

The only way the Butcher even makes sense in this game is as a fan-service reminder of Diablo 1 where the Butcher just surprises and shocks you.

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If we humbly acknowledge that they do read the forums. Which is really a long shot, because they respond very selectively if ever.

We should also assume the huge amounts of changes needed to make this game better are being worked on and delivered.

It’s been 3 months. I’m sure people are not blind to see that they plan to do this as slowly as possible and with to no regard of the community.

Most of us have very little expectations already. But hey, the moderators and community managers can read and scratch their heads. While their forums are full of constructive (and unconstructive) criticism they can use.

However as of current, I don’t see much if anything requested, meaning there is no basis to argue against.

Writing here any feedback is close to meaningless, even if you do so. Don’t expect that to make the game better. For that to happen, the developers must want it too.

No ofense but no

Anyone who asks for “post 100 power up” content is just a huge no

If you got to 100 “too fast” then game has given you too much power, simple as that tbh

i.e. your build (or some broken synergy within it unless requiring high amounts of timing/skill to execute) needs a nerf

No Progress after Lvl 100, so why should Ppl even bother. Lots of Friends are back at D3… This Game Needs a Progress Sys or it is Dead.

Aspect management in this game is a god damn chore, to the point that it breaks stash inventory. Yet, instead of addressing the issue, Devs opted for the laziest fix: stash tab search. Which is probably going to be something similar to how the skill tree search is. It’s been months, and their “temp. fix” was to add another stash tab, which they were hesitant to do. The codex system needs an overhaul, and probably won’t even get one during the first expansion. So spare me the “process”.

Here’s a thread with a very simple idea to fix a decent/good part of itemization:

I know I’m kinda promoting this shamelessly :sweat_smile: , but it’s about 10 times less headache to both read and implement than whatever parchment this thread contains lol

Not at all, It’s always good to have more feedback from more sources.

I wanted to cross-promote and bump/highlight this other thread as well since I think there is some good feedback there as well

Is there a Community Wishlist yet of features we like to see? - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)