[*TiSHU's 1.1.3 Feedback*]

Hey Bliz Team, another round of feedback on 1.1.3

It’s great to see some of these changes to crowd control. Areas that still need work

-CC/dmg circles in general just need to be spaced out more. It isn’t fun when the player is forced to take a hit instead of being able to utilize a dodge or step in the right direction.
(remove space behind h on link)
h ttps://i.postimg.cc/9fwTgKc6/elias.jpg

One of my most memorable boss fights was in the earlier part of the game (forgot name) on a hill with hurricanes that was a fun fight that balanced running dodging, and phases.
The majority of bosses now, feel bland in that they seem to just out random skill attacks they have whenever they want without clear distinct phases.

-General engagement with mobs feels a bit bland.
I really like suicide bombers or the walking cannibal with his arms held high ready to strike you down. but I wish more packs of mobs had distinct ways to tackle them. i.e. take out healers/corpse bow first then X then Y dodging special attacks when needed, instead of running in throwing everything at them. Just a tad more brain usage would be nice.

-There hasn’t been a fireside chat in a while so what gives? at least do a dev blog on what the team is working on/roadmap so that we stop asking when are you having the next fireside chat.

Some outstanding issues
(Ideally, consolidate for less confusion i.e. cold/frost, remove kiss/curse entirely as it is too wordy i.e. ice shards shoot 4 shards at less X less dmg-> ice shards shoot 2, generally better build changing aspects (my personal recommendation, allow stacking)

-Please add when a player has been last online. This is very important for larger clans trying to maintain an active community and ideally would be a quick add in season 2.

BUGS (if this was fixed in 1.1.3 ignore)
-Cursed Shrines sometimes spawn units behind an inaccessible door or do not spawn waves entirely causing a fail
-Freezing mobs can sometimes cause floating body parts
h ttps://i.postimg.cc/vZjm4m5n/body-bug.jpg

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This a troll or are you actually so delusional that you think a developer reads anything here, let alone a wall of text post? Even if you were known (are you?) im pretty sure the devs dont even look here for any reason.

Im not trying to sound mean, but of the tens of thousands of well thought out wall of text suggestions, im betting a total of 0 have been entertained by the devs.


“One of my most memorable boss fights was in the earlier part of the game (forgot name)”



most companies definitely do read their social media hence the bans, and them knowing the general sense of where the pain points are.

It mainly works like this moderators read

Twitter/Reddit/forum/other social media, take notes of what are the key issues bring it up to the community manager, and then forward it to the dev team. (Side note I suggested the alpha wolf bug a few posts back and that seems to have been fixed in the last patch or so, coincidence? who knows)

Anyway in general they may not consider changes like “you should do X instead of Y” but they will get a general sense of where the problem areas are. Even for a casual forum reader, you can get the sense that most players feel season 1 was underwhelming etc

@serenity, I was worrying more about the hurricanes and not the name

“tishu’s feedback” LMAO


always better to have a smile than a frown



ok it is a troll, awesome. carry on.

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Some bitter people on here, devs do read topics. I imagine more so with “feedback” in title.

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We do read the forums quite regularly, and are taking community feedback into consideration as we plan future patches for the game. Recent patches have featured improvements requested by the community, with more to come.


20 characters.

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Because they are still holding QoL changes hostage as season content, I’ve only seen negative responses for this and the same QoL changes have been asked for since release

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You guys are selective at best which grievances you address. Some wild game breaking stuff STILL in game. And you guys are out here slinging costume packs like it’s going out of style.

You are in NO way fixing what NEEDS to be done, and only what VERY LITTLE you have to. How is this effective long term?


exactly, as if normal feedback from everyone 1 else is totally ignored but since he adds his own name { weird } any1 will suddenly care…

There is like 1 blue post a week on here lol. Nice try though. And IF you read the feedback and IF your team took it seriously it wouldn’t take 6 months to get resistances to work.

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this. i dont need them to tell me they read it. i need them to show me lol.