A very simple adjustment to fix a decent part of itemization

This thread will try to summarize/group-up CCs, impairments and debuffs/curses into a meaningful group

Step 1 - Chilled = Slowed (there’s no point in differentiating the two), but more importantly they both belong to Impairments so no need to separate also

Step 2 - Split CC duration reduction into 3 separate categories (Stun, Freeze, Root) and hard-code their durations at 33%/50%/66% (this is a page from the book of D2, it’s a 4-step switch one way or another), instead of having 10% reduction to all (means literally nothing to anyone)

Step 3 - Add another affix (to Suffering), what is Suffering ?, well

  • Burning, Bleeding, Poisoned, Cursed, Injured = all of that is “Suffering”

So, now we have 3 categories:

  • Immobilized (Root, Freeze, Stun, Knockdown)
  • Suffering (Burning, Bleeding, Poisoned, Cursed, Injured) [or literally could be said affected by overtime or debuffed]
  • Control impaired (Displaced, Chilled, Slowed)
  • CCed - all of the above

And defensively instead of having 1 for Slow, 1 for CI, and 1 for CC, all with low numbers, we have CC1, CC2, CC3, reduce CI if need be so no “CI reduction” is required, or if still in the thought process of needing to have that then add a couple simple ones

  • Evade removes CI
  • Using CD removes CI
  • Overpower removes CI

To summarize ?

There are 4 affixes for offence for all possible CC and CI combinations:

  • Suffering
  • Immobilized
  • Impaired
  • CCed (contains all the 3 above)

And there are (up to) 6 defensive ones:

  • 33/50/66% stun reduction
  • 33/50/66% stun root reduction
  • 33/50/66% stun freeze reduction
  • Evade removes impairments
  • Using a CD removes impairments
  • Event X (somewhat frequent but not too common like Overpower) removes impairments

4 offensive and (up to) 6 defensive ones, but keep in mind that they can just reduce impairment durations by some 25-30% by default and all that won’t be even needed at all so the whole “CC/CI/status” part of itemization gets summarized in 4 offensive and 3 defensive ones (done :slight_smile: )