Tips for dungeons & feedback D4

I played both weekends and it was a lot of fun! Music,Story, monster, combat, graphic is 10/10 I had a hard time stopping playing! Very deep itemssystem and crafting, very good!! Ideas with extract aspects from legendary to rare items its awesome!

There will always will be a hunt for the best yellow items and that legendary abilities are saved, which is a very good design! then add that they can be upgraded, insert sockets, gems, and creates even more conditions.

I tried all the caves and incredibly nice made ones. What I experienced, maybe more than me who experienced the same thing with the fact that they might need more randoms layouts and title set. What i mean with by randoms maps?

Here an example from act5 randoms layouts maps.
Diablo III ► Reaper of Souls Blizzcon D1 Recap & Analysis Adventure Mode, Rifts, Bounties & More! - YouTube 7:06 - 7:16 Maybe some caves are already like this, but I felt that they are needed more? if there is an opportunity to change now to the release in 6:e june my tips create more of randoms cave paths?.
Maybe add more randoms event like diffrents of quest to.

In the beta this weekend was very appreciated with more monster attributes with cold/posion, enchanted, teleport, more health, multishoot it was fun when the monsters start to make varying attacks on you!! Guess we’ll see more of that in Nightmare? =)


My favorites which I played 10 times each were Mercy’s Reach very nice corridors and rooms and darknes and awesome light!. My tips is to put in knight’s armor that might be a little scattered, which could possibly be broken? =). Can be large paintings on walls? or chairs and tables. Also, any statues that could be put into Mercy’s Reach? like diffrents of animals? like horse, Moose, reindeer,

Exampels Edinburgh Castle - Great Hall - YouTube

Forbidden City I also played a number of times in and even that one I feel would also need more breakable things and also statues, or chests, different types of traps could be put in, make different. More skulls and bones could be added to the floors.